There is not a greater 2 and a quarter minutes in the entirety of Gravity Falls than this

There is not a greater 2 and a quarter minutes in the entirety of Gravity Falls than this.

Dippers Guid to the Unexplained was peak GF. this shit was genuinely a thousand times creepier than the loony toon demons from the last episodes

I think that's part of the problem with Gravity Falls. It escalated, but it didn't go in hard on the atmosphere and the actual risks or consequences like the island short did.

I thought that the finale was going to have everything look like these creepy shots from Dreamscaperers and have the demons like more like the Depravity Falls fan art the fandom made. I would have really preferred that. Bill was way scarier in Sock Opera and the Mabelcorn dream sequence than in the finale too.

it also didnt help that they overused Bill a bit. he became too much of a typical hand wringing villain, instead of the incomprehensible cosmic horror he was supposed to be

Wrong, Not What He Seems is the absolute peak.
That short deserves an honorable mention for being the spookiest moment, though.

>Bill was way scarier in Sock Opera

Sock Opera practically MADE Bill as beloved as he is.

Well I mean just the concept of demons possessing children and forcing them to hurt themselves is a lot more disturbing than goofy cartoon monsters running around and eating people. And I don't mean to shit on the design guy for the monsters because the designs were fine and imaginative. The idea just isn't scary at all. And some of the animation for Bipper with the rictus grin and when he looks like a corpse being puppeteered around was creepier too. Then in the last episode he just has a colorful fun party with dancing and punch. Spooky? I'm not sure why they cut down on the creepy quotient. Even the Mindscape design, it had a sort of Silent Hill feel, that's gone at the end.

I mean like pic related type animation. Though the Blendin reveal scene looked spooky and atmospheric too. But after that, gone.

Another moment that struck me as creepy was some of the Shapeshifter animation. The whole creepy atmosphere seemed rarer in 2B. It's not that big a deal, I just wonder why the spooky stuff went away.

>Bill was way scarier in Sock Opera
Your shitty villain was never scary, especially not in that shitty episode

>It's not that big a deal, I just wonder why the spooky stuff went away.
Honestly I'd say it's a very big deal. Gravity Falls was a show that people fell in love with because of the overarching mystery and the genuine horror atmosphere, and at its scariest moments it came very close to reaching the Courage the Cowardly Dog bar set years prior. With Not What He Seems, the mystery was more or less complete (while the lead-up to Weirdmageddon tried to continue the intrigue, it just didn't succeed by tacking on a half-assed apocalypse buildup), and the disillusion of the horror tropes left us with a shallow second half of season 2, one that tried to prop itself up solely on humor and action, neither of which were particularly captivating even before NWHS.

Agreed on the last part, though the line about turning kids into corpses and the form he takes was pretty legit.
And that thing with swapping Mr. Northwest's senses was fucked up.

>shitty episode
You're that SO hating user? Dude tell me where SO hurt you, you say that a lot. Was it Mabel being a brat?

Just think it's odd, that's in most top ten lists just for the funny musical sequences it seems.

Why Alex shit on Pacifica so much?

You seem to have made up a bogeyman, huh. Go ahead, though. Tell me how you were scared of shitty slapstick and Bill being the lamest villain ever. Always funny to hear idiots pretend there's some horror in that episode.
>top ten lists
Wow, I care SOO deeply for opinions of some chucklefucks.

Hirsch wanted Dipper to get cucked at all moments to accurately reflect his own experiences while growing up.

Pacifica's role was purely antagonistic and Hirsch has shown he's completely autistic when it comes to fan input.

Jeez man, I was just curious why you disliked it since it's a pretty popular ep, I remember /gfg/ loved it when it aired too. No skin off my nose, I didn't write it or anything.

Pseudo-revolutionary hatred of the rich as a fetish.

That sums it up pretty well.

Bill in Sock Opera was like The Beast from Over the Garden Wall: we don't know his full abilities, scale, or motivation.

Bill in Weirdmageddon was... well, a clown. A powerful clown, but not really an unsettling or scary clown.

She was a stock antagonist archetype that got surprisingly popular considering her very limited appearances in Season 1 resulting in the fandom clamoring for more of her, ultimately resulting in Hirsch giving her an episode as the main antagonist and one where she's a focal character. Unfortunately for Hirsch he seemed to not understand that her popularity was heavily influenced by waifu-fags and shippers, meaning that no one would be happy unless he turned what had essentially been a minor character into a co-lead. Combine that with the fact that Hirsch doesn't seem to interact well with the fandom in general and seems easily frustrated, and you're left with a massive amount of saltiness on both sides.

Because she was a bad character and you’re bad for liking her

The stuff mentioned about the Flatland like backstory is actually a really interesting idea and unique, but I can't imagine how you could translate it to a kids' show, it is a Victorian book about speculative mathetics.

How can a cartoon villain's motivation be "he was a Flatlander from a 2d universe and knowledge of extra spatial dimensions beyond normal perception existing drove him mad" plus being on the bottom rung of a brutally violently enforced shape caste system. So instead I guess it's "wooo he's a frat boy he wants to party." Not ever knowing his deal would have been better and more mysterious compared to that.

People like redemption stories and (as for the shipping) they like characters being attracted to each other despite themselves.They're both kind of obvious turns but they're more interesting than just "this character is a rich asshole".

>Flatland like backstory
You know what would have been great?
Bill wanting our 3D universe for himself,
so he could slice it into an infinite number of 2D universes to rule over and play with.

yeah, that would have been aamazing. especially if they had shown parts of town starting to fracture and break down like it would have given him motive, and a clear win-condition. But instead, all we got is "muhahahah, im finally free! Now im going to fuck with this town just for teh lulz"