Villains who were right

Villains who were right

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This isn't even ironic though. He really got fucked over by Moxxi during the Prequel.

>just wanted civility through the only way the crazy and violent universe could understand, force
>gets undone by a literal bunch of edgy hipster anarchists with guns because "DUUUUDE ANARCHY and HES SUCH A DOOOOUCHE LMAO"

They really tried to pander him as a villain but looking at everything and everyone else he was pretty damn mild. Even the vault hunters aren't exactly goody two shoes, except for maybe Gaige and Maya.

To be fair, Prequel was pretty much a Jack Wank game. Still, I want a quest in 3 (if ever) to fucking slap Moxxi for all the shit she pulled. Considering, Pitchford isn't writing, it might just be possible.

He was a better villain in Tales with his creepy people skin robots, and even then he was helping you for 3 episodes.

>moxxi is the reason behind jack going evil


I love Gaige, but she was literally an anarchist, and only got involved with the shit on Pandora because she read about it on that universes equivalent of Tumblr.She didn't know the full story, she just wanted to be one of the good guys.

Pretty much this desu. What's the issue?

What did she do? Ruin his dashing good looks?

Moxxi, Jack, Roland and Lilith worked together to save one of the moons of Pandora from a band of terrorists from Jack's own death laser thing. Moxxi and Lilith decided at the last minute Jack wasn't really a trustworthy guy and tried to kill him, and whoever you decided to play as in the game, which lead directly to him deciding they were all bandits that needed to be eradicated.

Before that, he had made some questionable moral decisions, but nothing Moxxi and Lilith probably wouldn't have done themselves in his shoes. After they tried killing him, though, that was really the turning point of his entire persona.

Lilith also was the one who punched that scar into Jack's face, so in a way they also ruined his looks, yeah.

Jack was right....those bitches....we were the villains all along...

actual outcome aside, his logic made perfect sense

Same for Oropo

Absolute GOAT villain

The amount of Jackfags in this thread are disturbing. Jack did one (1) good thing and that was getting other people to stop the cultists trying to blow up Pandora. And even then it was followed by him trying to sweep up that opportunity to take over everything himself.

Is this from a fan comic?


>eggman hates furries
just when I thought he couldn't be any more based.


>Varian's smug ass face

>the only right action is the one that promotes survival
That's great if there was just one action that promotes survival and one action that impedes it, but the world isn't black and white. See also: the problem with utilitarianism.

Learn the difference between validity and soundness.

Right about what, though? Finale stupidity aside Bill Cipher was right when he said:

>Western democracy is a sham propped up by an elite cabal of the super-rich.

And maybe had a point with:


To top things off, it's surprising Jack turned out even as stable as he is, given that he was raised by an extremely abusive grandmother.

Yeah but let's be honest, him running the show is probably better than the psychopathic child murdering vault hunters doing it.


All Korra villains, basically.

>reality is only what I want it to be
But that's wrong, you fucking dipshit.

>reality is
no, it isn't.


M8, that cunt could have killed a shitload of people in the temples. Faggot is damn terrorist and you know it.

He opposes the so-called "Divine". How bad can he really be?

What are you, some kind of post-modernist? Only retards are post-modernists.


You say that, and then against all odds Trump gets elected, the Nintendo Switch is an overwhelming success and eating detergent is the latest fad among young people. Among other crazy stuff.

Not even the user you're replying to, but I got sick of pretending reality is logical or rational. The world only makes more sense the less you use logic.

Says you.

Then why do all the logical machine learning techniques keep working so well? Checkmate brainlet

In the prequel probably yeah

By Borderlands 2 he went off the deep end though again this was that the fault of the people in the prequel that fucked him over so hard numerous times. ESPECIALLY Lilith. If anything she is the villain since she is basically a cunt 99% of the time

I think it could be taken as merely that some things are just what any given society agree they are at the time. For example, given cultural mores and to a degree a society's morality. These change from one historical era and location to the next. So there is some truth to the idea that if enough people express something is becomes "common knowledge" though it may be completely incorrect, and later generations view it in retrospect as completely incorrect. Of course, the character is also a psychopath. The statement could also be about self-denial and repression, and lying to yourself until you believe the lies you tell yourself, too.

>Then why do all the logical machine learning techniques keep working so well?

>he thinks Epistemology has anything to do with post-modernism
come back once you can into middle school philosophy thanks

>tried to crush Cassandra with a giant mech
yup he was in the right there

>He hasn't yet realized that everything exterior to his own consciousness is merely an object because his consciousness is the only one that he's experiencing

Solipsism is the true path to enlightenment user.

>Trump gets elected
Americans are retarded
>the Nintendo Switch is an overwhelming success
brand loyalty
>eating detergent is the latest fad among young (american) people
americans are retarded

>Comparing the success of Trump, to the success of the Switch

Take that back, you TOWIE looking motherfucker fanboy.

She was not a villain tho

It's amazing how much that seems insane on first glance makes perfect sense once you understand that americans are both idiots and exporting their idiocy everywhere through their media domination.

Literally everyone and their mothers were predicting the Switch would crash and burn. Where are those people now?

Actually as much as I'd love someone in the actual cartoon to say this or something of this caliber to anyone in SU, she's technically wrong. Everything in SU basically revolves around Steven and his mom if you go down the rabbit hole. If Steven doesn't hear about it or see it, it doesn't happen.

If a tree falls in the forest in SU and Steven isn't around to hear about it or solve its emotional problems, does it make a sound?

Fantastic 4 #581.

Eh,schematics. In DOOM's world, it would all be Black & White. White =Best, Black = Trash. Pretty bold if you ask me...

Yes and no.

On paper him taking over a prison planet and making it into his private empire isn't the worst thing that could've happened, but by the end of PS he was corrupted by Vault influence. The whole thing with him getting the Vault symbol stamped on his face wasn't just symbolic. Him unleashing the Warrior and whatever else was gonna follow needed to be stopped.

>Doesn't know that post-modernism falls into epistemology

Well admittedly yes it can applied this way, but I consider it to be way more abstract than this. You can apply it to philosophy in epistemological ways, but it in itself I would not consider it to be.

>Everyone was predicting the switch would crash and burn

The difference being that the Switch is a neat idea that found the right time in history, along with decent exclusives to make it's debut, and the result has been a pleasant surprise.

Meanwhile Trump is an ever growing source of embarassment for the US and the world as a whole. He's a cartoon character brought to real life, a caricature that'd fit well in Boondocks. He's not just a result of idiocy, but of willful ignorance, antipathy, and a bit of doomsday wishing in the populace that's being spread worldwide among very loud morons everywhere.

Can't believe no one posted this yet. You disappoint me, Sup Forums. Though someone did post Doom, so you're not all bad

well noone did because he isn't. Not fully.

Eh his plan wouldn't have resulted in equality anyway.

I don't know if I've heard anyone say what Trump has done to make the country worse, just "he's crazy!", which is unlikely, and "he's an embarrassment!", something whose effects are impossible to prove.

A pretty significant percentage voted for Trump as a "protest vote" because they were sure he wpuld lose and wanted to "send a message," others just wanted to wreck thing. The Black Mirror episode everyone always points to was pretty spot on. There's even a moment where a character points out the while politics may be corrupt and ridiculous, it's what has allowed civilizations to exist and just fucking it up with no plans on what to do next usually leads to bad outcomes. I will say the US has so many other actors and checks and balances that despite the fact the president isn't doing anything but watching tv and yelling at people on the internet, there are other people running everything. It is a potentially scary situation because that vacuum makes thinhs feel rudderless, although they aren't really, everything is just being done and run by people and actors we can't see. But to one extent or another it's always like that. One thing in a lot of countries is the people who make the decisions are just some rich people, they are not accountable to anyone or transparent, and while they might lnow business somebody like say Zuckerberg doesn't necessarily know how to run the world though people like him and Buffet, Bezos, Gayes become the de facto world runners. They can't be voted out, don't disclose what they're doing or why neccessarily, and sometimes surround themselves with yes men insyead of capable or knowledgable advisors. Also their only real goals are individually aquiring more wealth pretty often.

>shut down the government because he didn't want to compromise
>whined about obama bailing out GM and then bails out shitty coal companies
>planning to place retarded tariffs on washing machines and solar panels
>thousands of government jobs still empty and those he has filled are full of incompetent retards who don't understand what their job entails
I know you're probably baiting but come on now

>shut down the government because he didn't want to compromise
And his political opponents backed down almost immediately because people blame Congress for shutdowns. Not a disaster for him politically, nor anyone else materially since the shutdown lasted less than three days.

Trump himself hasn't really done anything. The tax bill and failed healthcare repeal were all GOP efforts. He didn't understand or hold any opinions on either. The repeal failed. The tax bill's effects won't really be felt or understood for years, probably many, many years to understand the true effects. Aside from a sudden war crashing the stock market, most things that governments can actually do to affect the economy are incredibly slow to be felt.

I would say the tariffs and protectionist economic policies might lead to job loss, but it's hard to say. That will also take a while. Obviously the people effected by the travel ban felt a big effect, but a lot of that was stuck down and altered. Analysts blame the GOP repeal efforts for most, although not all, of increasing healthcare costs, although those were skyrocketing way before Obama even took office because of inherent problems with the whole system which will probably need to be completely redone at some point from preventing the entire US healthcare from collapsing to to its own inherent flaws. So some people have died who wouldn't have if the GOP wasn't in power in it hurts them, but I don't know if I would say that's Trumps fault, since he doesn't have any goals, thoughts, or beliefs of its own. Anything good or bad is the GOP's actions.

I would say the only thing you can attribute to Trump directly is the international community no respecting the US and the majority of US citizens no longer respecting the office of the president. But what impact those things will have, who knows? The US has lost billions in revenue from plummeting tourism, so a few tens to hundreds of thousands of those jobs might be lost, I guess. But again I think we'll need to wait a few years to see that for sure.


>since he doesn't have any goals, thoughts, or beliefs of its own
[citation needed]

>the only thing you can attribute to Trump directly is the international community no respecting the US
Did they respect the US during Obama's confused and weak foreign policy? And by international community do you mean journalists and politicians? Does it matter to the USA if some socialist MP somewhere blows wind about how much he hates Trump?

>The US has lost billions in revenue from plummeting tourism
[citation needed]

Hussie kept alive the wrong Jack.

Serves her right for being a bitch who flaked on him after making a deal

>Americans are stupid

Trump winning was a combination of Hillary being a garbage democrat and Americans tired of being demonized as racists and not being heard properly

>brand loyalty

This is a Sup Forums argument
Switch was successful because of a proper launch schedule and being a concept that appealed to people

Fads are always retarded and will always be retarded even back then and not just america

>[citation needed]

About $4.6 billion in revenue.

By lost respect, I mean world leaders, who don't take Trump seriously or consider him the real US leader. But they just go around him, so it's no big deal.

The main thing is that the US has a huge economy and also has nukes. Those two things dictate international relations more than whoever just happens to be in office at the time. And until those things change, things won't change. That said for a long time focus has been slowly but steadily shifting to China which will probably overtake the US as the world leader soon.

As for Trump having no real stances, it's that he's made contradictory statements over the years and is a Hollywood and reality tv guy, not a Washington guy. There's no evidence there are any issues he cares about, but he knows how to get ratings by saying things that will rile people up and get attention. That's been a big part of his career (selling himself as a mascot and tv star).

>Trump winning was a combination of Hillary being a garbage democrat and Americans tired of being demonized as racists and not being heard properly

And look what good that does us, now we have an objectively incompetent president that actively feeds that narrative while the people are being heard even less than before. I agree about Hillary being garbage, but that doesn't mean that Americans aren't retarded for electing this orange crater of stupid. We should've had better candidates to begin with.

I don't get how the Burger voting system works, why should there be only 2 finalists? I don't think it works like that in other places.

Is it a controversial opinion to pin most of the blame on a government shutdown on the people that actually voted to shut down the government, regardless of what their party affiliation might be?

because it's advantageous for people who actually run the country

The Chinese?

Oropo literally wanted to nuke heaven.
I mean yeah in the krosmos the gods have had many children and do not always care for them as they should but to nuke and replace them? Tis insane. Sacrier is known for her kindness to all. Iop gave up his divinity to be with a family (Ignoring the rape of sadidas doll which I think he was influenced by something?) and Escaflip is pretty active in his kids lives all things considered. Others are hit and miss.

How was he the bad guy again?

>mayor is a male
>he's an incompetent goofball
>principle is a female
>she is competent and doesn't take shit from anyone
This is just as bad as the stupid father meme.

He had done nothing 'incompetant' as you say. All that could be said is the lack of bipartisan agreements but lets be fucking honest here no matter who won the result would be the same. The two sides are to polarized from the non corrupt politicians down to the people. There will be no bipartisanship until something big changes for better or worse.

>world leaders, who don't...consider him the real US leader
You're full of shit.

On a SU comic.

He employs sexy people (or at least sexy by Sup Forums standards), wants a god for his people and loves his subjects.

Everything he does is holy tm.

That's okay, they included a psychopath, a gambler, a pervert, a DBZ rip-off and a pedo-bait.

That's the whole joke though. They even had an entire movie where the plot is in another universe Doof is an actual villain, the kicker being he had a way less depressing evil origin then then Doof Prime.

But hes lowered everyone's taxes and is deporting mutants. ??? trump is great lol

>China which will probably overtake the US as the world leader soon.
What, did PUBG items become the world's most valuable resource or something?

He's an agent of Nemesis, which is litterally an entire plane of existance populated exclusively by massively powerful psychopaths


Sexy or not toxine was insane and should have never been considered.

Doom and Red skull have conflicting ideology so you're about as retarded as someone who supports Red Skull (probably have never actually read a Kirby/Simon cap book) usually is.

He spends his entire life trying to kill anthros or converting them into soulless machines, how did you not realize it earlier?

I'm laughing a lot at this post. Imagine being so stupid that you literally think the reason you're wrong all the time is that there's something at fault with the fundamental laws of causation. And it's so sincere! Genuinely great.


I fuckin loved that episode of Black Mirror. And the scariest thing about it, to me, was that no one seemed to get it at the time.

All the review sites seemed to think it was shit. So did all the comments. They thought it was unrealistic. Why would the voting populace love such stupid jokes? they asked. Why was the comedian character so miserable? They didn't establish a good reason for him to be miserable, said the A.V. Club. (Of course he's fuckin miserable. He's a comedian. They're all like that deep down). People just didn't get it. And if nobody could understand an exaggerated social satire, there was no way in hell we could prevent the real thing from happening.

>Trump shut down the government.
>Not 95% of democrats voting for the shutdown.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you a classic example of stupidity/brainwashing.