Avengers #677 Storytime

Time for Part 3 of Avengers: No Surrender.

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Why is he wearing purple?



It's his costume since Uncanny no?

Don't you just hate it when a bunch of edgelords blow up your mansion for shits and giggles.



But it was blue in uncanny, here it's not colored right.


Any Carol?






Looks like Jarvis' mind ain't having none of this retcon shit.








It's no 'focused totality of my telepathic powers' or 'I've fought this battle a million times in my head' bullshit, but it's still annoying.

Cannonball has beaten Gladiator, he's a heavy hitter



Well shit


If the world isn't ignoring Pietro, its shitting on him

Legit did not see this coming while reading it.
The focus on his eyes makes it look like he's reacting, despite them saying the frozen heroes aren't aware of their surroundings and the awake Vision seeming to support that. Solicits seemed to imply that Quicksilver was going to sacrifice himself in a later issue, so I'm guessing that the "frozen" Avengers are extremely slowed down and Pietro's powers will let him manage to move.

Well of course he is. He's nigh-invulnerable when he's blastin'.

So either Wanda's magic accidentally passed the time freeze over to Quicksilver because "lol chaos magic" or the rules of the game stipulates a hard number of stage hazards/obstacles so by releasing Vision, another one had to take Vision's place to keep the game fair.

Does Wanda's hexing always manage to fuck things up? You could make a list of events in the last 12+ years where she's somehow responsible for ruining everything: Avengers Disassembled, Avengers/Thunderbolts, Axis...

Maybe Tom Brevoort just never says no to something being Wanda's fault.

Voyager best waifu of 2018?

Happened to me once, had to spend all summer rebuilding it.
0/10 wouldn't do it again.

>celestial godly beings quoting earthers
That's fucking retarded. How can writers be so stupid. I really can't imagine so much stupidity. Kys whoever wrote this shit.

Friendly reminder that nothing is ever Wanda's fault. This is obviously Pietro's fault, if he didn't go out to help his teammates, he wouldn't be in this position in the first place.

Right, not like it makes perfect sense that he's reference something from Earth that he likes in the context of Earth being destroyed. He should quote a Rigellian instead because that would be much more appropriate.

She uses Chaos Magic, this is how this shit works. You ask something to the universe and it listens, it's just happen that the universe is an asshole.

I still question what the Hell was the point of having them rebuild it in Uncanny Avengers was if they were just gonna destroy it again right off the bat in this story

Be Quick or Be Dead

They'll just rebuild it later, it's like how the x-mansion is usually destroyed three or five times a year.

God dammit man

With how often the Grandmaster comes to earth, I would find it odd if he didn't quote some human shit.

>still having waifus
You really should hang yourself laddie.

It's like avengers were never good

>He can control metal
>Her breast armor and whatnot are made of metal too

I do wonder if I should make porn of this...

Because they can't blow it up if it isn't rebuilt first?

Like make her armor into nipple shapes and stretch out her milk ducts?

I'm pretty sure Grandmaster has a pacman machine at his home.

Are you retarded?

>I do wonder if I should make porn of this...
You should

>maybe Tom Brevoort just never says no to something being Wanda's fault
There's that, and there's the fact that her powers just work that way. But yes, shitting on Wanda is one of Marvel's favourite hobbies.

>”SURPRISE, ugly-bro!”
Might as well have said “HELLO, fellow kids!”

Friendly reminder, the Blood brothers real names are Gary and Ross Blood.

>its another "men should shut up and listen to a woman's orders episode"
>its another Star Wars: The Last Jedi episode

fuck Disney

To be fair, Quicksilver running into a problem because of his feelings is a cliche thing for him. Has even run into walls because someone threatened his sister before.

So this IS just the Dragon Ball Super's Universe Survival arc...

I wonder if this was Waid, Ewing, or both

If that is true, then they fucked up. Also Hyperion spam where you have one on each team representing their adopted universes.

The entire point is that he is being sentimental towards Earth as they are the only mortals in the Universe he believes have come even somewhat close to his personal philosophy.
It's not fucking difficult to understand user

Avengers 675 (2018) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer)

Avengers 676 (2018) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer)

Avengers 677 (2018) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer)

If Rogue won't take him, why doesn't he go with Team Falcon?
Also, fuck you Rogue, you've been on teams with Magneto, Mystique and fucking Sabretooth.

She respects their power and knows even if they don't agree, they can get the job done. Meanwhile Quicksilver is just an annoying squatter that sasses everyone.

>Rogues team is already routed.

You had jane Thor, Herc, and Rogue. How the fuck did you lose?

Incursions did it first.

The POV being on Quicksilver

Braced for trash.

That should be the slogan for every big 2 storytime.

No it's been purple

Ok so Quicksilver's dying in a future issue right?

Fuck off, shill. That literally only applies to Marvel. DC continues to kill it.

If it's continuity, odds are it's Ewing


But it's Silver Age, so it may be Waid.

F. He's always been one of my favorites, hate to see him get shit on constantly

Personally I'm banking on all of it being a red herring and no one actually dying in this story, but it has been billed as the disassembled of this age of avengers so I'm probably wrong..

>DC continues to kill it
If by killing it, you mean the stellar debut rebirth had by putting out mediocre stories that keep getting worse, then yeah their killing it alright.

But they constantly betray her, and put the lives of the other x-men on those teams in jeopardy.


How dysfunctional have the Avengers gotten that they've chased Jarvis away?

Jarvis took a break from the avengers to help Jan take care of Nadia, he's like her nanny when Jan is off doing avengers shit or fashion shit.

who is that voyager chick?

this... isn't bad, I guess. tho I'm biased because I have a sweet spot for Larraz' art and Voyager is a total waifu.
sadly, the book is very decompressed, what the fuck are they gonna do for 16 issues???


>Voyager saves the popular members

Ha, called it last week!

A new character who retconned herself into being a founding avenger, the prevailing theory is that she's Valeria.

That is Old Kentucky Voyager and she has been there!

Vision's gonna sacrifie himself for Pietro at the end of this shit and imma be mad.

pietro was so racist towards until Moondragon mind wiped him

About time that marvel heroes fought some super villains, all that hero vs hero shit got old quick.


Heroes fight villains all the fucking time, just because big events tend to be hero vs hero doesn't mean that most of the time heroes are in fact fighting villains in stories people pay less attention to.

jesus.,, but then again who am I kidding, I should be used to such stuff by now.

>best waifu
>not Mentacle

It's pretty much just Waid having a go at Triumph again, only this time with tits.

Has Quicksilver always been treated like a nuisance and a child when on a team?