How do you feel about jughead becoming a sex symbol?

how do you feel about jughead becoming a sex symbol?

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>A Sex Symbol

I mean, Jughead is pure sex.



Archie meets The Punisher 2: Electric Boogaloo

Cole Sprouse aged remarkably well.

Looks like a paid social media campaign to me. The ratings show nobody watches this show, and the way that post is written reeks "fake".

Jughead immediately being paired off with Betty is the weirdest part of that baffling awful show.

It’s like they have no interest in the love triangle that Archie comics are based on

This is wrong! All wrong!

There's an issue where Jughead walks Betty home from one of Ronnie's parties while she pours her heart out to him. It stuck out to me, because his reaction was something other than nonchalant apathy.

Admittedly, that's as close to any shipbait I can recall, and even then, Jug wasn't doing anything other than being a solid friend.

Kinda like this? Jughead has a real soft spot for Betty, she's probably his best friend next to Archie and Hot Dog.

user, in case you haven't noticed Jughead is weird, he's a weirdo, he doesn't fit it

You can say that again.

Not muh Jughead


wtf i thought he was our guy but he’s Sup Forumss guy

Maybe there's a jughead for every board.

Why is Jughead so savage? Is that what the S stands for???

>there's an Archie live action series
What the fuck


Jughead's always made the ladies wet. He's goddamn Jughead.

They are protesting the country of iraq?

I remember when the trailer was released and somebody found an old fan made trailer for live action archie made as a sort of satire of that sort of teen drama show and it looked unironicly more interesting than the trailer for the real show looked.

i find it weird he is from that show with the two little queer kids that lived in a hotel with a jewish school girl

>Kissing girls
>And not trying to wash his mouth out afterward

I... I don't understand. Are we in the fucking Twilight Zone?

I know he understands one of the most basic rules of guns, unlike his ginger friend.

His brother didn't turn out as pretty, but he's happy.
He invested his Disney money I guess, so nowadays he mostly streams on twitch and he got a job as a dishwasher or something as an excuse to leave the house.

He's a poser compared to Adam

More reason our species needs to die.

Based jughead.

Do you think they hit it?

>Cole Sprouse is Jughead
That's fucking stupid.

Now THIS is a sex symbol.

That JJ

While they were working on Suite Life?


>the chick that draws Menagea3 got to draw actual archie comics

it was pretty popular on Netflix

All I see is that kid I use to watch on the Disney channel, except with black hair and taller.

It isn't supposed to happen until time travel is not only invented but miniaturized to the point where it will fit in a hat.

fuck that, how do you feel about fucking Archie becoming a sex symbol

Both of their characters became worse after it happened too.

I think what was worse for Jughead’s character was joining the serpents.

4 months ago he didn’t want anything to do with them. He only joined to keep everyone from killing each other. Now he’s acting like being a serpent is his entire identity. Even the serpents who have been deep in it for years think he’s taking it too seriously.

it's so fucking weird that he's so passionate about it and that the other Serpents are just letting him take charge so easily

felt real good when Toni called him out last episode

I never realised she was the same actress in the Social Network

It's the CW. They'd turn Winnie the pooh into a sex symbol if they had the rights


I like Sailor Luna.

Why the fuck is Betty throwing herself at Jughead?

I really don't get Dylan, he spent 4 years getting a degree in video game design and now he's supposed to be opening a brewery. weird dude

Let's be honest, that's exactly anyone of us will do with money.

A wizard, Harry!

I get him having a little bit of extra respect since he’s FP’s son but it didn’t seem right that they’d act like the gang was a monarchy where Jughead gets to lead them just because his dad was the boss.

wouldn't you?

>Jughead kissing girls
I knew watching Riverdale would be a mistake

>didn't even eat a fucking burger until the end of Season 1

I'm glad I don't watch it

Archie was always a sex symbol to me.

it's a terrible show but in a silly fun way

and they say cape films are afraid of their origins.


>watching Riverdale
>not watching Archie's Mysteries on Youtube

I always had a crush on Jughead, I even sewed my own blue S-shirt and cut up a trilby for Halloween, but I always shipped him with my self-insert, I mean Ethel..That show looks awful. Where's his long nose?

Anyway, here's some fic I always remember whenever I read Archie again for kicks.

>It’s like they have no interest in the love triangle that Archie comics are based on

They don't. It's considered sexist. The girl who plays Betty is pretty adamantly against it.

Lili Reinhart ended up being a fucking bitch. She's the second worst actor on the show (behind Cami Mendes who's "crying" actually made me burst out into laughter), and the worst character.

She's dating Cole Sprouse and just doesn't want to do romantic scenes with Archie's actor.

I'm really glad I didn't watch it.

I think this was it

That's not very professional

Wait, Archie has a CW show? Why?

She's young and naive. Look up her "poetry".

I still have to watch "Tototo that lives nearby".

Young and naive is one thing but this is hollywood baby, if you won't act then somebody else will.

You think that would've come up in the audition.

She actually auditioned for Cheryl and they gave her Betty iirc.


>kissing ANYBODY
>let alone a GIRL

Huh, didn't think the apocalypse would come so soon.

No. It's an actual issue of Archie.
Sabrina did it.

It's weird but was completely inevitable with Cole Sprouse playing him. I'd go gay for that man.

Anyone remember that issue of Simpsons Comics where Bart liked the Jughead expy because he ignored girls and preferred junk food then felt extremely betrayed when he kissed a girl

Was it a warning to us to be less autistic when he inevitably kissed one?

Maybe, it all worked out in the end