ITT: Most Ham-fisted Messages


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>baiting with an edit
3/10 best i can do user, you really need to apply yourself next time.

dresses like a slut gets called out like a slut, gets mad like a bitch.

>what is reductio ad absurdum


>white people catcalling
Is this the 1930s?

how common is catcalling?
i don't go outside so i've never heard it in real life

Says all you need to know that white men get blamed for something non-white men tend to do

>You're wrong. We've done things that most people would call impossible, and I know the only reason we were able to do it is because we didn't do it alone! We had people to teach us, people to help us, we had each other. Work with us. At least I know we'll have a better chance if we try together. Please.

I imagine it being a nigger and spic thing.
I don't go outside either so I wouldn't know for sure

>Men find me attractive!? I better kill myself

does it ever bother you knowing that you're a shitty person? or do you guys just refuse to acknowledge it?

And I suppose you're a paragon of virtue, which is why you post here?

catcalling, you'll miss it when it's gone. then again maybe it's gone already and you're just bitter.

There was an article about that I saw. A woman wrote one about how catcalling was bad, then a few years later wrote one about how she felt conflicted about missing being catcalled.

so it's the latter then. might have guessed as much

I remember that video of the chick showing off all the guys calling out to her as she walked silently, and she got backlash for 'editing out all the whites' since it was almost all browns.

You're on the wrong website, tumblr is that way

Alright listen faggot, you seem to want to do it so why don't you tell all of us why cat calling is totally a thing white guys do.

clothes are language just as much as the spoken word. if you want to be treated like a slut then dress like one. if you don't then don't. you'd be pissed if some idiot went around screaming nigger all the time then bitched about being called racist.

Was it this experience that made Didi sapphicc?

is the #killAllMales tag the edit, or is there more to it

The former.

>no, you don't understand, it wasn't us, it was just our leader. All fire nation citizens are great people.
This is fire nation apologism. They are guilty for letting their leader do the things he did.

More to it, those two dudes get cockvored by her a couple of pages later.

Remember in the 80s when being feminist meant you were sex positive like Roz or Blanche? Those were good times.


>white guys sitting on a stoop in the inner city
does this person not go outside?


Dude it wasn't muslim, it was Osama.

A women's psyche starts to breakdown when she's not receiving attention.

i'm a white guy. i've done that. granted i was helping a friend move and we were taking a break but still, it happened.

Most people aren't this outwardly sexist and perverted, because they know it would make them look bad and creep the girls out. You'd have to be completely socially inept to talk like the guys in this comic. But for a comic like this, it's easier to make things unsubtle and obvious because it's easier to make the victim sympathetic.

Is there a way to post all of xkcd?

It's nice that he's not racist. If feminists weren't such man hating cunts we could have ended racism with the power of thicc asses long ago.

victim...that word. you keep using that word. i don't think it means what you think it means.

I’ve seen it happen two times. Once I was walking in a group and some guy drove by and literally just said “yow!” (My female friends had to explain wtf that was about)

The other time this guy in front of me in traffic literally pulled his car to the curb to hit on a woman who was waking by.

What in the fuck are you getting on with? In the comic the titty bearer paints herself as a victim.



being cat called doesn't make you a victim. it supports the hypothesis that you are hot. don't perform experiments if you are not willing to accept the data collected.

That sounds so bizarre.

Exactly like rape.

rape is a physical interaction with laws prescribed for punishment. catcalling is free speech. just like dressing like a slut. neither of which are against the law.

Ok, but rape still supports the hypothesis that you're hot and you are responsible for getting raped.

How common? I dunno.

Only time I ever encountered that was in my college days. Walked to a convenience store, some white guy drove up with his (I think) equally rowdy friends and called out to two black girls "HEY WANNA MAKE AN OREO?"

But you know, college, a bunch of stupid kids with the reigns off say incredibly stupid shit all the time.


ITT: butthurt faggot underage OPs

Not really. I hear people saying that women who have been raped are responsible because they "ask for it", but I don't think a rapist is deterred at all by wether the victim (the rapee?) asks for it or not. I don't think being hot is the one and only catalyst for a rape to happen.

nonsense. being hot does induce rape. ugly people get raped all the time.

I don't suppose there's an alternate follow-up where they bang her?

nonsense. being hot does not induce rape. ugly people get raped all the time.

>looks like a literal goblin
What did she mean by this?

I know most of you admitted this but after reading your opinions and experiences its becomes clear you guys dont get out at all.

>>A dress is a whores uniform
>>white people dont cat call
>>most people wouldnt talk like that

Please walk outside in daylight in any major city anywhere in the world for more than an hour with your head up. This isnt even to prove anything I just think itle be good for you all.

Some WHITE MALE told me they liked my Pokemon jacket. I was literally raped and no one cared.

Move out of Detroit

Hey, I'm not underage!

>anywhere in the world
You're American, aren't you?

I think what was actually a bit dumber was the sort of follow-up message I saw from some guy on the site that posted it, saying something like, "if you can't take a Korean-American woman expressing her opinion like this, then I'm telling you as well, stop it", overlooking that most people who objected to the comic didn't recognise the author's comic avatar as asian, and half of them didn't realize it was female


you are well within your right to judge people by their speech and actions as is every one else. cleavage and a skirt short enough to show off your panties have been whore language for millennia. just because it's in fashion doesn't change the etymology of the clothes.


Sup Forums edit please

>living in a city

What the fuck happened with the 'Show, not tell' principle?

I can distinctly remember 2 occasions.

One was, as I was walking past 2 teenagers catcalled a woman walking in front of us, and she slowly and dliberately raised her hand and gave them the finger, without turning round.

Another time, someon mistook me for a woman(possibly because I had long hair) and whistled at me. He went "eww" when I turned round.
I thought it was kind of funny.

There 2 instances happened about 10 years apart

This doesn't even make sense why would Firelord "We must share our enlightened culture with the backwards savages of the world" Sozin ban something that had been traditionally accepted by his culture?
Especially if it brought the fire nation in line with the beliefs of the earth kingdom?
This sounds more like something Ozai would have done.

>not naming it hammer to the jew
That would have been even more appropriate given its red skull.

>when the villain has a point
Is he the new Ozymandias?

Actual catcalling is pretty rare outside of the ghetto, people saying hello to women on the street is pretty common though which is what this is all about.

Hey, what do you expect from a comic that claims that a firelord is the worst person in the world for banning homosexuality and not the one who carried literal ethnic genocide?

>rape is worse than murder, only happens to men and cannot be used for hyperbole

I respectfully disagree.


Wasn't there some video a while ago, showing a woman walking down the street and getting cat-called and getting all sorts of blue comments coming from virtually every guy she walked past, but it turned out it was staged, and the people making the vid told the guys to act like that?
As I recall, the guys in the video were misled about what it was going to be about, and they ended up getting threats and things from people who thought it was genuine.

Anyone else remember hearing about this?

People insisted that every use of exposition was a violation of "show, don't tell" because they were too stupid to understand what it means, so it just got ignored wholesale.

The villain doesn't have a point, though, and if you think so you've been indoctrinated

I've never seen a person get catcalled in my life. Hell, I've hardly seen people flirt. Is this because I live in the midwest?

You're right. Rape is not an excuse. It's a reason and tonight, everything seems so reasonable

catcalling isn't really a thing, but what is a thing is teenagers yelling insults from their cars as they drive by

In what way doesn't he have a point? Europe has no moral obligation to save minorities, because it simply doesn't have any moral obligations

There is no room for subtlety when you “fight the patriarchy.”

Humans have a moral obligation to help one another

He was upset that Roku wouldn't let him suck his dick, so he declared that no fire nation man could suck dick.

I'm guessing it's something you will never see in your life unless you're a girl or often hang out with groups of women.

Of course I would've never personally seen it since I don't usually hang out with large groups of women.

Tbqh I'd like to live in the world which is so bucolic that its main problem is not famine, slavery or terrorism but genitalia-related stuff.

Prove it

>moral obligation
aka none.

I live on a college campus, where shit like this, you would think, would be the most rampant. The only times it ever happens, it's between two people who very obviously know each other, and are doing it as a joke. People just take jokes seriously nowadays, what are you gonna do?

Catcalling is more common in ghettos and projects neighborhoods. I lived in NYC for 7 years. Never saw any catcalling. Saw plenty of women that would have had it coming though.

>Humans have a moral obligation to help one another
Should we use 'the aroused baby and the voracious snake' paradox?

We never did find out what he meant by that.

>hurr the people in my shithole overpopulated city represent all of america and the world
You should write television.

So you are gonna rave like a lunatic from now on? Really? That's all? usually you retard at least pretend to have education. But aparently uou just devolved into pseudo religious self validated fiction now.

>implying we don't already live in that world

If we didn't help each other we wouldn't have gotten this far. You just hate brown people, I get it.

I dunno, they might just rape you because they're bored

Explain to me how saving leeches helps me.
Also, we've gotten this far by also NOT helping each other.

>it's a "we" unless you are white and then it's "you" and "or else you are racist" argument
Of course it is.

A lot of people do live in that world. Something like four or five billion people are currently not at any risk of starving and slavery has been nominally abolished in the entire civilized world. Terrorist attacks are still quite rare in Europe and the United States. For millions of people, being called names by a stranger is literally the worst problem they ever expect to face.
The world is wonderful.

some of the greatest technological improvements in history are during war-time, to more efficiently slaughter other humans.

>If we didn't help each other we wouldn't have gotten this far.
This is factually wrong.