What are they planning?

Jesus Christ, Bendis is looking spookier and spookier.

>two of the most based creators in comics working on something that will be extremely epic
Hella f*cking yes.

Bendis' look constantly entertains me, a perfect blend between cartoon villain and Tom Hanks in Philadelphia

Dude is so spooky that he's haunted by the ghost of his hair.


R.I.P. bats.

He looks worse than frank miller

WTF is wrong with Scott Snyder's eyebrow. It's always raised on that side.

Based creators?
>I can’t finish
>words words words
You must be joking

Batman and Signal book?

>"My fat wife" teams up with "my black wife"

Time for black Batman who was the original Batman all along and he's also gay. Bruce has been a villain this whole time.

He's a Dreamworks character.

>It's a "Marvelshills shitting on two of the best writers because they now work for DC" episode.

Black OC's

Pfft hahahah, you can keep them, user.

Sometimes he plays it off as something he's doing on purpose.

Stay mad, user.


>Hey bendis! what do you want tonight?!
>The same thing we do every night snyder, MAKE NIGGERS OC'S!!!"

While a tamer form of that can be natural disymetry (like me), he's clearly just being a smug cunt.

Bend is was never very good.

I enjoy Snyder though, so hopefully Snyder reigns Bendis in.

These look like two jokey henchmen who would banter for a bit before Sherlock Holmes knocks them out.


Not if he's like this 90% of the time. I've watched interviews with him having his brow up the entire time.

Two white men making comics. Problematic...

Something that normies will not stop talking about.

i think i'll never be not amazed at how fucking tiny Jim Lee is.

Jesus fuck, did Bendis leave all his weight at Marvel? Legitimately impressed by his progress.

This has shitstorm written all over it. Like nonstop THINGS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME IN SUPERMAN bad

He's Asian, you should have expected it.

>Bendis goes from being punished to Lex Luthor

Even shorter than his wife.

He can look "normal", he chooses not to.

DC verion of Marvel's ultimate universe.

He had MRSA.

I don't care about the memes I don't like his writing but I'm actually growing worried for bendis. Is there an industry secret about his health? the company change has been relatively quick since the announcement and he's jumping on the biggest DC book ever published after a career of working at marvel. it's like they're trying to fit a whole bunch of DC years in.

Sincerely not hoping bad health on him, but I'm worried it's arrived. it all seems quick and he looks progressively worse and worse. he's incredibly thin in the face here in such a short time. even compared to this: which was relatively recent.

Oh fuck, I totally called this. Bendis wants to write a Duke book

In that pic he's probably applying tons of force to pull it back down, even then it still wants to life.

>Bendis gets to do all HB comics

He's asian he has an excuse

As I said, some natural disymetry can happen, but OP and are him playing it up.

I just noticed Scott is in AC 1000 how will he shoehorn batman in it?

That's what happens when a fat guy with high cheekbones loses enough weight. Same thing happpened to me after I started exercising.

He's like a real life Sivana.

WwwwwooooOOOooo im here to shit on your comic booooookkkkssss!!!! WwwwwooooOOOooo



where were you when DC was finished?


>Bendis is looking spookier and spookier.
The sensation you feel is the
̶Q̶u̶i̶c̶k̶e̶n̶i̶n̶g̶ Festering!

It's nice to see Gollum getting work after Lord of the Rings.

Might be for AC 1000 considering they're both writing for it

Considering the background pic, I'd say that's pretty much a given.

>Is there an industry secret
just the MRSA infection he publicly tweeted about.

Is Bendis getting really old, or is that just a bad shot?


This but unironically.

He lost the weight before getting MRSA.

I mean, he got MRSA. That he survived at all is a fucking miracle.

you mean more and more jewish, that nose is fucking HUGE

Jeez, I hope Bendis gets better. Dude looks deflated.

Why did Bendis decide to diet after leaving Marvel?

It's just his face shrinking like it does old people.... maybe someone put a curse on him.



>tfw no mixed race child

feels bad man

Two of my blacklisted cape writers in one picture together. Fuck man I can only imagine what kind of shit these two are going to produce together.

>tricking me into opening an image with Stan Lee looking and pointing directly at me

user why?!

black batman

You shouldn't have been antisemitic on the comics board, goyim.

I find Bendis's trademark writing style obnoxious to the point of being unreadable, but I'm morbidly curious what he's going to do at DC.

I guess the one thing that gives me a small glimmer of hope was the tweet where he claimed to be researching DC (and showed a pile of TPBs, many of them good ones). Just the notion that some research may happen, instead of none at all, is comforting.

His plan is simple

He's going to ruin DC, maybe not immediately, but eventually it'll happen, and it'll happen to your favorite characters. It happened to mine at marvel, and it'll happen to you too.

I wonder how he'll turn Clark into a Jew

Did Bendis catch whatever was sucking the life out of Frank Miller?

I dunno about Superman, but he's bound to make Batman gay, and make some new oc the better bat son that surpases his other three. And he'll be the best ever.

Or he'll make Brooster and Blue homosex for each other and make their banter boring then tank the book so hard the property won't be touched for a decade.

He'll make Wonderwoman some obnoxious parody of herself who's overly aggressive and an even bigger assshole than you cna imagine.

He'll turn Aquaman into a joke again and keep him that way because it's funny to him.

It's gonna get worse for DC dude, I'm sorry.

the samr thung they do everytime, Pinky: Try to overstay their welcome at Batman!

>It's gonna get worse for DC dude, I'm sorry.
I'm kinda hype. I want to see how Sup Forums tries to spin his shit as good like they have with other writers in the past.

>it's also reflective and can blind people at night
Yeah and also give a high vis target for his fucking centre of mass

Whole lotta Damage Control coming, that’s for sure

So they're part of the Didio faction at DC right?

I like Marvel more than DC and Bendis changing side was one of the best things happening to me.

Be careful Scott. That's the man who single-handedly ran Marvel into the ground.

fuck man, it's one of those things wheere you don't wihs it upon your enemy. That's bendis, he's like cancer but worse. I tried telling this dicks in the original announcment thread, and they told me "lol slaty marvelcucks BTFO". And I'm liek NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAAND HES GOING TO RUIN YOUR FAVORITES YOU AHAVE TO STOP IT NOW.

I feel like I'm that guy in those apocalypse movies nobody believes, or some dude who came back from the future to the past to warm everyone but hey're treating me like I'm crazy.

Fucking hell
DC have like 4 good books

Shamelessly stolen from Illuminating Comics

>BATMAN by Brian Michael Bendis
>There’s a new villain in Gotham. He’s a young, up and coming gangster, he’s had enough with the current status quo.
>He begins: I’m the boss here now. We’re under new management. I’m telling you, this is how things are going to be: NEW RULES in this house. MY RULES. We’ll branch out. Take over Gotham, one neighbor after the other. Nobody is going to stop us. This time, we make the city our own. Anyone messes with us? We kill him.
>Gordon? We kill him.
>The Bat? We. Kill. Him.
>To punctuate the meeting, New Boss attacks and kills B-Listman. Now we know he’s a man we have to be afraid of.
>New Boss has a new drug that will make the streets go crazy… Kryptonian growth hormone. Whatever the hell that is.
>Nightwing shows up. He makes a joke. The punchline is “Blue Beetle is lame”. Because Blue Beetle is a not an A-Lister, he doesn’t deserve respect, y’see. Also he dresses like a Blue Beetle. LAUGH YOU SHEEP.
>The Penguin uses the word “SEXY” to describe a crime, before being taken out of commission.
>Here comes Killer Moth. He’s funny, everyone laugh at him!
>Crossover issue. Superman is in Gotham. He faces a drug dealer. The drug dealer says “Y'know, I didn’t believe you actually existed!”

>Batgirl talks to Bruce. “Why do I have to be BatGIRL? It feels so unfair!” After that, a comic site runs an article: BENDIS THE FEMINIST FIGHTS THE GOOD FIGHT FOR US ALL
>Here comes Killer Moth again. He probably has a serious mental disorder. Also, he’s funny, everyone laugh at him.
>Batgirl faces New Boss. She’s beaten to a pulp in a weirdly sexual manner to prove what a badass he is. After that, nobody talks about it.
>New Boss fights Batman. New Boss screams “IT’S DONE. THIS IS YOUR FAULT. YOU LEFT ME WITH NO CHOICE. YOU BROUGHT THIS UPON YOURSELF,” regardless if it makes sense or not in context.
>New Boss is defeated, turns into a massive crying snivelling bitch. Twelve issues later he comes back, and we’re supposed to still see him as a badass.


>be a shitty, hated hack writer who can do no right
>instead of trying to learn to git gud, play it like it's your shtick
I just can't understand it.

The tragedy is that they are working at all

At this point he’s Dr Sivana

Shut the fuck up if you don't know what you are talking about.