
Something sorta happened

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I can finally die happy. Thanks.

She’ll leave him once she sees him go psycho mode.

She'll crave his dick, more, you mean

Ivy's more worldly than she lets on, and she's looked after Viktor on his bad days; she won't scarper when she see him cut loose.


FINALLY something to be happy about

>Ivy's more worldly than she lets on
But why is she that way? I feel like if she didn't have to put up appearances for her father she'd be way more into organized crime. Wasn't her dad one of the partners Atlas made in his heyday?

Welp, she's dead


To heaven, that is.

I kind of liked the dynamic Pepper and Rocky had going better. Calvin/Freckle is just too uptight and shy, but Rocky matches Pepper's....peppy-ness. Plus, if anyone deserves a happy ending - it's Rocky.

Which I can't help but feel the next page will be him giving them the death stare.

Who else thinks the finale will end in a classic gang/bar HQ shootout, I want Calvin vs Mordecai. Mordecai has swapped sides so it's likely he will go after Lackadaisy, right after he outs Mitzi for hiring him to kill Atlas.

Holy shit, this comic's still alive.

Rocky cannot into Ivy, he's already crazy about Mitzi.

I don’t think Rocky thinks of Pepper that way. If anything he’d give his cousin a pat on the back for scoring with the ladies.

Rocky has way too big a crush on Mitzi for him to have a crush on Pepper.

Yeah but its obvious Mitzi has no interest in him and it would be logical to assume he will find that out eventually, at least I'd hope so - prior to the end of the comic.

Just like Mitzi was using Wick (and probably Atlas) and to some extent, Zib. But Zib is the only one Mitzi would even want to be with.

DESU, Im not even sure how Wick is meant to fit into the finale yet - he hasn't been touched on in ages. Viktor has been relegated to the back lines - so maybe he has the confrontation with Mordecai.

Hopefully it'll cause some temporary friction between the two, but nothing crippling.

Shut your hole

I wanna give him a smooch

Well yeah, Rocky will eventually need to face the fact that Mitzi has no interest in him, but that doesn’t change the fact that there’s no reason for him in this moment to be giving Freckles and Pepper the stink eye for kissing, because he hasn’t yet given up on Mitzi and therefore has no reason to be interested in Pepper.

And anyway, even if he did move on from Mitzi, I don’t see any reason he’d be attracted to Pepper beyond friendship. I think he likes her and they have decent chemistry, but I think he sees her as more as of kid sister type friend than a prospective love interest, and I don’t see why he’d inexplicably want to cockblock Freckles out of nowhere either. Or why he’d make himself a target of Viktor’s over protective wrath, for that matter. There’s not much going for Pepper/Rocky other than she just happens to be there.

She's dead, and Freckle is going to kill her.

So, just to be clear: Rocky, Freckles and Pepper are currently in Defiance Missouri loading up a truck that Rocky and Freckles are going to be driving into St Louis while Pepper stays in Defiance. And there’s a tornado just about to hit St Louis that Rocky and Freckles will basically be driving straight into.

It's great, isn't it?

>and I don’t see why he’d inexplicably want to cockblock Freckles out of nowhere either
Oh fuck. I would have completely agreed you, but for some reason your sentence there made it click in my head how you could possibly be wrong.

We already know that Rocky is fucked right now thanks to his head wound. He's going some severe internal distress. He's always buried his emotions under humor and maniacal optimism, and that blow to the head is making all of those buried emotions come out. We know that's happening, but we haven't seen a real effect of it yet.

It could come to the forefront as Rocky cockblocking Calvin just to finally get back at him for his own ruined life. Remember what Rocky said in the car to Ivy?

"But then came one of those little family tragedies... and it had an author... and with already ink-stained hands, I signed my name on it."

Also remember the letter from Rocky in Calvin's room? Pic related:

"...wasn't all....your fault...anyway."

Calvin did something. Something terrible, most likely stemming from one of his earliest murder rages. And Rocky, already being the black sheep of the family, took the blame and was kicked out dealt with a lot more shit before getting into a life of crime.

Rocky "cockblocking" Ivy would be a way of him finally getting even with Calvin for essentially ruining his life. It wouldn't be out of nowhere. Rocky probably wouldn't even give a shit about Ivy. But he may try something just to hurt Calvin because of what happened when they were kids.

I'm surprised that this relationship got so developed. I thought it was just going to be a short date story joke and something dunny/retarded would happen and they would break up

I do think that this particular conflict is going to come to a head soon, but I don’t think interfering in Calvin’s romantic interests is particularly Rocky’s style in dealing with a matter of this nature. That’s too conniving and premeditated for him. He’s way more likely to be inappropriately arguing over it in the middle of a gunfight and to accidentally push Freckles in the line of fire without thinking or something equally dangerous and ridiculous.

I just don’t see why everyone’s speculating that Freckles is gonna shoot Ivy when half the cast is about to get sent to Oz if they don’t get under cover soon.

she got interested in him BECAUSE she heard he was a psycho killer.
she a freak.

>I don’t think interfering in Calvin’s romantic interests is particularly Rocky’s style in dealing with a matter of this nature. That’s too conniving and premeditated for him.
Except he's done EXACTLY that same thing already in the comic, and that was when he wasn't clearly about to start wracking up a body count.

In pic-related, he did it because he's holding a torch for Mitzi and doesn't care about Wick. But he could do the exact same thing solely to hurt Calvin.

It's been years since I read this and when I did I don't think I necessarily followed everything. Can anyone give me a rundown real quick?

>Ivy's mention of "Gilbert and Garbo" references a famous envelope-pushing on screen kiss in the 1926 film, Flesh and the Devil.

If anyone's curious, it's a heck of a kiss for the movies at the time. Happens at about 3:26 or so.

Holy shit, those huge cute eyes.
Lackadaisy is turning moe.

>Can anyone give me a rundown real quick?
No, not really. I'm not trying to be a dick, it just can't be summed up easily. There are a lot of characters, with very broad backstories, and TON of information that isn't stated directly. A shit-ton of things are implied or vaguely referenced and you need to take everything in to start piecing it all together. I could say it's about rum-runners and a speakeasy in St. Louis in the 1920s and there's crime drama, but that doesn't tell you anything about what's happening, or who the characters are. You really just have to go and read it yourself.

THATs why I dropped it because I couldn't find all these little backstories and information and Im horrible at trying to pick up and comprehend and realize subtle in direct statements or implications/vagueness thats like my kryptonyte in books and stories. I can never pick those up whatsoever

You can always try to find these threads whenever there's an update. Hiveminds are good at farming info. It's how I've managed to understand most of the little things. I would have never picked them up myself.

Is there a pastebin of all the things to note?

Not that I'm aware of.

Would be a really good idea, though, considering how glacial the pace is.

I love this comic so much

That's unfortunate. I can't find any of these Hivemind post and explanation post at all in Archive

So the storm’s about to his St Louie and the cast’s positions are:

>Rocky and Freckles: driving into the city

>Ivy: in Defiance

>Zib: just released from prison, likely on his way to Lackadaisy

>Mitzi and the rest of the band and staff: safe in Lackadaisy’s catacombs, which probably serve as a good bomb cellar

>Viktor: in his house in St Louis with Ms Babka. His fate lays in whether he receives Elsa’s phone call and comes out to Defiance to investigate Marigold’s shady goings on out there, or to another location like Lackadaisy- or the call may instead be ignored and he stays at home in harm’s way

>Mordecai and the Savoys: on their way to drop off Mordecai and Gracie the kidnapped jewel thief to an undisclosed location to do ‘work,’ then the Savoys plan to go to one if the rivers to dispose of some bodies

>Wick and Lacey: ??? Last seen the previous night when Mitzi stole a check from Wick’s checkbook. If they notice the check is missing in time, they may come to the Lackadaisy caracombs to confront Mitzi over it

>the Marigold goons, Weaselface and Fish: in Defiance on the lookout for Rocky’s car, likely about to ambush them

>the detective whose name I can’t recall: at the police station going over some old Lackadaisy files. possibly about to move to investigate Lackadaisy in some capacity

Well, remember that this shit started in 2006.

Yeah, Rocky doesn't care about Mitzi. He's be happy that Calvin has a girl. He was giving them a hard time earlier in the story after they went to Victor's apartment.

Is this all very grounded or is there legit magic in this series?

Pepper I mean

Whatever, you knew

Jesus just look at the way the light reflects from the eyes.

No wonder why this comic takes months to update

Except for two things

One:He's much closer with Calvin than he is with Wick. He barely knows Wick, but Calvin is practically his brother.

Two: He's interested in Mitzi, not Pepper. He's downright infatuated with Mitzi, and I don't see this story switching his interest.
If he did become interested in Pepper (which would require him stop being interested in Mitzi which doesn't seem likely), see point 1, I don't think he'd do the same things to Calvin he's done to Wick.

It's still a pretty easy marathon, should only take a few hours.

That said, currently they are about to go on an alcohol run and Rocky is thinking less straight than usual due to a head wound.

Aside from maybe (maybe) some voodoo stuff that just happened with Mordecai, its not a magical series.

Also Ivy had a kinda prophetic sort of dream once, so there may be some psychadelia in the form of dream or drug induced fantasy sequences.

The side comics can be just a little silly sometimes too, but their place within canon is questionable.

If there isn’t a comic relief page dedicated to Rocky being bodily lifted by a tornado, conked on the head, and hallucinating that he’s landed in Munchkinland, I will be sorely disappointed.

I already explained both of those points. I'll explain again.

1) He is close to Calvin. But Calvin was the reason he had to leave his home and travel around the country as a carnival hobo for years. Calvin is why Rocky is still despised by his own family. Rocky never blamed Calvin for it before, but he's been burying his emotions and has never really come to terms with anything. He could try anything to hurt anyone right now, because he hasn't processed any of this in years. It's hitting now as if it all just happened a day ago. Not to mention, he's clearly suffering some kind of concussion or something. His emotional state is fucked, his brain is rattled, and his skull has been literally split by farm equipment. All bets are off for Rocky in terms of what he may think, feel, or do.

2) I never said Rocky cares about Ivy. I said very directly, he most likely doesn't care about Ivy. She'd just be a tool for getting at Calvin. It's a reverse of the situation shown in the comic I posted. As you said, Rocky cares about Mitzi and doesn't care about Wick. In this scenario, Rocky cares about Calvin, and doesn't care about Ivy.

I'm not saying this will happen, but I'm saying it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility, and everything is place where it wouldn't be out of nowhere. It would actually make a lot of sense.

And it would lead to Calvin killing Ivy (probably while aiming for Rocky),
which is obviously going to happen.

I don't think there's any kind of prophecy going on. Really, the dream is very blunt and obvious symbolism and it's all directly connected to the conversations Ivy had with Elsa and the rest the night before.

>everyone miraculously survives the tornado
>the one character who dies is then shortly after shot and killed by friendly fire

God, that’ll be such a downer if this happens.

There's obviously not going to be a happy ending here. The best you can hope for is a Godfather ending - the worst possible outcome that you trick yourself into thinking is a good thing for a few minutes.

It doesn't help that it only updates once in a blue moon, it's almost as bad as trying to follow the story in an Aaron Diaz comic

At least Tracy gives us something to look forward to, and the wait is justified with how damn pretty the art is. I'm looking forward to being able to buy a hard-cover collection of the entire comic someday.

It's really just a comic you gotta marathon every once in a while.

It's good enough that that's okay, but its really not something that can be read from update to update just due to how slowly it updates.

I didn't say it isn't exceptionally well drawn and has interesting characters... but it's a very hard comic to get into and stay invested in.

Oh yeah, that's certainly true. Just, of all people you could have chosen to make that point, you chose Aaron Diaz?

Jesus Christ I forgot how much I love the visuals on that page. From the more obvious touches like the smoke from Viktor's eye to that little beam of light coming from Rocky's scar. I just fucking love it all.

I fucking love the sunrise tombstone.

>Rocky will eventually need to face the fact that Mitzi has no interest in him
but he's batshit crazy.
he's not all there anymore

Well we don't quite know what level of crazy he is.

Seems unlikely he's violent crazy since that just seems against his general nature. I know he "threatened" Wick earlier, but I doubt he would honestly try to hurt anyone. He's a trickster, not a psychopath.

>Seems unlikely he's violent crazy since that just seems against his general nature
Yeah, but he's not averse to violence. He was fine with Calvin gunning down people, and he was pretty happy when he burned down the pig farm. And his head wound could really be shifting things around with his nature. I'm pretty sure Rocky getting into a violent gun battle has already been foreshadowed, in this Human Rocky collage that Tracy made years ago. Look at him at the bottom left, where he's not wearing a coat and his tie is flapping to the side. I'm convinced that shading on his shirt is supposed to muzzle-flashes from a thompson. He's shooting someone there, and it was a preview for this coming storm.

You make a good point, but to me Rocky seems like the kinda of guy who would be sick if he ever personally killed someone. He may enjoy destruction, but I doubt he could ever personally kill someone himself.

Under normal circumstances. There's just been too many crazy eyes from Rocky lately for me to believe that there isn't blood on his mind - figuratively and probably literally.

Well either way, I hope we get to something exciting this year. I think its about time for another shootout

I'm completely with you on that.

That Freckle, whatta ladykiller!

i think it's because of the same bad boy appeal that would dominate the postered walls of teenage girls in 30 years time

ivy likes em dangerous - but i dont think she knows just what kind of dangerous she's got herself involved in ....

this comic's about to get so FUN.

Oh shit. I forgot about Nina. I wonder how the fuck she’s going to fare the storm.

Plus, Black Tuesday's incoming, and we all know what THAT did to the country's businessmen.

Poor Wick - and poor Lacy! Oh, whatever will that girl do when she finds her boss hanging from the cellar ceiling by his belt?

I mean I don't think Mitzi will get a happy ending unless it turns out she didn't kill her husband, maybe she gets revenge then.

But yeah, I'm sure other characters can get happy endings. None of them seem particularly attached to the actual business of booze running.

Rocky's already hanging off the deep end. Him plummeting to the very bottom isn't a matter of if, but when ... and what?

I wonder just what it'll take to push him right off and just ... snap?

this is HAWT

>None of them seem particularly attached to the actual business of booze running

You don't seem to have any idea just how sticky the little web Mitzi's laid out is.

No, Zib's being transferred to another prison for missing a court date or something. He refused to take his one phone call, prefering to just let things happen, so this moment is pretty much his leaving the gang. I wouldn't be surprised if Victor's injuries lead him to take the same route; I'm not exactly sure why he's even loyal to the gang anymore.

Also, I think the detective is more interested in Marigold's seemingly random killings, as his file has an article over the attorney being killed, which was referenced by Mordecai when he confronted Mitzi in the car.

Everything else seems spot on

>but i dont think she knows just what kind of dangerous she's got herself involved in ....
i want to see her commit crimes and slowly get corrupted by calvin/rocky.

I mean she's been with Lackadaisy longer than Calvin has. She wasn't fooled by Victor saying that one guy just left, she knew full well he killed him.
I think she's got a good idea of who shes running with. She's no innocent girl.

Thanks. I was having trouble keeping everything straight. I think Viktor’s still loyal to Lackadaisy because he doesn’t feel like he has anywhere else to go. He’s been with them a long time and they gang is probably more family to him than his real family by now. I don’t think he’d just walk away from that easily.

> and then they fucked


Precisely, Rocky has had alot of loss and failure in his life. Jumping form one thing to the next, Calvin was someone he felt he could always count on - keep his thumb on, whom would never change and be by his side. Pepper puts a wedge in all that and love can make you do stupid things.

You must also consider that Rocky is more then likely very resentful that he hasn't had any deep meaningful relationships that lasted. His aunt can barely stand him, parents fucked off/dead, no romantic relationships blossomed - no friendships really lasted.

Calvin is the only person he is close to, so if anything this would be the straw that breaks the camel's back. He may be at the end of his rope, he may feel he has nothing to lose.

Again, brain injury, past of violence and unpredictable - feeling lost and unloved in the world. Rocky *technically* is the closest to a main protagonist we have in the story.

Plus what we've seen with Wick, when that relationship is threatened - even if its not "really that serious",something a normal person wouldn't pay much mind - seems to really strike at his core.

The breakdown of their relationship or rather, any sort of shuffling in their trust in one another would make a lovely conflict. Especially if you have Desperate Brain Injured Rocky vs Psycho-Killer Mode Calvin.

I'm aware that she knows that he's a killer, but there's a difference between your average mob tough guy and an psycho killer with a crazy murder-laugh

It's far, FAR more likely that it's Freckle who'll be corrupted by Ivy.