Would the show be better without Steven? Or if the main character was someone other than Steven?

Would the show be better without Steven? Or if the main character was someone other than Steven?

The show would unironically be better if it had less Steven in it, in other words, if I focused on the viewpoints of other characters that Steven.

>implying Rebecca Sugar has the potential to make a good show

Yes but it would at least be better without an annoying pigchild.

Yes, steven is among the worst parts of his own show. Coupled with the fact that most of the focus is on the city residents and the gems are being written off besides being the main draw and attraction to the audiences. I dont see the point of watching it anymore if my favorite characters are hardly on it anymore.

absolutely, one of the biggest issues that holds back the show is the whole "always steven's pov" rule, sure it still wouldn't be great, but there'd be a noticeable improvement if they didn't have that rule
hell, even if it was another character they did it with instead, it'd be better than fucking steven

It would be better if Rebecca could get his team in check instead of letting them self-insert and do whatever they want.


S1 and S2 Steven was actually a good character though, it's just from then on they've failed to develop his character in a meaningful way. I like how in early SU you could hear Steven's VA grow up and his voice naturally develop, but now he's like stuck in limbo with the same annoying voice...they should've aged him up a bit. And had more of a focus on his character negatives rather than positive. Too often he's the moral centre of the universe whose flaw is "he's too kind!" but he can actually be an interesting character when they focus more on his issues and make him feel more human. It would've been a nice moment if he got angry at Connie ("I watched a friend die out there and the only thing you care about is...your hurt feelings?") but instead he just passively took it.

His character can still be salvaged but I doubt they will take that route.

>that cringey moment during the ctn tv panel where alex hirsch gushes over sugar's work ethic

She just lets the crew play with everything like a sandbox. The Zuke incident is one of the most embarrassing incidents in TV history and a plague on Sugar's record if she ever plans on having this much control over a cartoon again.

>muh lesbian dbz sailor moon deviantart oc's

Steven needs some serious tweaking, but he's really the best character that could've starred in this show.


The hope is that maybe someone in the crew will take a step back and realize that for Steven Universe the show to save itself, Steven Universe the character needs to undergo a change.

I stopped watching SU around a handful of episodes after Peridot's redemption because hiatus, and I didn't bother to pick it up again since I prefer to watch shows in bursts.
Should I start watching it again? I see a lot of complaining about how they handle the plot/townie filler ratio and I thought it was already mind numbingly slow.

There's a few decent episodes, but it's really lost sight of itself. If the slow speed was bad enough for you where you stopped then I'd recommend waiting until this show gets it's collective shit together.

Most arent even lesbians, and they are the only interesting characters in the show

The show would be better if the "Steven's Perspective" bullshit was dropped. It restricts the writers and ruins the potential of world building for no good reason.

>the titular character is the least popular character with fans
are there any other shows like this?



this was in their official comic

No, it'd be better if:
1. We were allowed to see events from other characters' perspectives, without Steven being around.

2.Steven were allowed to develop without being shit on every time he takes initiative.

>fucking shit swj 4-tier propaganda

Clarence bounces off well with every character.

>aspies getting upset over this
Clearly you've never had a sister or a female friend practice these kinds of things on you.

My sister is not a bitch if you ask so.

I feel like that didn't come out exactly how you wanted it to.

Absolutely. Connie got her character wrecked lately, but even she would have been a better MC.

It looked like it in season 1.

When was the last time Steven got mad at someone like that

just how deformed is Connie's skull?

i'd say steven is very popular with fans of the shows, it's mainly Sup Forums and su critical that hate him.

i feel like people severely overestimate how much input zuke had. at most, they made lapis and peridot's episodes slightly more shippy, but everyone seems to believe she's responsible for so much more than that.

How to fix Steven?
Less drama, man up Steven and for the fuck sake no more Townes episode... Oh and change lapis character stopping her from being a fucking bitch

More episodes from other character's perspective would be beneficial.

confirmed for never leaving the house. Every race has a different skull and face shape.

Are you baiting, or are you actually retarded?
She doesn't look she belongs to any Earthling race whatsoever with that weird nose-skull bone structure.

the comics are made by fans and aren't overseen by anyone who works on the show

It would be a better show if the number of townies were cut in half, though.