Colonel Dan Dare has been a busy little bee, so naturally he's earned a holiday... of course...

Colonel Dan Dare has been a busy little bee, so naturally he's earned a holiday... of course, being Dan Dare it'll end up as a busman's holiday.

Other urls found in this thread:

No, I'm not using a scan of a Titan books reprint today, but an earlier series of reprints from Fleetway. Different layout, but there's over 120 pages of stories, so what do you have to complain about?

The only real problem is that all the Dan Dare books I've downloaded are woefully incomplete - I've already had to skip one story arc, and I've only got two books left. I've got something else planned for when I'm done Frank Bellamy's work on TV Century 21 but I'd have preferred to be a little closer into the 60's in my weekday storytimes before then. I might have to find a stopgap solution, in order to satisfy my actual, for reals autism

As I said, this is 120+ pages of comics, so you might want to attend the call of nature now.
































Apropos of nothing, does anybody have the link to that discord that was mentioned in the last couple of Christmas Cheer threads?


Yay! Dan Dare.




























































