He's thirty

>he's thirty
>he still reads comics

Who is he?

He's you, faggot.

But I'm me, how can I be that guy?

I don't know anyone who read comics past the age of 12. Is this an American thing?

They... are: GRAPHIC. NOVELS. OKAY?!



>Is this an American thing?
Yes. Superhero comics are especially egregious, but popular.
You must see with the same eye the mound of earth, the sage, the grass, the dog, and the man who eats the dog.

at least he isn't 23 and unable to have a single normal conversation with a human being without going insane from anxiety. I'm so fucking tired senpai

>You must see with the same eye the mound of earth, the sage, the grass, the dog, and the man who eats the dog.

I'm 21 and my life is already over and I'm tired.
Only reason I tell myself why I won't kill myself is because stupid fucking christianity has polluted my mind with filth.

>dat forearm

Fookin' juicy m8

At least he's not that weird guy in uni that likes psychoanalysis and never talks to anyone for some reason

>dead to the world already
>posts an Orthodox monk
>Christianity keeping alive
the answer seems clear

>he ever read comics

Joke's on you. I'm 32 and reading jap comics!

Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress portraits or sculptures. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakn’ huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

no but seriously this looks like the western equivalent of the samurai master who retires and becomes a pot maker. dude looks like hes been on 30 crusades and can call in favors from jesus. hes clearly so glum because hes not ripping and tearing demons at the moment


In a world where most people aren't reading anything at all after school, be happy someone's bothering to even read comics at 30.

Thirties are the best years to enjoy comics. Reading "deep" and "mature" comics is for 20s but at 30 you can enjoy peanuts or calvin&hobbes even more than as a kid

Wouldn't this bait be better suited to Sup Forums?

C&H is the deepest shit around, dude

I'm not ready to be attacked.

I read Moomin with my daughter

The big two's dominance and the comics code authority definitely have set back comics as a medium within the US. I can't speak to other countries beyond Herge's work and a few others. But luckily indie publishing has opened the door to a lot more than capeshit, but it's still a rather nascent medium. I feel like it holds many opportunities to exploit its potential in ways people haven't done before.

I think Japan and a few American creators from the 80's with big britches(both artistically and writing wise) have pushed the medium as far as it can go. America can only continue to copy it without adding anything new.

>>he's thirty
>implying ill live this long

>He's an "adult"
>He doesn't masturbate exclusively to Paleolithic fertility idols

Honey no amount of putting down others will change the fact that you're a bitch.

I have and dog isn't even that tasty but I can understand as an emergency ration

I rather watch cartoons with cute girls.

>dropped off in /co
Fuck, I did not expect this.
Allow me to reiterate by saying what I was originally going to say:
>he's thirty
>he still reads superhero comics

That art is gorgeous, is it traditional or digital? Sauce?

Hey, she's talking about me! Neat!

Obviously, image my kids being educated by the crap Marvel is publishing now because I wasn't there to teach how to have a good taste and seek quality stories because I was to busy acting like it's only for kids.

>he's an adult
>masturbating at all