Which was the best?

Which was the best?

RML > EEnE > R&S >>>>>>> C&C

I'm a pleb who didn't watch EEnE but this otherwise

Rocko > Cow And Chicken > Ren And Stimpy > The Eds

Definitely Rocko with the Eds at a close second, Ren & Stimpy went to shit when John left, and Cow and Chicken was a literal R&S wannabe

This is correct, though I'd have R&S down further, something like EEnE>>>>R&S>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>C&C

But it's just cause I really hate the way John K draws. It was always bothersome when Maxwell Atoms would emulate him in Grim& Evil


I watched most of Ren and Stimpy for the first time a couple months ago and I'm convinced it's the greatest tv cartoon ever made. All the other cartoons here are good too but they're not nearly as rich or emotional or ambitious. I really don't think there's been a better cartoon since, and the ones that come close only could have happened because this show happened first.

Rocko, EE&E is overrated shit, cow and chicken isnt funny without nostalgia goggles, and ren and stimpy was only good for the first two seasons. Courage and spongebob are better then all of them


I will accept your opinion if you clarify which seasons of spongebob


Current Spongebob kills that little statement of yours and courage was just OK.
How the fuck are you gonna say a show is the best when only it's first three seasons are even tolerable?

C&C > R&S = RML < EEnE

Current spongebob, "bad" bob doesn't kill shit because nobody is going to watch or remember it when they aren't making new ones anymore. Do you remember the many, many bad looney tunes?


>cow and chicken isnt funny without nostalgia goggles
well that's a load of BS

ren & stimpy by a hair over rocko, then a huge fucking gulf, ed boys, and cow and chicken doesnt belong in the same thread

Seasons 1-3, everything else besides the first movie is hot shit
Because the first seasons were probably the best piece of animation or television to ever be made, and to me thats the complete series, and spongebob ended after ocean man entered our hearts


Consistently entertaining, great nostalgia-core.


>Cow and Chicken

Weird relic from a time when everyone wanted to make a subversive grossout show.


>Ren and Stimpy

Yes it's abrasive and uneven and not always entertaining, but it revolutionized cartooning and was hella creative. (Check out Krisfaluci's Mighty Mouse which invented the 90's cartoon.)


>Rocko's Modern Life

I'm nostalgic for it, and there were some good moments, but nearly every episode is overall pretty lame. Hillenberg refined the concept with Spongebob. Rocko's VA is still amazing and the character is one of the only pure husbandos. >pic related.


It wasn't that good and your opinion doesn't make the zombie seasons go away.
Rockos modern life is better than spectrumbob in every way.

Ed Edd n Eddy , followed by Rocko. Ren & Stimpy is sort of an acquired taste, it was good but I wouldn't say it was GOAT or anything. Cow and Chicken was always one of the shittier CN shows, I wouldn't say it even deserves to be compared to the others, should've put Johnny Bravo or PPG up there instead.

Never see RML but I fucking hate C&C


You couldn't convince me to ever watch Cown & Chicken



>EE&E is overrated shit
it isnt

C&C is actually better on a rewatch.

Cow and Chicken had flaws, but was funny
Ren and Stimpy and Rocko's modern life where pretty good
Ed Edd n' Eddy is without a doubt the worst western cartoon ever made.

>everything else besides the first movie is hot shit
fuck off the second movie and Season 8.5-11 were kino
especially with Hildenburg back

>Ed Edd n' Eddy is without a doubt the worst western cartoon ever made.
take that back right now you double kanker


>faded into obscurity
>about to have a movie

>Cow and Chicken
All the stories are different
>Ed, Edd and Eddy
Let's pull off a scam OH NO IT FAILED

R&M >= EEnE > RML > C&C

It's really simple, actually.

>every story of every superhero ever
Let's kick some bad people asses, YAY WE WON

yeah but it was fun because of who they were scamming that day and how they would react. its a comedy of characters

Always found this one boring and grating, full of abrasive characters and predictable "no win" formula all to prevalent in cartoons those days, but admittedly it started airing around the time I got bored with cartoons and was discovering anime.
>Cow and Chicken
Literally only watched when nothing else was on and Dexter or Johnny Bravo were coming up next. It was really mediocre.
>Ren and Stimpy
Could be too gross at times, but was one of my favorite early childhood cartoons.
>Rocko's Modern Life
Easily the best show on that list, and arguably the best Nicktoon all around (inb4 Spongespergs). It had a really great combination of voice acting, comedic timing, and style.


EEnE followed by R&S. Cow & Chicken and Roco are overrated rubbish.

The scam was literally never the focus of the episode, it was always featured for a minute or two in the beginning and led into the rest of the plot.

>EEnE episode 1
Someone stole their stuff, so they try to investigate who the toucher is
>EEnE episode 2
After being rescued from the swamp they are taken in by the Kanker sisters, who tries to force them to love him while they don't suspect a thing
>EEnE episode 3
It's hot outside, so the Eds Crash the neighborhood kids' barbecue pool party, antics ensue
>EEnE episode 4
After their latest scam failed due to Ed's clumsiness, Eddy and Double D decide to give him a complete image makeover. After suddenly becoming popular with the rest of the kids, Eddy decides to exploit him for cash
>EEnE episode 5
Eddy and Double D decide to help Ed babysit Sarah and Jimmy, who are pretending to be a prince and queen. Together the Eds must stop her before she destroys the house

Hmm... shall I continue?