This board is the reason why animation isn't taken seriously

This board is the reason why animation isn't taken seriously.

How relevant do you think this board is?

what comic or cartoon are you referencing here?

there is a "how's your webcomic" thread on page 2. It can probably give you tips on drawing hands and expressing emotion in your comic.

>Expecting anything from artists
The greatest lesson of Sup Forums is that it's up to you to make you own show if you want things to go better.

When has Sup Forums ever been relevant?

Extremely relevant, actually. This board basically determines the Internet's opinions on cartoons.
Look at what happened to Gravity Falls, anons.

This board coined the phrase Brony and was the birthplace of Adventure Time's Fiona and Cake.

>Extremely relevant, actually
You're joking right

>This board basically determines the Internet's opinions
>the birthplace of Adventure Time's Fiona and Cake.
talk about delusions of grandeur

>This board coined the phrase Brony
>there's a Sup Forumsnrad pony in the show

Again, Sup Forums made the entire Internet do a 180 in its opinion of a formerly popular show. It's influential as fuck.

You can't actually believe this.

Most of the internet still loves Gravity Falls you autist.

Stop reading shit posted years ago. I don't know anyone who still likes it.

I dunno, this place seems to have the most people liking stuff of all Sup Forums. There's waifu threads up like every day.

>This board basically determines the Internet's opinions on cartoons.
No one cares what we think.

How butthurt were you to make this, OP?

From criticism for Steven Universe's inconsistent character designs?
Shitting on how many pointless references are in OK K.O., on top of the inconsistent character designs?
Star season 3 being said to be a horrible downgrade from even the previous season?
The cancer of the animation industry, CalArts, finally getting mainstream backlash after John K talked about it for years?
Talking about how women demonstrably suck at writing for cartoons?

I like GR. For full disclosure though, I watched it all at once the day after the finale.

Everyone likes porn. Doesn't count.

Sup Forums generally hates the actual shows.

So what's would you like us to do?

Too much time on Sup Forums

>tfw you'll discover someday that every single person you know was secretly on Sup Forums.

And people wonder why artists don't listen to them and Sup Forums is the most hated website on the internet...

I seriously hope show creators take anything said here with a grain of salt and not at face value, because some of you fuckers make the great salt lake look like a pile of ice cream.


I don't really care if soyboy and roastie artists listen to us, eventually they're going to get toppled by a new generation of artists who are sick of the lame garbage currently on TV.

Yes they do

My dude, I don’t think some Twitter and reddit posts really indicate a paradigm shift of opinions.

What if what they replace it with is even worse, though?

No user. The internet's opinions determine this board's opinion because you produce no intelligent or original thought.

>>the birthplace of Adventure Time's Fiona and Cake.
It was though, Fiona was a fan character made back when AT was popular enough on here to have its own drawthreads, character spread outside of Sup Forums and gained enough popularity to be picked up by the show as a fan creation like Me-mow

They're just about the only reliable indicators of such.

We've already seen the worst it can get. Problem Solverz and Summer Camp Island.

Well technically speaking the character designer Nat Allegri made Fiona for Sup Forums and then asked Pen and Rebecca Sugar if they could do an episode

don't care

there are only 21 posters in this very thread recheck your numbers OP

I think tumblrs more relevant than we are they harass creators and make them stop talking to fans and shit, we draw waifus and bitch about cartoons.

>The 21 most influential executives in the animation industry all happen to be posting here now.
What are the odds?

Cartooning has been more-or-less dead since the early 1960s (really, the late 1950s). Stuff like makes me doubt it will come back in my lifetime. I would like to add that this board is complete garbage from the standpoint of discussing animation, but it's 10/10 if you want to talk about who is the best "waifu" in your favorite illustrated radio schlock.

god damn that infinity train one is cringy, the others are shit too but there's something 10x worse about owen's

GF is universally loved outside of this board, including season 2B. All you have to do is take a glance at Hirsch's twitter to see that people still thank him for the great work he did on GF, and how GF still gets fanart, and how people compare any show with mystery or a forest as being "The next Gravity Falls!". It's still one of Disney's biggest re-runs on their channels and hits big numbers in on-demand views.

You're fucking delusional if you think Sup Forums somehow swayed the show into being hated or such an autistic fag you've never been on a website outside of this one.

>Acknowledge art has stagnated
>Make a joke out of it rather than actually challenging themselves to not use bean mouth so much

Entire industry is an echo chamber that weeds out anyone who wants a challenge or to be an ounce bit of creative.

aren't you the same guy who keeps posting that MSpaint drawing with the caption 'demisexual black transgirl lesbian' or some shit

>I hate Sup Forums because it's not masturbation
We have /d/, /aco/, and /h/ for that.

The bottom image is 100% unironically better than what's on the show.

I've never seen shooting yourself in the foot done so demonstrably flawlessly since that time I saw someone who shot himself in the foot on /k/ while cleaning his .22

>The bottom image is 100% unironically better than what's on the show.
gonna have to disagree with you there

I'm a man of reason. I'll listen. Why do you disagree?

I thought people liked GF in general and the people who complain about it here are the same faggots who go in to every thread on this site to complain. The one think that I really didn't like about GF was how much focus Dipper's crush on Wendy got but that didn't ruin the show for me.

>GF is universally loved outside of this board, including season 2B.
YouTube/Reddit/Tumblr disagree, and focus on the same stuff as this board - Mabel and so on.
>All you have to do is take a glance at Hirsch's twitter to see that people still thank him for the great work he did on GF
Basically only obvious SJWs, no doubt hoping for more merch like that "coloring book".
>GF still gets fanart
Not really, no.
>people compare any show with mystery or a forest as being "The next Gravity Falls!"
You're calling me autistic, yet you don't get how this is obviously laughing *at* the show now?
>It's still one of Disney's biggest re-runs on their channels
This is strangely true. Possibly the only valid point in your post. Then again, the competition is horrendous.
>hits big numbers in on-demand views
Citation needed.
>You're fucking delusional if you think Sup Forums somehow swayed the show into being hated or such an autistic fag you've never been on a website outside of this one.
I've just proven you're *both* delusional and autistic. What now?

OP, you're saying that animation was taken seriously until moot created Sup Forums and ruined the public's perception of animation?

>YouTube/Reddit/Tumblr disagree
Stopped reading there because you're a fucking moron who needs to get outside instead of judging everything based on small communities on the internet.

There is a giant audience for GF outside of people on fucking Reddit and Tumblr.

This is the cringiest Reddit-esque post I've read all day.

my gf likes GF
so thers that

>Using asterisks to emphasize your words
Roastie detected.

I could go to tumblr for any of those things except for the last one, and even then I could probably find a blog if I tried hard enough.

are you the same person as this post? Do you realize anyone can post here and unlike reddit twitter there is not one opinion that rules over any other, only what threads get bumped?

Why do people like to draw people they disagree with as ugly, obnoxious losers with ridiculous atitudes while at the same time drawing people they agree with as normal, healthy people who can debate and maintain their cool at the same time?

What I mean is I wouldnt say one thing is liked or disliked here because in almost any thread there are different opinions

It's because americans are stupid and uncultured who can only get amusement from fart jokes and crude toilet humour

>Thinking anyone ever fucking goes to Sup Forums


This is true, writers have been known to lurk here and post screencaps from here

Lauren Faust came here, more than once.

/mlp/ was so happy they had mods play fanfare music board wide back when she visited in 2013

Okay, but, Fionna was created by a member of the AT crew, she just posted it on Sup Forums
No, the show is still well liked outside of this board (and on it actually), it got moved to XD and lost a lot of viewers, and the rushed 2nd season changed some minds. Had nothing to do with Sup Forums
You realize people complain about the samey styles of cartoons outside of Sup Forums. Because it's really obvious and bad and basically everyone notices it.
>Sup Forums is the reason
>one of the few places on the internet where "it's for kids" is not an acceptable excuse to produce low quality animation
>That isn't even a popular board on this already unpopular website

>mfw I started watching just 2 months after this
It would be pretty neat to be in a thread with a writer. Mostly to hear their opinions on our opinions of their work.

Surprise surprise, no one wants to put in effort in anything anymore

where is she now?
>left show because hasbro are meanies about their cash cow that they own ;;;;;
>Medusa pitch dropped by Sony
>helps her husband in everything now since she knows she’ll never do things alone

She's the showrunner on the new DC Superhero Girls, mate.

Dump her. She probably emphasizes with Mabel.

>You realize people complain about the samey styles of cartoons outside of Sup Forums.
We were the first people to complain about bean heads/mouths, noodlearms and the modern CalArts style though. This goes back to around 2012.

Tumblr steals shit from here, more news at 11.

Meant to also reply to

Stop fucking lying.
If you watch cartoons, you don't have a girlfriend.

>emphasizes with Mabel.
I don't think you used the word you think you wanted to use.

is this Mr. Enter merged with Linkara

animation isn't taken seriously because it's viewed as one of two things:

for kids

or as cheaply-produced night time adult entertainment (with a large audience of children)

i would bet that Sup Forums creators come here more often than they might with most other boards, being that this is one of the few large forums on the net dedicated to comics or cartoons

don't even pretend that the "how's your webcomic" thread is in any way a good place to improve your artistic skills. I'd cite that thread as one of the many readily-apparent reasons people don't take Sup Forums seriously, at least.

who are these people that don't take Sup Forums seriosly?

we're a board on Sup Forums, mate. Everyone outside of Sup Forums thinks we're degenerates and pedophiles. Everyone inside of Sup Forums hates every board that they don't frequent and most that they do. So why care what people think of Sup Forums?

Animation "for kids" should just mean no explicit crap, which almost always makes the show worse anyways. Why do cartoon producers of the 2010s feel the need to dumb down shows on top of that?

Because it's what the network wants as well? Because our society has produced a bunch of man children, of which we are undoubtedly a part of?

because it's the cold hard truth

I'm sorry, what? It's anime that's for manchildren.

Cartoons are for actual kids, and only kids now. That's the problem, hence this board's decline.

>Bojack is for kids

"Adult" cartoons are basically unwatchable though

Well, that's like, your opinion, man. It's also moving the goalposts.

>It's also moving the goalposts.
Not at all:
>explicit crap, which almost always makes the show worse anyways

>cartoons are for kids, only kids, now
>except this one
>but it's unwatchable
Doesn't stop it from existing and not being for kids

Sup Forums had a hand in this little shitstorm

Is there a better place for people to talk about cartoons?