Sup Forums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sup Forums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reminder that Dan was a 35-year-old man pining for a teenager.

Sup Forums

So he was a normal male?

it's legal in some states :DDD

What's the problem?

>35-year-old man
how do you know?

I am curious as well. Some manlets can sneak in like that.

It said so on his driver's license.

They showed his driver's license in an episode.

I thought at the time "Damn, he's old" but shit, 35 is sneaking up on me.

Orange short-shorts can inspire that sort of response.

Look at Hooters.

36 actually, assuming that the show takes place in 2011

>10 years away from 35
>Haven't done much in my life
>Only got revenge on a couple people so far
>Also a horrible mix of Dan and Chris' personalities

What kind of burger place makes the workers dress this sexy???


Well, the place was called "Burgerphile" after all...

that just means love you stupid pervert

He really was /ourguy/

Reminder their was absolutely no reason for this decision and was only mentioned for shock value.

Hey, I'll have you know that I ain't stupid

You tell him rock
You're the one who's stupid, butthead

I miss Dan Vs. so much.


>tfw 6 ft and double his weight

They got his eyes wrong. Dan clearly has green eyes.

>implying Dan would tell the DMV the truth

What are the best episodes Sup Forums?
I want to watch a few tonight


How did he pronounce the slashes?

The Animal Shelter, Burgerphile, The Bank, The Boss, and Stupidity

Dan Vs. The Hub never ever rip

>Not pronouncing it "koh"
I pray you're not a "see oh" pleb either

>not pronouncing it as "kaw" as in comics
Get out

They're implied.

Do you pronounce Sup Forums as "pawl"?
Do you pronounce Sup Forums as "mew"
Go soak ya head buddy

Sup Forums is "pole"

Sup Forums is "moo"

/tg/ is "tig"

>7am the usual morning Sup Forums
I think see-oh is the only option here, man.


Don't forget Dan Vs. Canada

They're all classics, really.

the ones that want my money

>not mew

>Dan is mad at Sup Forums
We're fucked lads. I'd say it was nice knowing you all but I'd be lying.

>dan will never make the call that Sup Forums has gone too far
>dan will never kill it for real saving it from a slow shameful death
Please Dan, come back to us. I'm ready for the Hub's eternal summer


Dan already got his revenge on them, that's why they're gone now

>ywn be 19-22 again, at peak social acceptability to be banging barely legal poon