Post redpilled cartoons

Post redpilled cartoons

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I don't get it. The place has a lot of camel farms?


>car bomb ya

Now that I had to explain the joke it's customary for me to call you a faggot.

Young Justice. If you're woke, you'll undetstand why.



Figures. Did Orson Scott Card write that episode?

redpilled af in aberdale


Casey Casem quit the show over this, FYI.

But where do they get cars to put bombs in if everyone rides camels?

Casem quit over being forced to be in a Burger King commercial. Stop spreading misinformation.

That was Scooby Doo.

OP posted Transformers.

FAGS cant be redpilled, is some kind of animation law...


All Hail Supreme Military Commander, President-for-Life, and King of Kings Abdul Fakkadi of the Socialist Democratic Federated Republic of Carbombya.

Weird, I thought Carbombya was in Ireland.

Is that a clip from Clarence?

Fucking hell, man, you think Clarence is red-pilled? I saw only one episode and it was about a school system demanding a kid come to terms with being mediocre rather than trying to strive to be better than his friends. His Spongebob-and-Patrick-tier friends.


There is nothing red pilled about this.

What's the joke?

This episode alone made Recess the greatest lesson in capitalism and free market ever put to kids television.

Is this "redpilled"?

I know you're being facetious, but still, fuck Steven Universe. I was willing to give the pass on the deadbeat dad and the trio of lesbian alien mothers that actually try to stop Steven from becoming Greg's mini-me, but I draw the line at portraying a blatant transsexual as some sort of superlative superhuman.

let's just say when the rest of the episodes air, they literally have a redpill scene in the show.

except it's blue.

explain pls, I didn't watch that


No, not at all. What do you think redpilled means?

Being a little shit who literally thinks that Dennis Leary's stand up routine is the only way to see the world?

I'm mean, being redpilled seems to include a lot of calling races by their slurs only.

Do you even know where the term comes from? Jesus Christ.


A movie where a black man tells a white man what to do repeatedly. Just because it's a Matrix reference doesn't magically divorce it from what it means on this site and others.

And if you're wanting to be absolutely pedantic about it, the red pill is a program that causes the taker to be seen as dead by their particular interface to the Matrix, which disconnects them and dumps what should be a dead body into a sewer.

>I'm a shit for brain gen-z tard who didn't understand a reference from before my time so the term means what I mistook it to mean because I don't want anyone to know I have shit for brains
Fuck off.

You're both being assholes about a fucking meme.

I heard Season 3 was supposed to be on Netflix but I haven't seen it. Did I miss it?

Half of My Life As A Teenage Robot was how a negro and a hispanic try and screw Jenny over at every opportunity

>thinking someone who’s aware of Dennis Leary wouldn’t know what The Matrix is
>thinking someone who’s been on the Internet period doesn’t know what people who use the term ‘redpill’ mean when they say it

Season 3 will be out whenever DC’s video service thing will be out later this year.

You. I like you. You can have my internetz.

We both know the only reason he isn't broke is because of a total ass-pull the writers did for him, though the way he spends his money and has no business investments for the future (probably because he has no idea how to), the writers better be ready to do that crap on repeat.

What did they mean about this?

>being a wage cuck
He provides for his son and he is a good person.

To be fair, they probably only screwed her over because they were dealing with uncomfortable and confusing feelings of sexual attraction towards a robot.

A GIRL robot, to boot, so that's another whole layer of weird emotional bullshit for hormonal teenagers to dig through.

Redpill is the ugly truth, the kind that hurts people's feelings. The kind of truth that makes people angry, angry enough to wanna do something.

Brit might have been a dark-skinned Indian.

I wonder if Samurai Jack has been banned in Sweden for this.

Then again, Sheldon isn't the only one who's turned on by a white & teal robot...

This is really more my idea of a redpill.
civilization vs savagery
Reason vs Madness

That scene was too subtle, now way anyone liberal picked up on it, unfortunately.

Everyone rides a camel because every car is bombed.

Black people liked black face. Now THAT'S the real red pill you phony

So what does it mean? Explain it to a 30 year old guy. Looks like redpilling stopped meaning "woke" but on the opposite direction (more like "self sedation" for the brain if you ask me).

that was beautiful