Objective: Make Sup Forums cry

Objective: Make Sup Forums cry


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Still no porn

you win, the entire iroh's story is great, he can help other but could help his son.

Leaves from the vine.

falling so slow

This scene really got me. Even the gif gets at me.

Iroh is best dad.

I wanted to post this movie, but it doesn't have any gut punch moments above all others. It's a cumulative process.

i dont remember this episode


first post saddest post


Thanks for the reference user, I haven't seen this and it looks like it'll be good to check out.

Well you did it user, I'm crying now


The ending of Mask of the Phantasm.

I know that Batman is angsty to the point of parody sometimes, but God, the ruined relationship between Andrea and Bruce just kills me every time.

For extra bawling, listen to the lyrics here:

That show you liked that got canceled

>never actually explained how Chucky's mom died


Best filler episode of all time.

How did Chaz have so much game




For some reason I always thought it was inferred that she had cancer, or some other terminal disease.

>so nobody's ever noticed you?
>"there was someone..."

Why would I cry about cuckfederates getting BTFO? Also that is not Sup Forums.


inb4 some Sup Forumstard says "the civil war wasn't even about slavery, soy boy"


>All those stock sound effects
>Walking up to and standing in front of cannons
>That garbage cinematography
>Cuckfederates getting (ltierally) blown the fuck out
Didn't made me cry, made me lol



Is it bad that this move didn't make me cry? I just found the main characters annoying, they're just too stupid, they died because they chose not to take the situation seriously until it was too late and chose to ignore the safety advice in the manuals. Annoying, dumb complacent boomers the pair of them.

Movie name?

They followed the safety manuals to the letter you idiot. They're not stupid, this was made in the eighties. This is exactly what they thought would protect them. They did everything in the manual and it did nothing. When everyone was afraid of nukes falling there were all these instructional manuals on how to survive it - all of them were completely full of shit. The governments of the world just didn't want their citizens freaking out thinking that they would die immediately and there was nothing they could do (even though there really wasn't anything they could do). The manual they followed was pointless, he may as well have done nothing at all. That's the point of the movie - it was all futile. No matter what they did they were going to die. They did everything "right" that their government told them to and they died.

When The Wind Blows

Christ I hate you. I hate you so much. They were an old couple who didn't understand the intricacies of nuclear warfare and trusted their government to help them like in the War. Instead they got fucked by the terrible advice given to them.

They're older than Boomers.

>had oneitis
>dated oneitis
>broke up with oneitis
>found better more appreciative gf
>am romantically satisfied


I'm not crying from sadness this time, but from laughter

>they died because
It's a nuclear apocalypse. They would have died no matter what they did. They took it seriously and prepared as much as they could but it doesn't matter. One of the themes (of this film or any other nuclear apoc fiction) is how futile any attempt at survival is.

Also, they're from the silent generation.

When the Wind Blows.

Actually in the movie the lady exposed herself to fallout by trying to get the washing in as the bombs were dropping. Causing a clusterfuck that definitely led to their demise.

But that's just movie logic, in a real nuclear war 90% of the population will survive, and it takes fifteen minutes before the radiated fallout to lands so she should have been safe. After the initial 14 days, surface radiation exposure will have dissipated enough that it will cause less cancer deaths than smoking or drinking alcohol.

Nuclear holocausts in old movies are kind of exaggerated

Here you go Sup Forums


like fragile tiny shells

>in a real nuclear war 90% of the population will survive

Yes, and? Thousands of nuclear bombs have been tested on the planet, the nuclear fallout from war isn't going to doom the human race like it's portrayed in movies. It's not going to cause a Nuclear Winter like Threads proposes. The biggest killer after the initial bomb blasts will be the disruption to the agricultural food chain which will cause famine for the immediate short term.





I didn't expect the feels to be this strong.





Yes, in any plausible worst case war scenario, where everybody is lobbing bombs at each other's targets, the initial nuclear blasts will only kill about one in ten people worldwide.

>all of them
>even the zelda fanfiction i wrote when i was 10

Oh boy.

Could've just asked her to make him another book
What a fucking cuck lmao, this isn't sad
Spineless bitch

drifting in the foam

It's similar to how any realistic modern plague would only kill 3 - 5% of humanity

Little soldier boy, come marching home

A) why do you think it would stop there?
b) way to ignore the thing about nuclear weapons that kills loads of more people than the initial impact, i.e. the fallout

gutless faggot should have punched the cunt

>it doesn't have any gut punch moments
The culmination of Bill's long, difficult struggle to face, fight, and overcome his dementia, that sweet cathartic moment where it looks like everything will be okay and he see beauty again, know peace again, live again, love again...
... only for the movie to yank the rug out from under you a second later and reveal the procedure failed and he's condemned to the slow, terrifying loss of his memory, his personality, and his sense of self.

Brave soldier boy, comes marching home


>Do not grive ...

When they don't want you