Really makes you think: Sup Forums edition

Really makes you think: Sup Forums edition

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That video purely exists for this reaction.


Steve Cutts's animation and artstyle are so goddamn ugly, what's the point of making it look like 30's if you're not gonna animate like it

I'll give you something to think about.

There is something really American(and not in a good way) about the whole idea of someone seeing himself as a independent free-thinking individual in a sea of mindless sheep.

And Moby? You can get stomped by Obie
You 36-year-old baldheaded fag, blow me!
You don't know me, you're too old, let go

I don't know if it has something to do with me being an eurofag but I have never understood the negative light cellphones are painted with by all the artists that feel the modern world is shit.

I know people that go to great lengths just to catch that rare even mewtwo in pokemon go yet they can leave their phone aside to have a proper conversation. I know people that have facebook and instagram and twitter and whatever else there is and use it in their phones and such and yet they wouldn't just stand back and take a picture of people dying in front of them. All of them are genuinely good, normal people that just exploit the technology of the decade they live in because that's what people do. I hear of stupid people doing stupid shit every day everywhere in the planet, but I refuse to accept this is the norm when I just see that isn't the case whenever I go outside.

Artists that make animations like the one in OP or pic related have to necessarily sit in front of a screen for long periods of time too, so what gives?

It’s the modern Liberal mindset.

It's just trying to seem deep using whatevers relevant at that moment.

>but I have never understood the negative light cellphones are painted with by all the artists that feel the modern world is shit.
It’s how Marxist Liberals in America see the world. IT WAS HER TURN!!!!!!

>marxist liberals

because library cards are better

The animation was trash, the audio was jarring, the message has been done to fucking death, and Moby looks like a literal manchild

What's to think about?

Fuck this normie tier levels of “deep”
I like his music but goddamn that video is cringe. Song is good at least

what an unfortunate condition

the ultimate RMYT comic


It's a middle-school age mindset, where you think that you're the protagonist of your own life and everyone is beneath you or doesn't understand your struggles.

I prefer ebooks. They can be put on multiple devices, no worries about ruining the pages, and for as long as the company stays afloat you'll have it at your disposal



I don't see how the animation is "liberal" and I think the little bald guy was portrayed as pretty pathetically so not some independent hero. I also don't think the message is original, but there is something to it in that humans often distract themselves instead of solving problems, doing hard work, or inventing shit because that's sort of how the human mind is programmed. It's not new to today with Smartphones though, it's always easier to distract or play then do tough shit.

There was a commercial when the Nook or the Kindle first came out that tackled this argument specifically.

The guy on the right strikes me as a Rick & Morty fan.

>I don't see how the animation is "liberal"

what about the jerk wearing a confederate flag shirt harassing a woman

Because mobile posters ruined this site.

Also this part reminds me of this Dobson's classic

It's the end result of us Americans not needing to rebuild infrastructure after our wars and allowing our baby boomers to still breathe.

Why do Americans hate their baby boomers so much?

Leftists hate them because they're old and are conservative.
Sup Forums-types hate them because they ran the economy into the ground through outsourcing jobs and importing foreign labor and have the gall to complain younger generations and they weren't conservative enough.

Some of it is misplaced "fuck my parents" rage, some of it is because they inherited a relatively robust welfare state, dismantled it in the name of neoliberalism, then blame millennials for lacking financial stability.

Damn.. that's deep, dude

The more we change, the more we stay the same.

Wasn't this animation a music video?

I can't wait until I'm 80 and I'm whacking my grandson in the back of his head so he'll stop using that devil-magic VR headset and read a book for once

humans are pretty great in our ability to always be able to find a reason to hate other humans.

Has Steve Cunts made anything that didn't really make you think?


I can't wait until I'm old so I can scare children in a "fire and brimstone" preacher sort of way, cursing whatever newfangled technologies they have.

I can't wait until I'm 80 and I'm whacking my grandson in the back of his head so he'll stop using that devil-magic Sex Bot and use a fleshlight instead.

In America, that's more a "poor person/hick" stereotype. Wealthy conservatives look down on that type as much as rich liberals and rich any kind of politics calls it "white trash" or "trailer trash." It's about looking down on class not politics.

It totally depends on the person. If you play a lot of video games but have a good well paying career, are there for your kids, contribute positively to your community, have a lot of friends it's fine. If you're depressed and angry and don't have a job, don't have friends, you need to step away from the screen and work on and fix yourself instead.

>Back in my day we had a silicon tube and a phone screen but, dammit, we made do. Kids these days have it too easy with these customizable waifus and one-click position changes

He was just a greedy asshole


inb4 Tesla circlejerk.



Is this for real? It's like a Sup Forums posted a "Really Makes you think" thread on Youtube

this seems like more of an excuse to do weird shit with basic symbolism than anything serious

inb4 Bioshock Infinite bell puzzle

which early access game is this from?


>north korea
>ever getting a missile close to the US


I can't believe that family set fire to a building and got away with it.

That looks like a plausible version of Hell.

the little girl's head looks like a chicken

This was quite literally one of the most annoying videos I've ever watched, so thanks for baiting me into thinking it would actually be thought-provoking, OP. The animation was horrid, too. It lacked the fluidity and charm of the 20s-30s era completely.

The difference is mexico asked settlers to come to places like texas and California because their own people didn't want to live in these places.

Few seconds in and I felt conflicted. Maybe I should quit porn for a while

What's up with the sudden rise of pseudo 30's art when half of the fuckers don't even understand what made 30's cartoon special?

thought the pic was from this for a sec

>It's the modern mindset of the respective far end of both sides

>/threading your own post
Impossible to be any more of a faggot

They're Mormons. See how they're going to Salt Lake? That's the burning of Nauvoo

You could be the man sucking ten dicks and taking ten others right in the ass at the very front of the pride parade, and still not reach half the level of faggotry of newfags that /thread their own posts.


I know how you feel.
It was already hard enough to discuss the guy's music without the shitposting, what with him being a preachy vegan faggot. Now it's guaranteed to be a disaster of political shitflinging.

When Black Birds Fly has a sequel?

Why does the company need to stay afloat? If Amazon goes bankrupt tomorrow, I can still use my kindle no problem.

>what with him being a preachy vegan faggot.
How so? Is their any other cringy things he does that i should know? im still going to like his music

Is that guy dressed as Di Lung?

To be fair he's kinda below my radar as far as musicians' personal life goes.
I knew he was an outspoken vegan and let his beliefs slip in his works, kind of like in this video

what kind of slaneshi fuckery is this

Baby boomers are at fault for literally everything non-Americans dislike about Americans. We hate them for the same reasons everyone else hates us in general.

I honestly love this short, just because of how batshit it gets and how unintentionally hilarious it is.

Fucker runs around wearing snakes, slam dunking chickens, and magic’s an elephant into a fucking granddaddy piano, althewhile dancing and pumping his fist. I honestly do not see how anyone can take it seriously.

>they used a shadman drawing

Which one?

>thinking it would actually be thought-provoking

>MUH WAR OF 1812
Literally nobody in america cares

user, learn geography.

That's Luis "totally not a smut artist" Quiles, whom the uploader seems to favor a lot in this video for some reason. Really makes you think.

Hey, I remember this guy. He's got a song that's in an r33mix song.

Mmmmmmmm .... good song.

was that one the African kid in front of the McDonalds?

Oh no its this years "Life is mundane and depressing" animation

>Luis "totally not a smut artist" Quiles
Holy shit, you're not kidding.

>I want to draw smut of children but I don't want the negative connotations that come with that so I'll pretend it's "deep"

jesus what the fuck is up with his ostrich neck

I really doubt this guy doesn't fully recognize himself as a smut artist. He's just having fun with it.

the real joke is that the tranny killed xirself


>becomes united states territory after a year
>mexican colonies in the sierra madre evacuated during mexican revolution due to anti american sentiment
literally nothing in common with anchor babies.

bretty racist desu
