ITT: Saddest deaths in Sup Forums media

>Falling forward, Bane wrapped his thick legs around the back of a nearby seat and seized the CIA agent’s head with both hands. His wrists were still cuffed together, but that didn’t stop him from cracking the American’s neck as easily as someone else might tear open a candy wrapper.

>The nameless operative died instantly, far from home.

In the movie canon, CIA survives.




pic related.
also RIP CIA.

What's that from?

Hitman by Garth Ennis.

>Is named Wilson just two paragraphs above that

thank you

...But you gotta leave your guns at the door.



He didn't deserve it


Needs an edit with a bit of blood splatter on the smiley face button.

>We get "Robin" instead of CIA Rises
What the fuck Nolan?

That would have been a weird name, user.


s-she's coming back though r-right!? Captain Hollister to the rescue in her psychic vampire airship!

He wasn't shot before being thrown out of the plane.

It's like you didn't even watch the movie.

Would have made for a better ending. Who made this?