Well, what did you expect?

Well, what did you expect?


>The petition is targeted at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the organization that presents the Oscars, and demands that the Academy “rescind this nomination because Kobe Bryant is a known rapist.”

Ok. But why?

>because Kobe Bryant is a known rapist.”
Was never convicted. And the bitch had Noah's arc in her panties.

>online petitions

who cares

If it's known that he's a rapist, then he would be in jail.

Knowing something means you have proof and can back it up. Evidence, as it were. If you don't have evidence or proof, then, you don't "know" he's a rapist, now, do you?

>By Amid

Oh so it's a trash article.

So much for #ocarssowhite and #metoo. Poor Glen. These people deserve Boss Baby getting nominated.

I'm copnflicted here. On the one hand i'm not afraid to trust a womans word unconditionally and dismiss presumption of innocence.
On the other hand Kobe Byrant is black and assuming black people are rapists is problematic.

But straight cis black men are the new straight cis white men.

So it's really just the same as cis white men. So it's fine.

it's always rape isn't it?

The thing is, Kobe being a rapist has been a thing for a while now

> cartoonbrew

Instead of wondering how it plays into stereotype statistics, why not just look at the story and determine if this is something a good person should do? Whether that "good person" is either a liar or rapist, depending on what the official ruling was for this situation.

Are you fucking shitting me?

The bitch had like 6 different cum shots in her cunt and proved by other men that she fucked that she was loose and enjoyed being a fucking whore

Oh and a rape kit was given and showed no signs of fucking rape.

I hate this fucking world, all of these fuckers need to seriously die. I cannot believe they're using that reason.

Consistently prosecuting those who have proven to have lied about rape/sexual assault is really the only way to minimize this, and even then it will only barely help.


Is that a picture of you?
It must be if you didn't understand that joke.

Well the other 2 posters took ya seriously so I did too to fit in. Pleas be patient, its my first time here.

Kobe Bryant is a known rapist.
People know for a fact, and it is recorded by many sources and witnesses, that he raped the Toronto Raptors in January 2006.

Yet Roman Polanski won an oscar and no one fucking batted an eye.