Did we talk about this?

Did we talk about this?


Yes. It largely boiled down to
>why the fuck isn't this animated?!
>never read it, this looks like the Liam Neeson tree monster movie

I bet Dan came buckets to this... Neat that it's getting a movie but it should have been animated

dont forget the story time
i liked it

They made a movie about clayton kershaw?

>why the fuck isn't this animated?!
it really should be

movie looks mad boring btw

What the fuck, an IKG movie? Hype, I saw the thread earlier, thought someone did an animation or something.



To everyone who keeps asking 'Why wasn't it animated'

Think about this from the point of view of a dumbass executive. Animating it was probably gonna take more time and cost way more because there would need to be some stylized stuff for it. This is also on a property that was popular as a graphic novel/comic/whatever but the transition doesn't always mean box office gold. Making it live action was probably the safest (and cheapest) bet in their eyes.

Live action is fucking shit. It should have been animated.


if they took more risks they'd have so many more great titles that would sell on their own

Do you know what else they have ruined.
Fucking peter the rabbit. PETER THE RABBIT


They're going water down the hell out of it, titan's gonna end up being objectively real at the end, no ambiguity about it.

>It should have been animated

It's 2017. Who the fuck's gonna push an animated movie over PG and actually have a decent go at it.

No seriously I wanna know, who even does that these days? Not stop motion. Animated. There was that puppet looking movie but...ehhhhhhhh...

>this is the directors very first feature length film
This does no bode well

I hope it's better than I think it will be and I hope that more people read the graphic novel as a result.

>It's 2017
At least proof read your copypasta

Goddamn it the fuck it gotta be 2018 now

>muh animation

Animated comic book movies go straight to dvd.

And it would have been preferable.

That's the fucking point dumb faggot. Kelly wants an ocsar obvs.

>At least proof read your copypasta
who cares, if they are good. Stop being bsessed with "brand winning" to approve or your pitiful meaningless existence

ever heard of it. question are there actual giants or is this like bridge to terabithia

>[n]ever heard of it
Typical capefag.


Read the comic. It's really short, you can bust it out in an hour.

Or if you really don't want to:

It's all in her head, she uses Giants as a kind of coping mechanism because her mom is dying

>I did not come here for her, I came for you
>Barbara gets cancer while her mother is cured
That was a little cruel


>Do you know what else they have ruined.
>Fucking peter the rabbit. PETER THE RABBIT
Every new commercial I see for that the more I hate it.

>Not animated

Don't care. That was the only way I was gonna give a shit about this.

so Yeh its bridge to terabithia all over again

what's that? Shadow of the Colossus: The Movie?