Did someone say edit thread

did someone say edit thread

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Make her tits bigger and the swimsuit smaller (lewd).



There's the booru. Over 1,000 images now. Feel free to add stuff you have saved that isn't there yet.

Here's a tutorial for anyone who wants to give editing a shot for themselves.

Do you use a drawing tablet or just a m&kb

Thanks, Useful user.

Open chestplate and e x p a n d her boobs

I use a mouse. No idea how using a tablet would go, never tried it.


delivery from the lest thread. not sure if requester got it or not

She's fired up and ready to go!

May as well post the nsfw thread for any smut peddlers.

Carlos no

Try me.

How about a fatter ass and thighs on her?

Is this a pun


she needs a nice pair of big boobs, don't you think?

You bet she does.

Make her bulletproof.
Yep yep y-yep.

Anybody down for some clown edits?


Can anyone remove the bullseye and give Wuya a really huge butt that she squeezes tightly with her hand? Tittymonster-sized tits also appreciated.

you trying to get me banned??

Bump save.

I agree.

even though you're trying to troll the effort is still appreciated. It looks good.

Thanks for the compliment. For that, have this.

I tried.

damn dude

Hell yeah.

OV gwen need more love. Can you edit her breasts a little bit bigger and pointier like she was in the show


How did they get away with this?

Not the original editor but here's for those who like the best of both worlds

Make her in leotard

Edit out the yellow transparent dress

Requesting Priyanka Maheswaran's boobs to be bigger and have cleavage showing.

Yes, thanos costume is more detailed

I second this! More gwen

Requesting a nude edit of Elodie or Enid

Blueeeeeeeeee boooooooaaaaaaaaaard

Good Shit. Very good shit.
Love It.

need an edit with HUGE boobs

Based user saying what we're all thinking.

There's been quite a few of those in the last thread...

Provide proof. Show me the receipts.

there was a pidge for OP pic, and quite a few Alluras

Does that god-tier edit user still posts here? The one from /aco/? I think he just went by editfag?

He used to post here too, actually. But now we're just stuck with the stragglers. Just mediocre edits, but people will still cream themselves over them.

shut the fuck up bitch

Make Hades but as ruler of Olympus, with Zeus' glow and color palette.

We also had one that was just as good as that user, and he actually went by a name, but I can fucking remember it now. Badaxe?
Anyways, if you're looking for newer work by the god himself, before that site he was using went down, they are here Where's the lie, though?

There's already boards for this. Go there instead

eat my ass faggot

Requesting some MASSIVE boobs on Morbidia.

Here's a thicc raven from last thread.
Also post more huge tiddy requests.

Tumblr scum


Why is everything tumblr with you guys?

Requesting big titties on Harley Quinn


Work your magic on Olga, with the sash being almost hidden between her massive cleavage

Here's something...

That is something alright

katara needs tiddies

very nice!


Man, I wish I could find a better resolution for this one...I hope it turned out okay.

doing god's work user
I should post more and hope you or someone else does em, katara is best grill

such as

and including second best grill


I thought it was a bra in the thumbnail.

don't fuckin give them any ideas

Any Pacifica to edit?
Or Gwen?

anybody willing to edit a girl to look sweaty?

How about massive tits on Tyr'ahnee instead

I don't have any Gwen, but I have some Pacifica

And Llama sweater version

Anyone mind giving a pair to Wonder Woman that matches up or bigger than Hawkgirl's and changing that frown into a smile?

Someone actually did one of this



>Sup Forums

As Hans Moleman would say "Nah, that's too big".

Fuck off Hans

make a on topic thread then nigger

I mean you can always make your request and hope for the best...

Gwen you say?

Or, to be so bold, nu-Gwen?

Dont get it

Do this please

the voice actress for the character was shot by her father

it's a sad story chucklefucks are particularly fond of bringing up

This good edit was posted in the last thread; can some edit it further to change Dipper's line of sight to Wendy's tits and add a little sweatdrop and a little blush?



Gwen is for anal.

Suck those nips.

top notch

more swimsuits in the future I hope

Any good screenshots of Gravity Falls girls besides Mabel?

I've got all of season 2 in 1080. I'll grab whatever screen you want if you have anything in particular in mind.

>Any good screenshots of Gravity Falls girls besides Mabel?
You mean source material, or boob edits that are already done?