IDW Sonic

>Issue one will be illustrated by Sonic veteran Tracy Yardley, who was revealed with the last cover released.

>The next three issues will each have a different artist, and once the book goes monthly there will be rotating art teams.

>Finally, and perhaps most interestingly, each of the first four issues focuses on Sonic with one of his classic allies, issue one being focused on Tails.


None till we see how it turns out.

I hope it won't be just running in ghz.

> logo cutoff

throw them a bone, SEGA.

OP pic is by Nathalie Fourdraine

>The first four issues are coming out at once not to alleviate pains with starting a new book, but because they would tank sales otherwise.
>Either Ian has learned absolutely nothing, he's taken the praise for the Boom's first four issues to heart and is nearly redoing them, or Sega is being too hands-on and forcing this.


The fact that Ian is writing the series is worrisome enough already.

>Book gets shitcanned at old publisher
>New publisher decides "HEY! Let's hire the same writer that got the book cancelled in the first place!"

Genius, IDW. Fuckin genius.

They didn't hire Penders.

sound like a french name.

Nice shitpost.
I don't want Ian back either, but the cancellation had nothing to do with writing or sales. If it did, Sega wouldn't have paid Ian to write Forces promotional material.

I have mixed feelings on Flynn being the writer for this. On the one hand, it's nice that the book is in the hands of a proven creator, but on the other, I'd like to see someone else's take.

It's like how all the Manhunter stuff has been done by Andreyko, which is fine since he created Kate, but it'd be nice to see someone else write her for once.

I'm hoping for Aleah to get on board at some point: she's pretty good and her and Ian together make for a great combo

Ian didnt get Sonic cancelled. That was all on Archie being too inept at business.

>I hope his wife gets hired.

Nepotism is never the answer.

>Finally, and perhaps most interestingly, each of the first four issues focuses on Sonic with one of his classic allies, issue one being focused on Tails.
So Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Shadow, got it.

Ian was running dry on ideas about a year or two before the cancellation and he was deeeeeeecooooooompreeeeeeeessiiiiiiiing the shit out of his storylines to make up for it. Even before the reboot, that Death Egg and Mecha Sally shit had been stretched out for over a year with no resolution in sight because he was so short on inspiration.

So hiring a guy who was already out of stories to tell to start off your new Sonic comic universe strikes me as a bad idea.

>hiring a writer who's already done some good stories and works well with another writer is never the answer
This time around Ian's only got one sonic book to work with, not 2: Part of the pacing issues were him having to write in 4-issue blocks (which seems like it'll still be a thing?): the unleashed storyline also got extended by the 2nd crossover showing up unexpectedly in the middle and diddling away three months and the hiatuses happened afterwards

I don't hold out much hope for it not to be sjw infested garbage.

it's not like they're bringing in new writers though, just a guy who's been with the comics for over a decade


I don't even disagree, but framing it as a poor business move or acting like he's the reason Archie Sonic got cancelled is disingenuous. His problems were less a lack of ideas and more like an obsession with foreshadowing and failure to provide appropriate substance.

Half the man's output is exposition and fanservice in place of stories. There's a lot of issues that aren't interesting to read a second time because they're all about setting up future stories even though you could easily interweave these elements into worthwhile issues. He had a bad habit of creating subplots the target audience could never possibly care about and then fail to give it enough depth to interest the periphery demographic, too.

Look at a good adventure or comedy show/book/etc for kids. When you have a subplot about the government being manipulated, the governors are simple characters you can easily boil down to less than five words. The point is the manipulator; who they are, what they're doing, how they bounce off of or change a situation for the heroes. There's no point in spending issues to slowly make a case for the idea that politicians are faliable human beings. The kids are interested in how the heroes are being challenged and the adults feel bored and condescended to.

Same deal with the AI debate. You COULD waste issues showing it's divisive and make a useless story where both characters say "I was stupid I'm sorry :(" ...Or you could just incorporate the subplot into actual stories and have the characters cool off like actual sapient creatures and make up outside of the exposition cube. Kids don't care as long as they make up, adults are annoyed and bored, everyone lacks a reason to ever re-read that story.

Yes, hiring from family and the existing friend circle alone is a great idea.

I'd rather they just asked Ian to supervise and got Leah and a bunch of new blood on writing duties.

>I don't hold out much hope for it not to be sjw infested garbage.
>Every other publisher

You think it's just an IDW thing?

onic the Hedgehog #2—Cover A: Tyson Hesse
Ian Flynn (w) • Adam Bryce Thomas (a) • Tyson Hesse (c)
Sonic’s new adventure continues, and when he comes across another town in need of saving, his old pal Amy arrives just in time to join the fight! The banter is fun, and the stakes are high, but things get really serious when Amy presents Sonic with a big request: rejoin the Resistance!
*Retailers: See your order form for incentive information.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Expected in-store date: 4/11/18

So I guess the series will start with Sonic Forces.


Don't know what you're excited about. Yardley lost his touch years ago. He hasn't even drawn a good Eggman in years

>Sonic Forces adaptation

well he's only doing the first issue and the occasional arc afterwards (he's got regular work on that Archie Cosmo book Ian's writing)

Ian's the bigger problem here. Have any of you read Cosmo? Dreadful.

I think the issue can be summed up in that Ian forgot he was writing a kid's book and started writing for the 30-somethings in the audience, rendering the thing off-putting and boring to anyone younger than that.

So looks like its just gonna be Archie 2.5 with this series isn't it? Dang.

Might not be an adaptation, but rather an aftermath. The fact that Amy is apparently asking Sonic to rejoin the resistance implies it already happened.

Can we just pretend Forces never happened?

>everything is exactly the same, save for a loss of characters and continuity that's been building up for years
bravo ian

>Rejoin the resistance
So either this takes place after Sonic returns from the Death Egg, or Eggman is mass producing again and this takes place after the events of Forces.

Isn't like 90% of both Forces and Mania just illusions anyway?

But then we have to pretend that Infinite didn't happen and I don't want that

20-something, but that's semantics.
He understands the Sonic brand, but not how to write effectively for it. It's less he forgot and more the editors not holding his hand anymore.


It's very unclear how much of Mania is, seeing as the Phantom Ruby is capable of both time/space manipulation AND illusion making.
Forces was full of illusions, but Tails being a little bitch was all too real.

eh some of the issues of the reboot and megaman comics (like the pacing being wrecked by having to write for the trades and the 2nd crossover) could be tied back to editor Paul Kaminski

i liked it t b h

I feel like the Ruby's power is too inconsistent between Mania and Forces. For Mania, outside of upgrading the Heavies and random teleports, it shows no more purpose as a MacGuffin than the usual Chaos Emeralds, but then Forces makes it more confusing with all the talk of creating real VR and whatnot.

>"New, new, new, new"
>Starts with a weird pseudo-Forces adaptation?
Flynn, I like you, but what the hell

>Amy presents Sonic with a big request: rejoin the Resistance!
If this lasts past the initial arc then I have no interest in picking up the book. I was sick of the whole Freedom Fighter dynamic by the time Archie was nearing the end. Doing it again except with new characters kills my interest.

He plays the company byline no matter what.

When Archie's sales pitch was "don't worry, everything will still matter" he stuck by it until it was safe to say otherwise. Same deal here.

You can only pass the buck so far. A lot of that is still on Ian.

What's wrong with it?

I thought Ian got moved to head writer/editor of this and wouldn't be doing every issue. If that is case, don't see the problem here.

Remember what we could have gotten instead

It's an absolute snoozefest. It reads like one of those parodies of bad sci-do cartoons you see in other media, but completely unironically.

He's the only writer so far and he is not the editor.

>Mania-fags shitting on Forces for no reason again
Shock, gasp.

I'll take this instead, thanks.

>people shitting on a mediocre game for being mediocre
Shock, gasp.

>mediocre games deserve to be ruthlessly shat on at every possible opportunity
Then why does Mania, a glorified romhack, get so much praise, and treated like it's the second coming of Jesus fucking Christ?

Because the people who made it genuinely cared about it. Forces was dead on arrival, hence the damage control from marketing and lowered price.

Forces gets no sympathy from me. 4 years for what feels like a lazy uninspired game is unacceptable.

Passion does not equal quality. Again, it's little more than a glorified romhack that Sega picked up because why the fuck not. And it comes with all the obnoxious kaizo whoreshit one expects from such a thing.

Also, how was Forces "dead on arrival"? I guess it was simply no match for the snob army who already decided that everything that isn't Mania is automatically shit.

>lowered price
Games having a lower price tag is a bad thing now, is it?

>Honey is gone
Fuck my life.

Bro just accept you made a bad purchase and move on

Mania was a fun replication of the classics that improved on many aspects of them and managed to be a solid and enjoyable experience from start to finish. Forces didn't do most of what it said out to do correctly. Both could have easily had "passion", but Mania is clearly where the quality lies, and the review scores sure show it.

Being a "glorified romhack" doesn't make it not-good. Your words can be twisted. The nature of a game's originality does not equal quality.

No one cares about Honey except the ultra-nerds who played what was literally "Fighting Vipers: Sonic Edition".

No she's not. Honey is a game character, so she's safe. And Flynn is writing, so she'll probably show up eventually.

>Sonic nerds calling one another ultra-nerds
We gotta stop burning our own camp down.

Speak for yourself, kiddo

man I hope Skelly returns (Seems likely at this point)

>"Bro, just accept the groupthink."
Fuck you and all the other Mania drones.

>a replication of the classic games
Well no wonder it's shit. It's like if the classic games were designed by self-congratulatory fantards.

>Being a "glorified romhack" doesn't make it not-good.
That's exactly what makes it not-good. Or am I supposed to hive into the hivemind and pretend like the Metal Sonic fight and the final zone were good? Nah, mate. Fuck off.

You're funny.

>the lack of originality makes the whole package bad
>the people who like it are a hivemind so it's bad
>classic games are bad because they're designed by people I don't like
yeah okay (You) win

I have no love for either, but Forces seems outright laughable when you consider it came from a AAA studio. The moment Classic Sonic showed up in the trailer we knew exactly what it was going to be, and the reskinned Death Egg Robots wasn't too comforting either.

Flynn specifically has confirmed he can still use Honey.

We didn't need him to say that. She's just barely a canon game character, so she's free to be used however IDW wants.

I haven't bought many IDW comics, how soon before publication of a new title from them can I buy a subscription?

What exactly is this supposed to accomplish? It's not like we have a clear idea yet what Flynn's plans were post-247. I feel like any fan continuation of Archie Sonic should wait for him to finish Lost Hedgehog Tales (however many years that takes).

IDW doesn't do subscriptions.

>but Tails being a little bitch was all too real.
being fair he saw someone who was like his brother get gangbanged by every guy they fought and then murdered right in front of him. that's gonna fuck somebody up

I'm pretty sure their original plan was to wait for LHT, but it took too long and they wanted to get started. So it's just going to be a continuation with their own ideas rather than following Ian's original plans.

Also let's be real, LHT is never coming out.


No Freedom Fighters no buy


I will buy two issues if the Freedom Fighters aren't in it.

I wonder if the comic could sustain itself on two issues sold

looks like sally with a wispon

Either it's her or a convenient lookalike.

Came here to post this. Could it REALLY be Sally?

It might now that Archie doesn't have Sonic anymore. The only reason he stopped was because Archie's lawyers asked him to.

>it's a Sally redesign

Sally with a monster squirrel hand tail!

The game isn't exactly great, but narratively it is the perfect starting point for a reboot to latch on to. It's similar enough to SatAM while introducing classic and modern Sonic as separate entities and you do whatever story you want with either without coming across as tone-deaf.

Of course it's Sally.

Does anyone really think they'd silhouette and hype up an original character that nobody cares about? Unless that's a --really-- surprising Mighty the Armadillo it doesn't appear to be any existing game character.

And of course despite telling us several groups of characters that cannot/will not show up in the new comic, they've explicitly kept mum on the original freedom fighters all this time.

My only question is if Nicole is going to be a hologram or will they nix that as it's too close to Archie.

The Forces OC that conveniently looks like Sally.

This is what I'd expect.

I think that's just her/his hand looking large because of perspective.

Skelly was so underrated.

Personally liked Skelly's style better than Stanley's actually.

(Not saying Stanley's is bad, but she does tend to be way more "static" with her panels. Skelly does dynamic scenes way better)

Look at the eyelash and legs, it's a girl

The biggest factor is who's doing the inking. Most of the sketches look fine, but bad inking ruins any good sketch.

>Classic ally

Shhh, SEGA doesn't want you to remember that

Truth. ABT among many other artists got fucked hard by half the inkers in Archie.

>possibility of no holo-nicole if she returns

Who's got the rights to Nicole's lynx body, anyway? I know it's not Ian and thankfully not Penders, but I don't recall any legal headaches over her.