Doomsday Clock thread

Doomsday Clock thread


Just finished reading all 3 volumes a few minutes ago actually. It's not Watchmen but it's better than I expected.


It’s Geoff johns shitty impression of Alan Moore but at least Gary Franks art is nice

The layout is really what impressed me. It does look a lot like what a mix of Watchmen and DC would look like visually. The writing has been so/so but I was expecting a garbage fire beginning to end.

>Gary Franks art is nice
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to seeing what he cooks up for the next issue in 2 or 3 months when he gets around to it.

I hate how they're dragging this out for a fucking year.


So in one of the previous threads, anons were discussing who this Rorschach might be and the popular theory was that he could be Dr. Malcom Long. But given how young this Rorschach appears to be, I don't think that he is Dr. Long. Do you think maybe it might be Dr. Long's son? Did Dr. Long and his wife have any kids that were mentioned in the comic? It's been a while since I read my copy of Watchmen so I can't remember if it was mentioned that they had a son or not.

When I saw him take off the mask, I honestly thought it was Bernard.

It seems like he was just some rando in a car that got brain zapped

what is the real reason for the delay is because issue 4 was when superman suits up, but now they have to go back and change the costume the classic one

>it's not Doctor Long
>it's not the newspaper-stand kid
>it's just some OC
Why does this comic feel like a fanfic?

So is #4 still out for next month before the book shifts bimonthly? Or will #4 be bumped to March as far as it being effected by the shift to bimonthly.

>black fascist
i wonder if dc was aware when they approved this

#4 is moved to March.

>Geoff johns shitty impression of Alan Moore

Not as bad as his shitty impression of Stewart Lee. This actually felt malicious towards Moore

That button has to go up his ass sooner or later right?

No 5 is moved to may 4 is still coming out next month

I was thinking he was going to be Obama. Disappointed I'm wrong.

#4 has been moved to 3/28

to be fair, the people throwing the bottles are depicted as bad people, so their actions against Stewart Lee are also being shown as "this is a bad thing that bad people do"

I saw it coming a mile away. Honestly it was so obviously being set up that I expected it NOT to be done

nobody has said hes not comic book kid and he does look like him.

Didn't the reveal it's Dr. Long's son last issue, driving into NY to visit his folks?
Would explain how he got access to Rorschach's shit which his father probably had.

>it's not [character who definitely died]

>it's not my personal fan theory!
>so it must be fan fiction

If the Comedian is the only definitely dead character who comes back in this story, I'll eat my hat. Kovacs himself will probably show before it's over.

I won't be surprised if Kovacs comes back. But I'm not expecting any background characters unless Johns goes full hack and has Manhattan completely reverse the events of Watchmen