/CTG/ Channel-tans General

Data Privacy Edition

Drawfags and Writefags are more than welcome to contribute

>What is a Channel-tan?
An anthropomorphic personification of a television channel.

>Why are you making these?
For the simple reason that we can.

>Why are they all girls?
Japanese -tan tradition. But we do have some boy -tans too.

>Where is the gallery for all the images?

>Where is the Pastebin for all the ideas?

>Previous Threads?

>How can I help?
If a Channel doesn't have a personality yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a Channel doesn't have a design yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a Channel has a personality and a design, then you can draw them.
If multiple Channels have all of the above, then you can draw comics of them interacting.

>How many Channels do we need?
All of them. but mostly those who are Sup Forums related.

And last but not least, remember to have

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Damn that's one fine booty.

Welcome to /CTG/!

Requesting the forbidden MGM!

Yes, First post! Say hello to the Disney Afternoon. She is the mother of the XD Sisters and is ripe for any adventure you see fit to throw at her. Basically Jodie Whittaker's Doctor.


Something nice with Jetix and CN?

Requesting more AT&T, preferably bickering with CN Tan


I wanna see more cute Gulli but this time with her french friends please and thank you.

UPN revamp ref added
Google added

I liked your "fit" Jetix, can you doodle something else with that one?

Here's my request, Adult Swim foxxy-tan talking back/arguing with AT&T-tan

Yep, I can do it

Today is Noir Birthday? well then Happy Birthday my good sir.

Yo that's a really nice portrait, sweet dreams UPN. You're in a better place now.

I'm still waiting/wanting for Fuse-tan, TBN-tan, and AwesomenessTV-tan to be added

Requesting Jetix-tan as Megaman.EXE/Netto Hikari from Mega man Battle Network

I'd be willing to see how you'd design LWT since that doesn't have a Tan yet.

Happy Birthday Noir user. Have fun, cunt.


Dude just stop everything you do is just shit and you don't even improve

Robots also can be sporty

How am I supposed to improve when you keep shouting down at me!?

I don’t think those exist

But I see what you’re trying to do here

Oh darn, today's Noir's birthday? Happy Birthday my aussie fellow.

First delete that stupid post because we already told you to stop and you keep coming back. Then just practice and keep practicing drawing anything, when you're done then come back and listen what we have to say. But first -- delete that shit.

But how?

Superbowl is next weekend.
Requesting Channel-tans playing Football!
>Disney vs Turners vs Viacoms vs Canadians

ok ok your right,
how about you stop fucking using msn paint and your mouse

I can't trust his wonderful smile, nobody can be this good!

Delete your first post, take your stuff and go to you can learn some stuff there.

Happy Birthday, ya cunt! Have a great day! And enjoy the cake, too.

UPN never was this happy. Scratch that, maybe he was like this when WB existed.

Here you request of fit Jetix-tan and Jetix-tan with saw armor (she is ready to fight with Mondo Media-tan)

How does one delete posts, user?

Also Rai Sports-tan and FOX Sports-tan, Nick GaS-tan, ESPN-tan can train her to be fit and stronger than Mondo Media-tan

Stop his suffering, Noir. At least in the day of your birthday, he deserves love.

Requesting CN-tan as Tracer from Overwatch, Jetix-tan as D.Va, Toonami-chan as Mei

Leave some of the birthday cake for us! I was joking, eat all the cake you want.



Select the post then go to bottom and do click on "Delete".

Never saw UPN smile. Today is a great day for him. He just needs the WB back with him.

Here request of fit Jetix-tan and with saw armor (she is ready to fight with Mondo Media)


It a Subscription based service. Ug, Broke.

That chainsaw looks dangerous but the sketch on the left got me distracted



Yatta! this is the one I was waiting for, thanks for these parodies user they look great!

Sure, I can do more with Gulli-tan

Oh nice that's the kind of fit Jetix I wanted to see.

Oh boy just imagine these two doing all sort of crazy shit

Now she can wrestle her enemy Mondo Media-tan

>Left sketch
That doesn't look safe

Damn she's fit.

Dude that's cool this has been a good weekend for this crossover


It's reference from one Aipiepo doodle


Hey, it worked! Thanks. Maybe I can try my hand at writing instead?

Requesting Jetix-tan as Megaman X, OSM-tan as Zero, Toon Disney-tan as Axl, GaS-tan as Iris, Papa Turner as Dr.Light
But who also could act Sigma, Lumine, Cinnamon (Command Mission)?

That sounds much better but do not use real names use their channel names. Viacom is Viacom, Nick is Nick, Disney is Disney. That's it

Now they're ready to conquer the world!

But thank you for ideas to draw
I always will keep Jetix-tan's smile

What should be next of this parody, maybe with OSM and GaS, Jetix and Toony, Teena and The N, Nicktoons and MTV Classic, Fox Kids and Detour, right?

Y O U M O T H E R F U C K E R. This joke will never get old, honestly.

Disney as the tall one fits so weirdly that I can't believe it.

That CN is totally adorable drawn like this.

I still hope that all those parodies come with the double audio. I need those girls having man voices.

I see... How would you try your hand at writing in a Doctor Who serial?

Quick run-down of the Lore of these Channel-tans, what are they in terms of their nature and what role do they play on earth.

Requesting Disney-tan dressed as Miguel Rivera from Coco (Pixar)

Do you mean something like this?

That's one strong ass robot, mondo has no chance against her

Fuck that's good. yeah that'd be nice with AT&T and CN.

I mean in a sort of step mother/daughter bickering way, almost as those they were in High School arguing over something unbelievably stupid.

Does robots run fast?

hey guys you asked for stoners and you get stoners in their pjs
(cus one of yas asked for T@N in some cunuck attire so might as well do all of em)
annnnd for those who are curious whats under those comfy pjs

Based Spoops

>T@N in some cunuck attire
Thanks spoops you're a saint among
The Stoned gang is rockin' those outfits

I love this kind of bonus

How ironic, Syfy is the one who wears boxes and her hoodie while everyone else gets really lewd



Too bad that those parodies can include only two characters, it would have been the top with Detour included. But this is fine.

T@N looks adorable

Those figures in theiir pubic hair are quite funny. Good job with this pinup, Spoops.


Requesting Jetix-tan, CN-tan, Gulli-tan in pajamas

Too radical for you. Really.


>Spoops took my suggestion
Thanks dude. But now I wonder why the fuck Syfy looks so shy there, she usually wears skimpy outfits.

It's kinda funny how GaS is the tall one, cute if you ask me.

Ready for another very radical day.


Well i was going more of a boob envy, guess it makes more sense in the nsfw version

Dear Lord have mercy imagine if these two had the abilities from the comics...

>Stoner has no idea what the fuck is going on she just want to sleep

That's great, Spoops! They look very sexy. But oh man, poor Syfy, she feels intimidated. By the way they have - ahem - nice pubic hair.

Keep 'em coming seeing duos doing this parody is really nice, thanks for all the duos done at the moment user!