Bendis hasn't even officially started in DC yet and people are being blacked

Bendis hasn't even officially started in DC yet and people are being blacked.

Is Bendis going to have Supergirl blacked by Cyborg?

She already is by a random black


Which issue? Unless you are talking about the tv show

>people are being blacked.
>rohrschach is dead


he needs to be uglier


you retarded my man

Like there's even a difference between them

>rohrschach is dead
maybe not

I hope Bendis doesn't write her.

Welcome to a month ago, user. Jesus fucking christ pay attention.

its from people who see a post about on facebook they don't read comics and just read panels

We already knew this.



Check the archives, retard.

Wasn’t it leaked that’d Rorschach black son?

dont call me a retard you fucking soyboy cuck nigger fuckhead 9gagging redditor nintendrone

I wonder why people don't read comic books anymore....

New 52

He was asexual. How could he have a son?

>stop by Sup Forums for the first time
>first thread that shows up is on Rorschach's black son

That's enough comics for today.

Because they're terrified of having to see a black person?

It's not Rorschach's black son, that user is just an idiot

He was gay not asexual

>Because they're terrified of having to see a black person?

Almost. It's because we're terrified of having all the characters we love being turned into nigs to pander to soyboys.

Oh fuck, he actually is that kid who hung out at the newspaper stand. Even though we saw him get atomized.

He isn't, read the issue.

You mean he did a plastic surgery to become black?

Yeah, instead they should turn every one of them into a cis white males.

>characters we love being turned into nig
Dude Kovacs' dead. No one is taking away your toys; this is a new character that happens to be black

They're already cis white men so no need to "turn them"

It's bullshit. If the brought comedian back to life they could have brought kovacs back. And if your going to replace him why make him black if not to appeal to soyboys?

Manhattan could reassemble him from molecules. Just rearranged molecules poorly and Kovacs end up being black.

She's been consistently blacked since N52. Batgirl got RICE'd too.

In the last third of the N52, she got blacked by a guy in a wheelchair. Now it's a fellow genius student and catco intern

Reminder that people who use the term soyboy look like this.

I guess it's just a white people thing

> why make him black
Because the entire point of Rorsharch is that is black and white. They both Rorsharch. We got white part, now it is time for black.

>If the brought comedian back to life they could have brought kovacs back.
So now you're just mad they didn't bring a character back to life? You're either a bad troll or retarded.

>why make him black if not to appeal to soyboys?
This just proves my point that you get triggered over any black character because you'll ask "why aren't they white?"

lmao dude. black guy stole rorchak's clothes.

As expected from someone who fell for Reddit memes.

What the fuck would his plan even be?
>I made myself a nigger! Now they'll never suspect I'm me pretending to be a black guy being me!

He was white suprematist, why black would take his name?

>Batgirl got RICE'd too.
Batgirl has had like 7 different arcs centered around boy drama and various guys she dated since Larson took over. It's been incredibly trash. It's as if some exec has a 13 year old daughter who has a poster of a boy band on her wall and decided that's what they need to sell to that demo.

Tell me about this character. Does he act in the same manner as Rorschach with that black and white deontology with a callous contempt of the dregs that surround him?

I really hope they don't make him into a literal (not a meme) social justice warrior.

>tfw they'll never turn your favorite character asian

And then there was that one time a horse wanted to BEAST her.

To be fair, would you suspect he was himself?

He dose not act like the original, being close to the squid zone seemed to have messed up his mind.

Abner Jenkins.jpg

What is instead of being based on Rorsharch, his successor was based on something more modern like Emojis?

Don't fucking tempt them, user.

At least he's not a woman.

or a spinner

Probably be more appropriate for the Comedian

They won't stop until every single ginger character becomes black.

have a (you), m8

Do you think we could give Moore a heart attack?

>ayy yo, holup! u can call me tha LMAO, my dude!

Because he hates veidt and doesn't know about how rorshach was investigating hillary's missing emails


I was trying to think of a name but this is it.

>incredibly violent
>confused all the time
>mother was a prostitute
>smells really bad
This one adds up.

Yeah is possible to human to survive being destroyed at a molecular lvl


>Because they're terrified of having to see a black person?

Racebending is the zenith of Tumblr-tier cringe.

And for some reason, with zero exceptions whatsoever, it's always white characters being turned into some shade of negroid.

I wouldn't like it if they, say, turned Black Panther into some white guy, and this is equally terrible.

But this isnt him. You are getting upset that a fude who just happebs to be black picked up tge mantle.
No one changed race. The old one died.


I want the Sup Forums samefag to leave.

>You are getting upset that a fude who just happebs to be black picked up tge mantle.

You sound like the kind of soy-ridden cuckold who actually likes Marvel's legacy characters.

I’m fond of Rorshiiiiiet, myself.

Nah, Sup Forums could definitely use far more Sup Forums.
Even /lgbt/ isn't half as faggy as Sup Forums is.

>not knowing Spoiler as the head of the DC Internet Defence Force on Sup Forums

He speaks in short bursts like Kovacs did, and his mask moves the same. But that’s the end of the similarities. This new guy is a lot less capable at his job. He’s bad with direction, and he has trust issues. Plus, he’s begrudgingly working for Ozymandias, something that Kovacs would NEVER do.

He’s not being written like Miles or Riri, if that’s what you’re worried about. This guy actually has a character with his own quirks and flaws.

To be fair if you read Marvel the option for the last couple years were either jump ship to DC or not read comics.

>knowing tripfags
Get out.

Ah yes, once again let's not come up with an interesting new super hero. Let's just give the black guy the scraps of a white man and call it good enough. Let's not actually put any effort into making a Black superhero, that's to hard. Let's just do a shitty reveal to show a white character was Black the whole time, that'll surely make those darkies happy.

It's hard not to notice when she's there defending every single fuck up DC pull.

Not enough brown lesbian kangs transexuals girls.

Wouldn't be the first time.

Dunno, considering how negative Rorshach is, it doesn't feel like tokenism to have a black person fall for his "ideas"

>every single fuck up DC pull.
I'm not a fan of DC, but everything they've been putting out that I read on Sup Forums has been "Okay". Nothing really worth recommending or writing home about, but it's decent.
Meanwhile, Marvel is a fucking dumpster fire putting out turd after turd.

Fuck that tripfag and fuck you.

>black man with bright blue eyes
that would be way too memorable to be a good "secret identity" strategy.

>blue eyes blue hair black guy
not a very good disguise imo

>Rorsharch is that is black and white
That sounds deep and deeply stupid at the same time


If Watchmen is called the Neon Genesis Evangelion of comics, does that make this Rebuild?

And is black Rorschach the Marie of Watchmen?

>If Watchmen is called the Neon Genesis Evangelion of comics
Oh fuck off. Also fuck NGE.

I love how tumblr landwhales "jump" at every opportunity to pass themselves as comic experts.
>ummm no sweetie I'm a comic veteran, I started from Joker's Daughter!
Yeah that will get you credit and we'll ignore how you don't know shit about anything pre-90s.
Newsflash retarded roastie, OP made a joke.
Now go back to cry lard tears about raycism.

Epic strawman.

A deconstruction of a famous genre showing the realistic and depressing side of said genre. Years afterwards the book has allegedly changed the medium with people have been trying to emulate it yet almost always missing the point.

A deconstruction of a famous genre showing the realistic and depressing side of said genre. Years afterwards the anime has allegedly changed the medium with people have been trying to emulate it yet almost always missing the point.

But it's not a funny joke. It's a tired joke that got ran into the dirt already months ago.

Oh I didn't see the first time how his hair was still really straight and shiny.
That's very bad, if I saw a black guy with chinese-ass hair and blue eyes I would think about how weird that shit was for a month.

>Bendis jokes

Maybe you should leave.

>implying Moore doesn't already own a Watchmen fidget spinner for shits/giggles


Either you've come from some other board to shitpost here and actually never read Watchmen, or you're just doing actually decent trolling.
Either that's some 7/10 work. Surprised you didn't get more responses.

>soy soy soy

Reminder that you soyfags look like this