What are some Sup Forums characters that are technically part of the "heroes" but are so horribly written and unlikable...

What are some Sup Forums characters that are technically part of the "heroes" but are so horribly written and unlikable that you'd turn to the dark side just to kick their faces?

Pic not related because this isn't about heroes turning to the dark side.

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Harley Quinn
The X-Men
The Inhumans
Batman but only when he’s being an asshole

>Batman but only when he’s being an asshole
In other words, Batman.

Harley Quinn and I guess Killer Frost. Just because a villainess becomes popular doesn't mean you have to make them goody goody to cater to self-inserting fags


Kyle's supposed to be a "good person" you agree with with all his moralfag speeches, but he's a piece of shit. He's one bad day away from being worse than Cartman judging by "The List" or "Splatty Tomato"

Harley Quinn, definitely. At least Kirk Langstrom Batman killed her.

They were all awful people

Very Much THIS

Definitely THESE

why the FUCK is his head so tiny

Hell, what happened to Batwoman? Great list btw.


I was thinking more of the comics. TAS Batman had some Adam West in him.

TAS Bats, actually tries to fix his villains. Like the only one who he doesn’t give a fuck about is the Joker.

America Chavez


Too bad his character in the DCAU became a huge dickhole as time went on. TAS Batman was the first major exposure I had to Batman next to the Adam West reruns when I was younger, so it confused me when Justice League Unlimited/Superman The Animated Series Batman was supposed to be the same guy as TAS Batman, who generally wasn't a smug brooding dickhole out to prove everyone he was always right.

Bruce Timm is a hack?

>Batman Beyond Bruce is a shell of a man
It hope that was an intentional degradation to show Bruce slowly slipping and becoming more of a cunt til he’s all alone.

Also what’s your favorite BTAS moment?
>Charlie Collins BFTOing Joker

The whole episode where he was put under by Mad Hatter and trapped in a dream world. I never watched or read anything before that point that dealt with a character trying to break themselves out of a false reality, especially not by attempting suicide.

Imagine starting out repeatedly offering to try and help and find cures for Harvey, Clayface, Freeze, etc. but over and over and over again they keep fucking going back to crime over and over again, over like twenty years.

You'd eventually get pretty cynical about it.

Isn't Mask of the Phantasm supposed to come between BTAS and TNBA? I always assumed that losing Andrea was what really killed Bruce inside.

Mostly likely actually if not that’s my new fan canon, also Andrea is alive as evidenced by her almost killing Terry’s parents for Waller.

I knew she was alive, I just meant that Bruce's relationship with her was ruined forever.

>Splatty Tomato"
>ostensibly comparing someone trying to reignite the Third Reich and who has murdered and fed someone's parents to someone
>with a whiny Jew who accidentally befriended an arsonist and whose actions were the inspiration for a nuke
Kyle didn't start the fire, and he didn't as fuck push the button. He's a little bitch, but only in how far he goes with dumb shit. At least he's not actively malevolent.
Christ, you made me defend Kyle, fuck you user.

America Chavez (generic meme answer I know but still)
Batman and every Robin that isn't Jason
Rick Sanchez
Teen Titans (the comic versions. Also yeah, literally every version of them in the comics. They're all fucking shitters who are always better characters in other books/once they leave the Teen Titans)
Lisa Simpson
Caillou I guess
Mordecai and Rigby

I don't see why Sup Forums hates her.

Hudlin-era Black Panther.
Slott's Spider-Man

Yeah, but I wanna fuck Mary and Susan.

She's an interloping cunt.