What is the Sup Forumsnsensus on this movie?

What is the Sup Forumsnsensus on this movie?

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That it’s ‘THE ROOM’ of superhero movies

1) Not Sup Forums
b) Hilariously bad

Search for the Worst already covered it. IHE has already said it all.

Look's like DC's Damage, lol

>Not Sup Forums
Why not?
>mostly animated

That's not the amazing Bulk

t. James DePablo

covers not bad

People like to say that is "so bad is good" but when I watched it I thought it was simply bad

Is just bably animated acting and animation on purpose, fucking lazy on purpose. Is not like captain alex where you can at least see some passion in the work

It used to have a stream but then it stopped.

The word "kino" is thrown around a lot these days, but that film's climax is genuinely kino.

>People like to say that is "so bad is good"
They say this about every piece of crap movie.

>shilling for a shitty cuck channel that loved The Last Jedi
At least say Red Letter Media next time you idiot.

>Theme song starts playing in your head.

The death of Luigi is the saddest scene in movie history.


>tfw not everyone shares your hate for a kids' movie


>kids movie

truly epic

>Less than 20% live-action
>Not Sup Forums

What's the best cheap knockoff movie

>Liking a movie I don't enjoy

>tfw you share a board with these cucks
embarrassing desu

The Little Panda Fighter or Rattatoing. Video Brinquedo is the best when they pad the running time with random noises.

I liked the irreverentness of the director in that he said once you make your main character cgi, it might as well be a cartoon, and thus him going all out with the stock CG animation. That said, its not really amusing in that "sobad its good" way once you've gone through your initial watch.

Look at this fool.


The allure of "so ba its good" movies is when there's actual passion involved in making the movies legitimate. Its why Troll 2 and The Room are so good, because they tried to be movies. Shit like the OP or all those Asylum movies that are intentionally bad lack the heart and genuine passion of the former, and just feel like hollow grabs to catch the audience that enjoys good bad movies.

>Why not?
It's not a comic book/cartoon nor adapted off a comic book/cartoon property.

It's too bad that all of Blockbuster's terrible knock off movies didn't get a shared universe, they could have formed the ShitVengers

Usually people who always go "This movie is dumb fun" or "this is a BAAD movie and I LOVE it" are just damage controlling and those who go out of their way to see movies that the majority of people think are bad generally like these movies to the point where "so bad it's good" is all there is to their personality.

>He doesn't know about the Sinister Squad
>He doesn't know about the Avengers Grimm
>Or the Undefeatables
user I...

Birdemic is a great example of this. The first Birdemic movie was a genuine but amazingly incompetent attempt at a horror movie with a really half-assed environmental message. It's one of the absolute best examples of a "so bad it's good" movie.

By the time he made Birdemic 2 he clearly knew the first one was only popular because of how terrible it was and tried to capitalize on that. But now it doesn't work because he's obviously in on the joke and is intentionally making it stupid. The entertainment value is lost.

This movie has a great Loki

That was pretty much the issue with Sharknado. It was trying to be so bad it's good, but that's just not something you can be intentionally.
