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No way Hellooo nurse makes it into the reboot.

Liberals used to be the ones against censorship and sexual repression, why did they become so prudish?


You are now aware that this is a 100% unironically legit and very real possibility

Dot does it too though with guys.

You say that like I should be mad about it.

Who cares, let dot get some dick after like 100 years or whatever being stuck in the water tower.

cause depsite what Sup Forums may tell you, liberals don't really run the media. They just work there.

>Liberals used to be the ones against censorship and sexual repression, why did they become so prudish?

I take it you weren't alive during the 80's when Tipper Gore was having a bitch fit over rock and metal music.

Sex negative feminists have been trying to censor and ban media for the past few years. They might not control everything but they sure have alot of power. And fuck you, Sup Forums is just as bad for a surprising amount of similar reasons

MOST liberals used to be champions of free expression and tolerance, not the male hating virtue signalling regressive scum bags that call themselves liberal, while their views are more akin to one of an isolationist conservative

>t. triggered

You guys are doing the thread wrong

Hello french maid.

I thought that was already a gag in the original series.

Being a hospital nurse is hell. I'm not sure where this stereotype originated from.

I love these kinds of angles

I hope the reboot has the same amount of silly fanservice. Just pander to both sexes if people are mad about the sexy women.

It's Marvel fault.

It was. Literally right after Hello Nurse comes on, a musucular guy comes around to give Dot the pleasure of not swinging for the other team

How did they continue to get away with this?

It comes from an old comedy (vaudeville) routine.
I think most people now know it from "The Sunshine Boys". "Hello, Nurse" at left.


>Good night, everybody
It's like they kept wondering themself.

Getting double teamed by two boys. This would get alot of shit.

I believe the reality is that people who champion free speech and the like aren't stupid enough to permanently align themselves to one party. They just go with whatever they feel will work at the time.

what a shame, one of the most over-quoted bits from the show won't be in the reboot.

It's a special episode where the warner brothers learn about concent.

My first waifu!

Not murrican, didnt got this joke.

is this ren and stimpy adult party?

So Animaniacs is really being remade?

I was hoping it does not, no way would they let them do the things they did in their initial Fox run. When they changed for WB Kids they were already nerfed, nowadays they will be worse unless Netflix got them, HBO or Adult Swim.

They dropped the act once it was no longer convenient for them.

He wants fingerprints and that has nothing to do with prince

'finger' Prince As in, put your finger in him.

>libby tries to use triggered as an insult

Whaddaya frickin' want, you freaks?

The head writer is from Family Guy and Ted. I think they want someone who will push the envelope and be politically incorrect. I wouldn't be surprised if it's nonstop FINGER PRINCE jokes.

>i'm not triggered, you guys are triggered.
>who's cutting onions in here? i'm not crying, you are.

Family guy writers aren't clever enough for even double entendres

Yakko will just forklift a beached whale for 2 minutes. Or Wakko will hold his skinned knee for 2 minutes. Dr. Scratchnsniff will be Klaus 2.0

Read the original post he replied too Does that sound like a triggered person you donkey


>Getting double teamed by two boys
Why isn't there porn of this?

I'm sure there is, it's just that all the art is dogshit. The show is old, western, and not currently popular enough to attract good artists. So you end up with a range of crappy Photoshop art and hand drawn smut that looks like it was penciled by a career caricature artist.

Pic related.

I did not correctly remember how gigantic her tits were.

Yes, if someone ends their post with "and fuck you.." it usually means they're triggered.

Rodjim draw the best HN.


>Hello Nurse and Minerva Mink

My childhood boner hopes they both come back.
But more than likely it'll just be Hello Nurse.

They did that several times and no one cared.

I just fucking get it!

Dot did it many times too. Say what you will, but they were egalitarian, damnit!

I can see her sucking one and stroking the other.

prince's weird reaction after dot says she won't makes it a little confusing

Minerva's height is all over the place in that.

>shapely calves
my one weakness


Oh, you're from Tumblr.
This makes sense now.

>they got away with just making fap fodder in the '90s
Hope we roll back around to something like this again soon.

>I'm not sure where this stereotype originated from.
wishful fantasy, as in it would be awesome to have a hot babe take care of you


Pretty sure this shot alone gave me my affinity for legs that I still hold to tbis day