When did The Simpsons peak?

When did The Simpsons peak?

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The absolute best? Seasons 5-7 is the general consensus around here. I personally feel 4-8 was prime Simpsons.

Season 7 for me, lots of great episodes. The seasons after just couldn't compare

Pauper was the first episode that made me not want to tune in the next week.

S2, fight me

4-6 if you want comedy, 7 if you want character
You call this a comedy show?


4-6 were the absolute peak
7 is extremely good but the cracks are beginning to show
8 is hit-and-miss and has the first episodes I would consider "bad"
9 is the beginning of the end


S1:Rough, somewhat funny at times, a bit bland. Acceptable.
S2:Getting better, setting up the universe a bit more, some backstory, etc. More focus on feels than humor at times. Good.
S3:Where it really started getting funny, iconic episodes and scenes. Great.
S4:Beginning of the Golden Era, non-stop 10/10 stuff. Fantastic.
S5:Golden Era continues on. Fantastic.
S6:Golden Era continues on. Fantastic.
S7:Golden Era continues on, but Homerpalooza is weak. Fantastic with that exception.
S8:The end of the Golden Era of Simpsons. Lisa dating Nelson was a weak episode, but the rest all have solid laughs. People shit on 8th season for some reason, but Hank Scorpio, Can I Borrow A Feeling, Frank Grimes, the Beer Baron, and a lot of other great things came from S8. Fantastic.
S9:Lots of good stuff, but marred by some really bad ideas. The infamous Principal and the Pauper, Das Bus was a yawnfest, Simpson Tide had 2-3 decent laughs the entire episode, and Lost Our Lisa was only really good for the "Don't make me tap the sign" guy. Great.
S10:Entering the Nu-Simpsons zone. Has some good episodes like Wizard of Evergreen Terrace, Kidney Trouble, and Wild Barts Can't Be Broken, but lots of shit like Sunday Cruddy Sunday, I'm With Cupid, Simpsons Bible Stories, Monty Can't Buy Me Love, etc. So-so.
S11:Same Nu-Simpsons zone. Some really funny episodes, some really boring and dull episodes. More bad than good. So-so.
S12:Same Nu-Simpsons zone. Some really funny episodes, some really boring and dull episodes. More bad than good. So-so.
S13:The end of the Nu-Simpsons zone, and beginning of Modern Simpsons. 2-3, maybe 4 decent episodes, the rest are pretty damn bad. Poor.
S14-onwards: Garbage. All I can recommend from this trash fire is How I Spent My Strummer Vacation, and Lost Verizons.

I feel like I'm the only one who enjoys the blandness of season 1

You’re not alone pal, I love seasons 1&2 because they are super comfy and remind me of my youth.

Seasons 3-7 are fantastic as well but it becomes less “slice of life” and more wacky hijinx.

...but I also have a lot of other beliefs that don’t seem to be popular. I like “Principal and the Pauper,” it has some of the best gags and one-liners in that entire season. I also think the show has moderately improved following the dreadful teen seasons, late into seasons 17 or 18 it started to somewhat recover. Still nothing compared to the golden era but they sneak a few good episodes in...and also some of the absolute worst but it’s not consistently awful anymore.

So, Chuck's Feed and Seed?

Season 5's Homer goes to College is one of the greatest episodes in the show. It included Homer causing a meltdown without any radioactive material and briefly becoming a sort of "atomic monster". It's an amazing joke that breaks reality but somehow it doesn't unground the rest of the show.

Season 9 Das Bus has "and then they were rescued by, let's say Moe". Which the creators say it's a writer-joke on the fact that they couldn't figure out how to end the episode and the line was literally an off-hand comment. This breaks reality (the entire episode does, really) and leaves you with a sour taste of having watched an absolutely run of the mill silly cartoon. Not The Simpsons.


No, just "Chuck's". Can't you read the damn sign?

What's really sad is that's one of the best jokes in that episode. That and "My tongue tastes like burning" were the only decent bits in Das Bus.

it peaked in sneedville

What season 1&2 lack in comedy they make up for in atmosphere and character depth. The first two episodes of season 2 (Bart Gets an F, Simpson and Delilah) feature the most well rounded incarnations of Bart and Homer, which is sad in retrospect since they were never as multifaceted before or after.

>What's really sad is that's one of the best jokes in that episode
After s8 the show still has good jokes in it, it's just that the plots start to crumble or outright vanish with 5 minutes spent in nothing of consequence and then either three concurrent weak stories that don't connect or as many or more stories in succession.
Without plots you have no story, without story you have no characters. That's how everyone ends up being JUST the one joke they can provide.
Ironically this happens as we lost Phil Hartman and Doris Grau who provided voices for much needed characters.
But oh, we got Gil and Lindsay Naegle!
... great.

The "No... No! This... can't be happening!" line from the safety inspector guy as the van melts down always slays me.

Honestly Seasons 2-4. Top comfy, character and humor

I don't have a favorite episode, but a friend of mine swears to that one as the absolute best. And I can't really find a contender. It's absolutely ridiculous and yet still coherent. There's a few animation touches in it that are also funny on their own right. "My bottom's big!" turn, the pig biting, Homer fighting with the dog with a ham.
One amazing joke after another, never a dull moment.

The fucking price tag on the thing.


My thoughts on great episodes, in terms of being consistently hilarious throughout the episode (and some of the best delivered lines/moments):

Season 3

Homer at the Bat
>"Well, I've never met you, but... yes."
>Jose Canseco and the burning house.

Treehouse of Horror II
>Jasper: "Boy, I'm getting mighty sick a' this. I ---- ruff ruff, bow wow."
>"The ball is turning into a fat bald guy!"
>"What is it Smithers? Frankenstein?! The Boger-man!?"

Season 4

Mr. Plow
>"Well, I got him as good as he got me!"
>Every bit with Adam West, especially the tilting camera as he goes wacky at the car show.

Selma's Choice
>"Yeah. The legend of the dog faced woman."
>"Bart, leave your sister alone! Lisa, drink the water!"

Season 5

Cape Feare
>"That's German for 'the Bart, the'!" "No one who speaks German could be an evil man!"
>*Bart runs back to the side of the boat with the alligator for the second time.* "Oh yeah."

Homer Goes to College
>Other stuff aforementioned in the thread

Boy-Scoutz 'n the Hood
>Ernest Borgnine
>"Don't Do What Donny Don't Does."
>Literally every second they're stranded at sea in the raft.

>"It's got to have a flashy name and sex appeal!" *Cut to Mr. Burns Casino with Burns as a mermaid.*
>Lisa's boogie-man dream and Homer's reaction.

>pure. West

Mr Plow is hands down my absolute favourite

>Do you come with the car?
>Oh you, hehe

>Laughed at Bart Gets an F
>Cry to it as an adult


She really sells that crying. Also, I like the

>part of this belongs to God

At the end. Boy, how popular culture has changed.

>"And how come Batman doesn't dance anymore? Remember the Bat-tu-si? Hey, whoa hey hah, hey chh hey hah."


Related scene.

Seasons 1-9. If it wasn't for When You Dish Upon a Star, Monty can't buy me love, Kidney Trouble, Sunday cruddy sunday, and probably Make Room for Lisa, I would probably consider season 10 part of the classic era as well.

I've seen this episode countless times, but only now did I realize the sled says "Don't sled on me".

According to IMDb chart analysis, the last classic Simpsons episode is Wild Barts Can't Be Broken.


What sayeth you Sup Forums, agree or disagree?

>Season 9
Principal and the Pauper. Continuity be damned it's just not a funny episode.
Lisa's Sax. It apes the flashback episode formula and doesn't really try to be fresh or interesting. Canned sentimentality.
2 out of 3 Treehouses are dull and uninteresting.
Apu's Marriage. Changing status quo in a chaotic episode that never delivers on anything.
Lisa the Skeptic. It feels like a bizarro season 1 episode. Awful attitude, cheap resolution.
Miracle on Evergreen Terrace. Stuff happens, the episode. Mean unfunny ending.
Bart Carny. Another chaotic episode with two unmemorable characters, including a guest star.
Das Bus. Bad.
Last Temptation of Krust. Stand up comedy, am I right, fellas? Also abuse of guest star, playing himself. Bad sign.
Dumbbell Indemnity. This episode has MANY jokes I really like. But it's way too cartoony.
The Trouble with Trillions. Alert, Scully! We have too many ideas that can't make for an entire episode! Let's just cram them in one!
Trash of the Titans. I probably wouldn't hate this one if it wasn't hyped so much.
King of the Hill. Remember that time Homer got buff with cereal bars? Yeah. Hilarious. Yawn.

Season 9 is just plagued with bad episodes.

Wow, I'm actually surprised that all those episodes are in Season 9. The feel like Season 11 to 12 quality. You, sir, convinced me in one post not to include Season 9 in the Golden Age.

Again, there's a lot of good jokes. But you can clearly feel the show is something else by then.

Season 8 had THREE episodes that made fun of what the show had become/could turn into.
Poochie show, Homer's Enemy and Spin-off Showcase.
It's pretty damn telling.

I hate how much I can relate to Bart now. God I wish my professors could turn Fs into D-s

Wow, to think Mrs. Krabappel actually used to be nice.

>S8:The end of the Golden Era of Simpsons. Lisa dating Nelson was a weak episode, but the rest all have solid laughs. People shit on 8th season for some reason, but Hank Scorpio, Can I Borrow A Feeling, Frank Grimes, the Beer Baron, and a lot of other great things came from S8. Fantastic.

Season 8 is the first season that's bad overall. Some funny jokes like you say but the premises are all stupid. Homer fighting the heavyweight champion of the world. Homer working for a supervillain. Mr. Burns has a celebrity guest star for a son. What if a "real" person moved to Springfield? All of them have some classic jokes that land brilliantly but the actual episodes themselves aren't very good. The preceding seasons where you got laugh out loud comedy but a lot of heartfelt emotion and a somewhat relatable story were way better.

Also the Sherry Bobbins episode and Homer having chilli hallucinations episode are flat-out bad. So is Hurricane Neddy for throwing Flander's personality out the window because they were running out of ideas. The rest range from ok to forgettable.

I kept discussing this topic with my friends, what was the cut-off season. And every time we had a lengthy discussion about it, we ended up a season shorter.
When we decided 8 wasn't that good, we had to stop.
But yeah. 8 has some poor episodes in it. Most are okay or good.
But yeah, stuff like the Rodney Dangerfield episode. Eesh.

the rodney dangerfield episode is objectively good. homer at bat sucked. come at me

>best animation in the entire series

It's a horrendously weak "Homer and Marge have a fight" episode. And the ending is retarded.

when I reflect on things with my boss, whom I frequently quote simpsons with, I feel the height of the entire series was "Last Exit to Springfield", E17 S4.

I mean, it's got basically the best gags ever used in the Simpsons, it's extremely memorable, had some great references, it was amazing.

Homer's plot was OK with him knowing literally nothing about computers running an internet company. I never thought much of the kids' plot.

>Bad Corpse! Stop. Scaring. Smithers.

Is there a list of actually decent nu-Simpsons eps?
S12 episode HOMR is genuinely quite good for example.

>Spoonfeed me

The joke is if you follow the rhyme pattern it becomes chucks suck and fuck

Yes, please.

what's it made of, an endangered bear?