Where were you when weebs got BTFOed this year?

Where were you when weebs got BTFOed this year?

Also anyone that said Emoji Movie was gonna get nominated over Loving Vincent deserved to be lynched

Other urls found in this thread:


Breadwinner and loving Vincent gonna get snuffed by Disney just like every year

>The Boss Baby
The absolute state of Western animation

>Boss Baby
>Coco probably going to win despite not desrving it
>haha weebs btfo
American entertainment is dying in front of you for fuck sake.

>Being happy that trash like Boss Baby won the nomination because "Weebs BTFO"

>weebs got BTFOed
>Boss Baby nominated
yet again the west embarrasses itself

These are garbage-tier nominations but I'm really glad that weebs got BTFO

>Weebs get good movies
>Americans get shit movies
Is this how Americans justify shitty products all the time?

I fail to see why anyone, especially weebs, should give a fuck about these nominations and awards. Fucking Boss Baby is on that list. And everyone knows Coco is just gonna take it regardless.
Award shows are a circlejerk for rich, smug assholes.


>>Weebs get good movies
Like the normal fags shit Kimi no na garbage?

OP are you a retard?

>I fail to see why anyone, especially weebs, should give a fuck about these nominations and awards.
They were literally seething the other day.
I don't really know why they care about something they hate

>good movies
Such as?

t. assblasted weeb

Brainwashed by American media to believe the Oscars actually matter

>for that movie not to be in over these two obscure freakin’ Chinese fuckin’ things that nobody ever freakin’ saw [an apparent reference to the Japanese film The Tale of the Princess Kaguya, as well as the Irish film Song of the Sea]? That is my biggest bitch.

>Frankly, I didn’t see any of them.

>I’m a dog lover, so this one was no contest.

>I don’t think I should be able to vote for this category either, but I can’t resist another opportunity to support Guardians of the Galaxy. It should get something.

>I went again with Guardians of the Galaxy, just to kind of recognize it.

>I didn’t vote here. I’m not so much into special effects pictures, you know? That’s the world that we’re in now, but I’m not in that world. I’m interested in character-driven stories.

Both Americans and Japanese movies were shit this year.
Except Batman the Lego movie

Made in Abyss and Devilman are better than any western show in ages so IDGAF

>back to youtube comments faggot.

>Made in Abyss
Sup, pedo

You're aware of what board you're on, right?

Learn how to green-text you fucking newfag assblasted weeb

devilman was boring as fuck and so badly drawn it hurts, it only has like two good episodes

>Made in Reddit
>Better than anything

>I have seen none of them. I have no interest whatsoever. That ended when I was 6. My son dragged me to a few when he was 6; I would seat him and go outside and make phone calls.

>I liked them all about the same, so I decided not to vote.

Why do you care so much about something voted on by people who have no interest, knowledge, or appreciation of the medium?

if you want to talk about the oscars
make the thread about the oscars
not weeb shit
eat my cock
take ur bait to Sup Forums

Dunno, tell that to the weebs

Its better than any western show in years, yeah.

I'm not sure what makes it reddit other than you not liking it.

>if you want to talk about the oscars
>make the thread about the oscars
Preferably over at while you're at it

Is based in an fedora edglord story where the villain turn into a complete retard in the last minute

>My son dragged me to a few when he was 6; I would seat him and go outside and make phone calls.
What a loving and caring father

I think you're confusing it with a different series, shitposter-kun.

Reading comprehension brah, the weebs aren't the ones hyping up the sad sad oscars animation picks

I see MiAfags have spread to other boards and are shilling their garbage-tier series

>lmao God is evil, Demons are the victims

>the weebs aren't the ones hyping up the sad sad oscars animation picks

I've been here for years and I'm not going anywhere, lol.

I had no idea MiA triggered Sup Forums shitposters so hard though.

user I asked why MiA was reddit. Please learn to read.

Luciferianism Gnosticism? Sounds good.

I don't really hate MiA, but the pacing of the first 8 episodes is really really bad, and it would've been forgotten if it weren't for the loli torture at the final episodes

>He doesn't like my beloved pedo series so he must be a shitposter

The only episodes with shitty pacing are 6 and 11. Otherwise the show's pretty solid, especially the first five episodes. Not sure how anyone could think something like episode 1 had wonky pacing.

>user I asked why MiA was reddit
Reddit loved it

Reddit loves breathing, too.

I sure love it when clueless people shit on series they didn't even watch
Also the lolicon vibes are the only problem I've had in that show, everything else is great.

Nah, all the first 8 episodes have garbage-tier pacing, what carried it was the top tier OST and good animation and the one thing that stopped people from dropping it from the first 3 episodes was MiA fans saying that it will get dark soon

>user I asked why MiA was reddit

That's pretty wierd since almost everyone praised the first episode for being such a strong pilot.

But hey I'll take disagreeing with someone over talking to a shitposter who hasn't watched it any day of the week.

>Loving Vincent
>The breadwinner
finally we can show the world that animation is more than something exclusively for kids but an art form to tell stories with
>Boss baby

>That's pretty wierd since almost everyone praised the first episode for being such a strong pilot.
Literally most of the threads have the words "when will it get dark?" "You guys told me this will get good soon, but it didn't" "when will this shit get good like you told me? It's fucking boring".
And it explode after the loli torture

So did a large chunk of Sup Forums and pretty much any other anime community last year.

Why do 12 year olds on this website make it a part of their identity that they only go here and nowhere else? Only insecure faggots care about that sort of shit.


I haven't seen a single thread like that on Sup Forums. And going off reviews, most people had high praise for episode 1. Hell you had people recommending it as a kids show, clearly not knowing how heavy it gets.

>I haven't seen a single thread like that on Sup Forums.
Literally just cheak the archives of Sup Forums

I was in those threads, most of the complaints were from obvious shitposters and a few people assblasted about no Bondrewd arc. Sup Forums voted it anime of the year.

>Boss Baby and Ferdinand nominated
>but weebs got BTFO


>And going off reviews, most people had high praise for episode 1.
Not him but the only the only episodes which made a buzz were ep 1 and the later 3 episodes.
Everything else went under the radar when it aired for the first time

But user, all the episodes are pretty highly reviewed. Just because people had OMG I CANT BELIEVE IT reactions to episode 10 doesn't make the show badly received beforehand.

Bitch I even watched Edgy lord dante that is pretty much the original version of the show

>I was in those threads,
Well, I was in those too, and they were exactly as I said
>most of the complaints were from obvious shitposters
Not everyone who has an opinion you don't like is a shitposter
>Sup Forums voted it anime of the year.
where am I? Reddit?

I really don't know why loving vincent is even in the animation category, isn't it a mix of live action, rotoscoping, CGI and classic paintings? what makes it different from let's say Avatar? Avatar was like 85% CGI animation

>all the episodes are pretty highly reviewe
Where are these reviews and it was made By whom exactly?
Because I was on Sup Forums the whole time when this shit was airing

Are you mashing on your keyboard because you find that funny or are you just having a stroke?

Hey there's an easy one

>Because I was on Sup Forums the whole time when this shit was airing
The board that voted Made in Abyss as the anime of the year, right? Yeah they totally hated Made in Abyss.

Ledditors make me laugh

How do you handle reflective surfaces without busting a gut?

>MAL review
>The board that voted Made in Abyss as the anime of the year, right?
OH NO NO NO NO he's going at full force

I'm not even sure what you're trying to prove anymore.

A few shitposters doesn't change the fact that the reception was by far mostly positive

Oh no, you don't understand. Sup Forums HATES Made in Abyss. I'm not going to post any evidence but its a reddit show and you're just going to have to take my word for it.

If Japan really loves it, then why the sales are so shit?

Why is Sup Forums so assblasted over anime? I rarely see people on Sup Forums talking shit about cartoons or talking about them at all. Also the animation Oscar is literally worthless, Nick's Kids Choice Awards are probably more prestigious than it.

>Back to the gay community.

Yes, after the loli torture scenes pedos went at full force

Sales were pretty good for overpriced BD sets, and it did well enough to get a followup.

>all those same faces
>all those same color palettes
>all those wasted talents

Hey what's up, Sup Forums is here and I really like made in abyss because you know, I'm just one person

If its a show for pedos then why doesn't Sup Forums love it?

This doesn't really work when most people on Sup Forums had positive things to say about MiA, though.

BDs were pretty medicore and it didn't even break the 7k mark.
And not to say the most important sales which is the manga sales are garbage

The manga series is just now getting translated to English. Before the anime it was fairly niche, so I guess we'll see how it fares.

>most people on Sup Forums had positive things to say about MiA
"most people on Sup Forums had positive things to say about SAO"
see? I can do it too but it can never be true

Well now you're just being silly, user.

I meant in Japan you dumbfuck

And I meant it was fairly niche in Japan, you exceptional individual. Or did you not remember the whole almost getting canceled thing?

>The manga series is just now getting translated to English.
Why would they? The latest vol in Japan sold about 50k only.
It will be even a bigger flop in here

>fairly niche
It didn't even get an anime boost, it's a flop user just accept it

Alrighty, user. Thank goodness we know that sales determine quality.

I'm accepting that Sup Forums has a really amusing hateboner for this series.

>weebs got BTFOed

Jesus Christ, the US will do anything as long as there's a general feeling of 'nationalism is winning, MURIKA'.

All hell will break loose if you guys actually look up where some of this stuff was animated.


The fact that animation is on there proved they're no longer content jerking off hollywood, now they'll just jerk off whatever crap gets flung out that year.

This is the problem with yearly awards; some years, no-one deserves an award in certain categories, and others half the films released deserve a nomination of some kind at the very least.

And yes, that includes Japanimation this year.

How the everloving fuck to you guys tell all 50,000 of them apart?

I don't know, user. How do you tell the difference between all the flash cartoons you guys consume here?

Coco's pretty good and I can respect the effort that went into loving vincent. Something deserved to win this year but Boss Baby didn't deserve to be within a 5 mile radius of a nomination. I hadn't exactly kept up on Japanese animated movies last year but I'm certain they produced at least one thing that was better than that piece of trash.

lol, no one can tell the difference, literally all of them are the same shit. flash is cancer and everybody here knows it

I don't think Sup Forums hates it yet but they will when people outside their sekret club start liking it. Sup Forums hates anything that gets popular. I can remember back when everyone there fucking loved Gurren Lagann. As soon as it got popular though they turned on it like a landwhale on Joss Whedon.

But everyone outside their sekret club already likes it. Most of the negativity I've seen about the show has been here on Sup Forums.

Best Animated Short Film

Dear Basketball; Glen Keane and Kobe Bryant

Garden Party; Victor Caire and Gabriel Grapperon

Lou; Dave Mullins and Dana Murray

Negative Space; Max Porter and Ru Kuwahata

Revolting Rhymes; Jakob Schuh and Jan Lachauer
I only saw Revolting Rhymes
Has anybody see the others?

>The best US has to offer is Boss Baby.
>Europe puts out Breadwinner and true art in Loving Vincent.
>Japan created Koe no Katachi.

I wouldn't know about winning but I sure as fuck know who LOST at animation this year.

at least Coco was good