Is it legal to have threads about this?

Is it legal to have threads about this?

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why do french animated movies always LOOK amazing but never FEEL amazing?

the soundtrack, voices, story always comes off as hipster garbage. animation/art is it's only redeeming quality

It's just the french language guy they always hire for narration. He's way worse than that one Disney used for all those years, and just sounds like an asshole. Some french voice actors sound perfectly fine

did I hear someon having fun?

Is this out yet?

>tfw english tome 2 fucking never
I don't want this feel.


I'm gonna see it next Wednesday at the Rotterdam film festival!

Saw this in theater with the director sitting next to me. Solid flick. I love that they used ghetto kids from LA for the English dub rather than established voice actors. Gave it a sense of legitimacy in my eyes.

English sub fucking when?

Frenchies can't write

The comic is aggressively mediocre aside from art, so it's not exactly surprising in this case.

Oh yeah and also
They're hacks

I don't know what, but something always really irks me about the french "urban style".

I am fucking TRIGGERED

Did people not know this? And I don't mean it in a "oh, you still enjoy this, huh?" asshole kind of way, but just that record of hit-and-miss they have, when the "miss" happens more often than the "hit".


>he never watched Homiez or the long way north.
Get a load of that guy.

>he hasn't seen My life as a Courgette/Zucchini, aka the best film of 2017

Gorgeous animation!


It was already showed around the world except in france, because it's so hard to find a distributor for your own country

It ill come out in May for frenchies

Man, Joris' backstory just keeps getting darker and darker

I this out yet? any links?

Can this be a honorary Sup Forums thread?


No jap moot is gonna sue the fuck outta you. You need to lawyer up OP

Watch the Illusionist and tell me that again you goddamn plebian

Back to your containment board.

I don't know what I just watched, but I want to see more of it.

Totally illegal

Doubt it, even though it's been over half a year.

I really hate how these Franco animated movies can't seem to get home video releases.

on a related note, does anyone have a copy of Zombillénium?

All the ones I'm finding requires a password and me to complete an offer an order to open the file.

So where can I watch an English dub? Is it bad? Man that animation looks amazing though.

It looks like Akira, Death Note, and The Boondocks, had a baby. An ugly baby gangster. I hope the translation turns out to make sense of it.

So what’s the status on a western release dub and all if there isn’t one already?

Trust me on this one, I've tried finding one. It's next to impossible.

I mean it's there, but its on those websites where you got to become a member before you can watch anything.

Learn the laungage you lazy fuck

It's using american tropes from a french perspective is the issue I think.

>learning a new language at 37
Haha, no.
I wish I had picked french in school though. German is fucking useless.

is it about how the browns have a hard time and its whiteys fault, but also the browns want to fuck the white women, and they do and thats good?


It's from europe, therefore it got class war, not race war.
And as the protags are a 8-ball, a cat-pig with braces and a flaming skull, good luck arguing about skin color there.

I thought he was a cannonball

ask this user

Did he say anything about a home video release? I'm kind of curious to see it myself.

Where was this?


OooOOOoooohhhhhh. Took me a while to get the title.

Anyways, It's Ankama and I liked Wakfu. Get me some subs/fansubs and a decent download and I'd watch it.

So are we gonna get a western release of this any time soon?

What's up with the French and anime? Like, almost all of their recent animated movies and comics seem to be inspired by manga and anime.

It's like we went back to the early 2000's or something.