Are they finally sending the O5 back? This is the cover of upcoming X-Men Blue with a new team line-up...

Are they finally sending the O5 back? This is the cover of upcoming X-Men Blue with a new team line-up, none of which are O5.

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O5 are stuck in a crossover with Venom that's exploding into a mini event so they're "gone" for 3 months.

two sons in the same team, i wonder what will haooen

>Wolverine jr


Is that slut with the pigtails and blue jacket Jubilee?

No, I think it's a new character.

besides based Lorna, this is a shit team

Bunn's OC.

getting sick of all the wolverine wannabes, now we have to per team. disgusting

>Two Wolverines
It's as if they want me to not read this.

They just make a W-Force team book starring Logan, OML, Wolvy jr, Daken, Laura, and meme girl.

>two wolverine characters
>alternate storm from another timeline that's a vampire instead of jubilee

wow having polaris lead a group would be great if the group she was leading wasn't so lame and unoriginal

isn't Legion her boyfriend?

Fuck the rest of you; I fucking love both Wolverines. Its the best I'm gonna get until they do some sort of "Sins of The Father" Mini with these two, or a Wolverines vol 2.

Wish Jimmy was in more crossovers though, Daken's in fucking Iceman for christsake

That team is so fucking awful and those "costumes" are shit too. I know generally the idea of cancelations and restatings has had problems but the X-books desperately need it.

End every book, get good creators on them. Restart with Uncanny X-Men, X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor, Excalibur and New Mutants (or Generation Next). Give them each an identity (Excalibur should basically just be what Astonishing is and based in England; give it to Ewing so the Ewingfags shut up) too. Honestly this will be blasphemy but try to capture the feeling of the first half of the '90s where the teams felt different but part of a larger whole with new mutant villains, new characters popping in and out, etc.; X-Factor would be the government team for example.

Just do something. The books need a complete breath of fresh air and a refocusing and having guys like Bunn, Taylor and Guggenheim with bottom of the barrel rosters, color names and awful costumes isn't it.

What hideous costumes.

What's going on with Xorn now days? Probably the most confusing character ever. Last I saw in Secret Empire, Emma Frost was controlling him, dunno if he was alive or dead but was just Emma's puppet.

Could be Blindfold

Secret Empire is tough, as it's indicative of canon but not really.

Basically, the status is "Whatever the writer and editor decide on"

Now that Bendis has jumped ship to DC, The Shogun has authorized full scorched earth operations against everything Bendis touched at Marvel. Jessica Jones and Defenders are cancelled. O5 getting sent back. Kitty marrying Colossus. Riri getting shipped off to the Champions ghetto while Tony becomes the head of Iron Man again. Miles getting a new non-Spider-man name.

None shall be able to withstand Akira Yoshida's 鬼スラッシュ.

Is it just me or do their legs look weird

*YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sounds at the background*

Why is Daken even there? There's no way he can be redeemed.

member when Storm was one of the most popular X-men characters?

That's not storm, it's an alternate universe version where she's a vampire.

they aren't that bad. its the poor choice of characters that's the problem

i think it's because they're being drawn longer than usual? like sailor moon art or something

The O5 are just busy in the various Venom crossovers

It'll probably be a whole X-event when they get sent back

Iceman is the only book that hasn't tried since Logan died

I think they might send the back after that, it's looking like Teen Jean is dead and she was leader of the team. Can't see them going on without her. I'm going to be really disappointed if she survives and they just go on as usual with two Jeans.

>Guy who hasn't read X-Books in 5 years here

This shit sucks eh.

You aren't missing much.

Jean's in the Venomized crossover, and Phoenix Resurrection isn't over yet. Teen Jean may not stay dead

You can't send the O5 back without Jean.

They're in time travel shenanigans now so no real telling where it will lead. Now's the best time for them to return since they have the ability to time travel, and don't have Bendis holding them back.

I have no idea if this is going to last, Lorna being the leader says it won't but I like the lineup, and I love the costumes perfect blend of New X-Men and The original Ultimate X-Men.

Jimmy: killed
OML: sent back
Gabby: put in school
Daken: goes bad guy
Laura: leaves X-Men, becomes great again
Logan: fixes the X-Men

>jimmy hudson and daken
for what reason
even one of those would be too much

No Exiles? Shame!

>Kitty marrying Colossus

at least that is gonna lead to cassandra nova being reborn as their kid

She will be back after Phoenix Resurrection. Her solo last issue is coming out 31st.

>It was all leading up to this… young Jean Grey vs. the Phoenix! But after all her training, this might be a battle that she wasn’t prepared for at all. Now, trapped in a prison with former Phoenix hosts, Jean must use everything she’s learned to bust out! All this, plus what was up with that ghost Jean Grey?! Guest-starring Rachel Summers, Emma Frost, Quentin Quire, the Cuckoos and Hope!

This is the worst it's been in 20 years.

Well yeah a new Exiles book would be nice too. A real Exiles book, not this trash Marvel has dressed up as an Exiles book.

>bringing Cassandra Nova back
as if it isn't shit enough already

Okay, I need a rundown on Polaris and why you all prefer her over Wanda?

When Lorna goes crazy she ruins weddings

When Wanda goes crazy she ruins the X-gene pool

I fucking love this team.
I really do.
I'm under the assumption this is true.
Why do people hate Xorn? He's awesome.


Bring Iceman onboard and make them hate fuck like they should have in his comic. Daken will fuck the gay right out of him.

Her name is Gazing Nightshade.


Why is cosplay magneto on this X-men team?


Why this guy is still around, didn't he die like 3 times?
Doesn't help he's boring as sin

So did Colossus. It's capeshit.

Remember how rapey he was under Phoenix? I remember. He was really rapey.

The villains of this story are Emma, Havok, Bastion and Claudine Renko/Miss Sinister.

If they replaced Bastion with someone like Shaw, that would be a good antihero team.

I'm a filthy tertiary, who are these?

I only recognize Wolverine's son, Polaris and storm, who are the other three? Albino Logan, grown blind Boo and skull helmet?

Left is Xorn and Jimmy Hudson, Wolverine's son from Ultimate universe who for no reason traveled to the regular universe to join X-Men Blue. Right is Bloodstorm who's alternate reality vampire Storm and Darken, normal universe Wolverine's son. Middle is Polaris and the girl at the bottom is a new character that showed up earlier in this run.

It doesn't matter how much years pass, I still think they could just build new character with similar powers or even the same powers (they don't really need to be unique) instead of alternate universe bullshit.

He even sucke din Ultimates too me
at least after I dropped it
>hey guys you know how we just killed of all the X-Men?
>well here's a bunch of totally distinct replacements
>also Cyclops got shot

Daken is the only good part of this team tbqh

This. Current Marvel has raped Daken he needs a cool down. And Fuck alternate dimension blonde wolverine.

I thought that was blindfold but with Marvels trends lately itll be OC.

I dont hate Xorn but he has baggage all the way from his beginning that some people did not get over.

Pretty much this but I am willing to give Xorn a chance. I havent been following what is Xorn now? He was a sublime creation originally that thought he was Magneto pretending to be Xorn. Then another Xorn showed up that turned out to be the real one. Is that the one that showed up with Emma?

I really want the O5 to be either absorbed or blinked out of existence and Jimmy should go with them. The rest of the alternative dimension characters need to be honestly judged for potential and given a yay or nah as well.

And Daken needs to be fixed holy fuck did they rape his character.

>Alternate reality storm

I didnt know this was a thing. The Marvel universe needs a purge. Throw the things you want to save in exiles. Bring Scott back.

You have not read Daken lately.

Well no one really knows if the girl is blindfold or a new character or what, she's unrecognizable with the costume.

Wait Xorn is a thing? I thought he was Magneto, I'm guessing that was retconned?
I haven't been following.

>Daken and Jimmy

Oh shit, now I miss the O5.

Ironic how they replace the O5 with younger version of existing characters that aren't O5. Even comic books can't escape the movie trend of everything being a remake, sequel or prequel

>I haven't been following.
For 14 years?

You act like there's been any Xorn stories worth reading post-Morrison.

or during

>Bub jr.
>Vampire Storm

Ugh. No thanks. All they did was replace one garbage roster with another shitty roster.

They need to stop with all these alternate reality characters. We got the young 05, Oldman Logan, Jimmy Hudson, and now Vampire Storm

There is no possible salvation, mostly because if they make a purge, even if they did a hard reset erasing all the universes it would take a year, two at most before they start to throw an incredible amout of crap again.

no, not lately, what have I missed?

Dont come back, you are better that way

Pretty much. It's not like he's usually front and center either.

The retcon was retconned almost immediately because of how it ruined Magneto as a character (because Morrison is a Silver Age fag and could not accept a gray morality Magneto). Magneto showed up in Claremont's Excalibur book while Xorn showed up in Austen's X-Men.

Morrison Xorn was really that Xorn's brother who, thanks to Kick/Sublime, became convinced he was Magneto. Good Xorn never showed up after that arc of X-Men until Bunn brought him back during his Uncanny X-Men run when Magneto took Elixir to his monastery in Tibet so he could get his healing/death powers and emotions under control.

>tfw Husbando and waifu are on the same team
I'm not sure how I feel about this

Is she still with Alex Summers?


And that’s just because the rainbow shield of immunity prevents any editorial critique at the risk of being accused of being homophobic

>bring scott back

such a stupid idea

>because Morrison is a Silver Age fag and could not accept a gray morality Magneto
Holy shit you are right user.
Honestly I didn't mind it but he really felt out of character.

Thanks for the info.
>Claremont's Excalibur

Except Magneto didn't even feel like SIlver Age there. It reeked of 2000s EDGY.

Yeah they're going back. Anyone who doesn't think so is in complete denial. Bendis is gone and they have the rights back. Expect Scott to return shortly after Jean.

It was crazy evil Magneto updated for the modern day; remember the infamous assertion that he hated seeing a redeemed Magneto because Magneto is, in his words, a "mad old terrorist twat". New X-Men is basically Morrison openly telling every problem he has with the X-Men and how stupid he thinks a lot of its tropes are while trying to move it in what he feels is a better direction.

I think it's Blindfold, and if it is I will be picking this up

Why do people keep thinking this when it looks nothing like her. That’s Gazing Nightshade, a character who was introduced earlier in the book as a group of mutants who are street level protectors of Madripoor

Knowing Marvel they'll probably end up sucking each other's dicks and talking about the patriarchy.

>Shit Wolverine
I hope thats Blindfold at least....

>Gazing Nightshade
I thought you were joking, but holy shit you';re right. Not even going to buy now

Note It’s not Blindfold

So gay Wolvie jr. and Alternative Wolvie jr.

No thanks Marvel. I’m done with your horseshit comics.

>how stupid he thinks a lot of its tropes are while trying to move it in what he feels is a better direction
Isn't every Morrison's run on capeshit like that?
The same could be said for Animal Man.