Blast: Storyime 3







Here we go. Read this last year when it was storytimed.

This is the kind of stuff that needs to be on Sup Forums


>that first panel





































So, anyone reading it for the first time here?










No.This is my second time reading Blast






Yeah. I'm not sure why I'm still going, honestly. I'm generally not a fan of serial killer stuff.
Thanks for e storytime though.

Nope, this is the second time for me. Blew my mind when I first read it.

First time for me, I'm having a blast

First timer here.

God I’m really bothered how at least from my own attempts, impossible to get this series in hardback English.

They’re charging about 40 dollars a book for hardback for Spanish, while English only exists in the digital format. If it wasn’t 160+ for the whole set I might even consider just to own it regardless of the language...

At least be glad there are scans. Nothing wrong with buying these because you like it, but sometimes you just gotta enjoy that little option you got.
Because there are times, when you don't have an option

Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate having the chance to read it. I read this already years ago, I just have a lot of physical comics and I would love to add this to my collection even if they weren’t hardback

I binge read this last night after your thread, so thanks for that Kiasoz.

One thing that doesn't make sense to me though, and I think someone asked this last thread but I'm not sure:
Why are we never given an explanation for why the doctor, the one who patches him after he's raped, doesn't turn him in when there's this huge manhunt on for this brutal serial killer? He even suspects he's the one who escaped from the hospital, are we meant to believe the details of the case weren't available to the public/his involvement in the other murders wasn't generally known at that point? Feels like an unsatisfying answer

He's friends with a known serial rapist, he's probably deep into some shit or other, and has the tightest lips on earth.

That's a pretty good point
























>i was a witness to one of those moments of strong feeling that you want to share, but that you know would be irretrievably diminished b the poverty of language...

I love this line.



oh wait, i just hopped in. is that a serial killer saying that?


