Why didn’t you support the best cape book on the stands, Sup Forums?

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>cape book
You just answered your own question.

What happened to Astro City?

Monthly series is ending.

There are at least 5 good cape books out at any given moment

This issue caused the sales to drop. Can you guess why?

How do you know sales dropped when there hasn't been an issue released since that one?
>Astro City #47 9,246
>Astro City #48 9,140
>Astro City #49 8,938


>unoriginal capeshit is bad!
>unless it's semi-indie then it's good!

I did, though

writers don't have to write the same thing forever

The digital inking. It completely ruined the look of the book.

>Mister Miracle
>Doom Patrol
>Astro City
>Black Hammer



This is how I know you didn’t read the book

He just wants to start some political shit flinging. Also, where did you get those sales stats? Just curious

Because it feels like the best stories of the series are behind it and Busiek went full Antifa apologetics

It’s not even fully dead. Busiek is going to do owns like Dark Age and honestly I think Astro City is at its best when doing ogns

because he announced a Nearness of You sequel and that just shows he's out of ideas and is right to end it

Dark Age wasn't an OGN.

Don’t kid yourself, OP. The book was uninteresting and dull as hell. It was the equivalent of watching paint dry. It was a boring book with boring stories and boring characters and boring art.

I prefer to read GOOD books like: Ms Marvel, Champions, Rick and Morty, Rat Queens, The Walking Dead, Lumberjanes, Thor, Faith, Black Panther, Batgirl, Saga, Steven Universe, Ducktales, Supergirl, and The Amazing Spider-Man.

I know right? It just feels like Astro Cotu has declined. It’s not bad but it’s far from the genius of what it once was.

Haha hilarious bait posting bro! I’m sure someone will fall for it

September, October, and November 2017 sub-pages

xD hahaha

Is this bait or just sarcasm?

Poe's Law. Impossible to tell.

>Can you guess why?
The idiots that insert political shit into their comics where it isn't needed or the retards that try to argue with them?

How dare those Antifa stalinists deface the bumper of a white man’s car with their commie blood? For shame!

>I have no witty comeback
No wonder you enjoy Astro City. It’s perfect for low IQ Chimps like you.

Seriously, you are better off reading Invincible, Zot, Watchmen, Strong Female Protagonist, or even Wonder Woman than Astro City.

Just Saying.

>>I have no witty comeback
That's because your bait is trying too hard. You have to use a bit more subtlety in it. Start off by implying how lackluster [thing Sup Forums overwhelmingly likes] is. Bonus points for recommending something similar but much less popular and/or spectacular as the "actual" or "patrician" choice. If someone replies that "lackluster" or "trite" are just vague non-critiques, hit them back with condescension. "I wouldn't expect retards/fanboys/shills like you to understand..." And let it roll from there. Let the audience build the narrative FOR you.

(Swings bike lock)

Kurt has been doing Astro City for the better part of 20 years now. I love and treasure the early runs of it, some of the best and most fun goddamn comics ever, but with each relaunch it has felt a little less fresh, a little less clever, a little less original. I think it's the kind of story that needs to end before it becomes something that exists just because people want there to be an Astro City comic on the stands. That won't make the original series any worse or less special.

But yeah, I feel like Kurt is more or less done with it.

Your tinfoil hat needs some work, your spaghetti is leaking all over the floor.

>massive violent riots in ferguson
>riots and rampant vandalism at berkley
>kidnap and torture a literal retard because he was wearing a MAGA hat
>assault a middlebury professor who was there to debate charles murray
>assault people just for attending a cernovich event
>beat people with bike locks
>ambush and murder police officers
"The resistors never did anything but defend."

1. Claim to support X
2. Claim method Y is THE ONLY WAY to protect X
3. Anyone who refuses to participate in Y, must be anti-X
4. Wallow in self-assurance and comfort that the entire population of the world can be reliably split in to "with me" and "against me."

I’m surprised how no one pointed out how creepy the resisters are. The Captain Universe concept goes from interesting to nightmarish when it becomes about a political collective gaining powers for their beliefs.

I don't think the Resistors are specifically political, since if I remember right, some cops also become Resistors.

That's okay, it's been two decades he has a right to stop. I just hope he does a proper finale.


He's continuing it graphic novel form.

>expecting people to put effort into replying to your veey obvious bait shitpost

This though, I don't care much for Anderson's work in general but the way it's inked now makes it a thousand times worse.

"Kurt Busiek Resists"

Jesus those anons were right this inking is ugly as all hell. Coloring doesn't help either. How the fuck do these hacks get work?

What's wrong here? I'm a republican (I assume that's who you think this is targeting) and I thought it was fine

Because even if it was the best, it was still shit.
As are 99.9% of modern comics regardless of genre.

This looks more like Standing Rock to me, which actually was much more like Buisek described

I'm a little behind, did that giant snake subplot ever conclude?

Right. Guess it goes with wanting to hurt others and attacking.
But sure if there are protesters that are attacking or fighting back, theoretical some people that want to protect his fellows or land might change into resisters too.
Like a swat member sees a resistor that engages or hinders them to protect their law could change into a restister and fight the resisters or shove the protesters away.

Guess noone, like some videogamer or bankers, found loopholes that the resisters fireback.

Like provoke protestler to attack, than cops changing and protect the cops "defending" themselv

there was an explicitly BLM protest in the book, but it wasn't cops vs. protesters in that instance

also the one where a cop transformed

I still dig the glorious irony.

Busiek is ending the monthly series.
will be continuing the series as graphic novels, details to come.

Buzzword-level response, """contrarian"""

The inker is the penciler. The problem is he obviously switched to digital and it doesn't look as good as naturally inked.

Yes he will be writing the comics by himself without the sjws.

Busiek is an sjw you dip

Look, if you're going to do bait, I would have thought you would go with the one with the transgender hero.

Did you read the fucking issue? There are literally no sides taken by the resistors. Their goal is to just stop violence.

>pol white sjw outrage, whenever strong womyn show up.

Yeah. Just like Morrison was going to with Multiversity. So far, Moore's the only one who's followed through with his To Be Continued in Graphic Novels promise.

The difference is the Astro City GNs have just been announced. In Morrison's case Morrison's busy with editing Heavy Metal, and likely has involvement with the Happy TV show. Busiek has what, Batman: Creature of the Night? Besides it's not like the first time Astro City was on an irregular schedule.