For those of you who hasve stopped buying comics, what made you stop buying comics?

For those of you who hasve stopped buying comics, what made you stop buying comics?

My Hastings closed and so the nearest comic shop is now 30 minutes away minimum.
Read online for now, periodically order a random issue or graphic novel on Amazon.


Floppies cost too much. Modern comics are ass.
I buy omnis and collected editions of older stuff, but fuck floppies.

absolutely nothing worth reading.
just endless rehashing of the same old stories from the past 40 years

I feel that, losing Hastings hurt. Really enjoyed the atmosphere.

The end of Seige. I had been reading a LOT of Marvel, like more than usual, up to that point. But THAT as the end of a multi-year storyline? Blecgh.
(I should have remembered that everything I liked out of those years were the tie-ins, the main stories were always ass.)

I had been dropping out of DC for awhile. For a long time I kept reading Teen Titans... then I started downloading it illegally. Then I stopped reading it entirely. I WANTED to read that book but DC editorial made it impossible.

I basically don't read much of anything now outside of some IDW and a fair bit of Boom.

The atmosphere was ruined in mine well before it's closing.
They removed all chairs around the store except in the coffee shop but you weren't allowed to take books or mags into the coffee area. Like WTF.

I hate the floppy format. Only buy things like the Hellboy Winter Special one-shots and the like that won't see trades. Only onging I buy is Paklis because Weaver said trades will be a long time coming since it'll all be collected by story arcs, not issues and it's an anthology.

Comics doesn't provide escapism anymore and somehow slaps me with shittiest bits from reality.


I still buy trades every once in a while though

They literally had a metal fence between the magazine racks and the coffee shop.

1 good thing I can say about my Hastings at least was it had a nice large comic rack like pick related and kept it neat & in order, another Hastings I went too near my grandparents had such a rack but it was a complete disaster for years.

>implying I've ever bought them.

wtf my hasting never had a coffee shop.

Lack of space in my home. It's easier to have stuff on digital drives. However, I do buy stuff to give to nieces and nephews (to get them hooked early) and to pass along to others, etc.

>Floppies cost too much
This. Why is the expectation that I'd want to collect these shitty things instead of the TPB? Distribution in American comics is all fucked up

Expensive and convoluted

>earned money from various under-the-table odd jobs as a kid
>wasted nearly every penny I made on graphic novels and individually bagged issues stuffed into beat-up long boxes
>now they're all a bitch to store properly and almost none of them are especially worth re-reading again
>eventually ceased collecting full-stop before the situation became unmanageable to preemptively (and begrudgingly) focus on more adult shit instead
I've been meaning to purge this dead weight for years, and maybe even trade up to a smaller collection of fancy special edition volumes of more objectively better comics... But for one; I don't think any LCS within driving distance needs to be throwing away money on yet more shitty graphic novels when most of them tend to have a surplus as it is, and selling all of this shit individually would be too much of a hassle and I just can't be bothered with it, especially if I'll need to account for shipping expenses.

It's really not even a question of "nobody's making any good comics" anymore, which I assume will be the predominant answer to come up ITT. That ship's sailed with me years ago, modern serialized capeshit is just a joyless clusterfuck of shotty continuities and increasingly poor characterizations with only a few good gems worth talking about. But there's still plenty of fantastic golden age works I've never read yet, plenty of obscurer characters that I've never gotten into... Plus, there's always piracy, or other solutions even simpler - like going through a Public Domain archive or something.

>coming of age
>politicization of previously fun black or white characters

Trade writing. I'm not paying for a mere piece of a story every month, especially when said pieces are slow, uneventful, and are full of splash pages.

23 pages is plenty of time to tell a complete story. So do that, and you'll start seeing my cash again, you hacks.

Availability of pirated comics has curbed my weekly LCS bill but I still buy floppies by creators/with characters I want to support.

>what made you stop buying comics
Christopher Priest

marvel, marvel and marvel

Seriously, Justice League filtered through Marvel civvies shenanigans is terrible. Doesn't help that Priest is one of those assholes who whines about how basic research is haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard. And no, I'm never letting that go. You want to write comics, don't bitch about having to read them. Lazy bastard.

Had a kid. Was a good idea to cut costs somewhere, and floppies was the obvious choice.

Also, it was a lot harder to find time to make it down to my LCS and hang out, so it wasn't as enjoyable.

Marvel phasing out everything that wasn't movies and legacy characters of movie franchises

My anxiety is too impairing for me to do anything that isn't go to the local deli for essentials or to family members' houses.

It sucks because I seriously want to drop some cash on both Deathstroke and Hal and Pals because I've been loving these runs so much but can't because of my own self inflicted mental spaghetti spilling.

Cost and decompression and bad art. $4.25 too much for 15 mins of a story thats not self contained, only serves to get you to the next issue.

As good as DC books like Deathstroke and New Supes are, the art is abysmal. Quick, cheap, an afterthought. No way I'm paying $20 a month for 4 issues of that. Same with Snaglepuss. Was ready to get em all, not w that art.

I support the few books that look great physically. Papergirls, Grand Design, Mr Miracle...

Otherwise Hoopla is free and Comixology has a lot for $7

Bendis, Loeb.

The comics industry has spent the last decade and a half (starting circa 2002 or so, whenever Identity Crisis and Avengers: Disassembled came out) going out of its way to tell me they had nothing but contempt for me and hated me for buying their comics. Eventually I said "fuck it, okay" and decided to listen, and stopped giving the comics industry the money from me that it hates so much.

Nobody sells them where i live, i bought some local comics and then i found emule. And emule still works.

This is a Target-like store that has racks of comics?

One Year Later for DC. OMD for Marvel. The end of God vs Satan in Spawn.

was, they went bankrupt last year, now there are only a handful left.


Way too many rehashed stories, new first issues, and continuities that don't matter any more.

I've been buying She-Hulk and Mister Miracle lately. MM is a 12-issue miniseries and She-Hulk just got cancelled. I don't plan on buying any floppies after that. I do have a large collection of TPBs, omnis, and OHCs though. I've been buying up classic runs like Claremont's X-Men and Wolfman/Perez Teen Titans.

>I only read capeshit

>a guy writing two DC books made you stop reading comics

You just blow in from stupid town?

That's 99% of comics

I didn't want to fund the globalist Jewish agenda no more.

The culture that developed around them (speculations, a bazillion foil-hologram-die-cut-embossed cover variants, etc), high prices, shit stories, shit art, shit editing,

>23 pages is plenty of time to tell a complete story
But user, comics only have 20 pages.
2 of which are splash pages.
(Except the Power Rangers comics -- Higgins has only used like 2 splash pages in 20+ issues.)

Relaunching #1's in mid-storyline with the same creative team soured me on #1's. Most of them are no longer jump-on points and I just stopped trying.

University. I barely leave the house anymore except for going to lectures and exercise sessions, because I get a guilty conscience for not learning.
Instead I stay in and don't learn here.