So we've seen latino Sup Forums (or latinx if they're awful) comment on America presenting a pretty bastardized view of...

So we've seen latino Sup Forums (or latinx if they're awful) comment on America presenting a pretty bastardized view of Latin-American culture. I'm curious about the LGBT crowd's take on America's representation of them. I noticed that, save of Hawkeye, America's friends seem to be exclusively LGBT. Is that accurate to real LGBT people?

I’m a homosexual but I can’t stand other homosexuals aside from the ones I’m screwing. I think tumblr queermos tend to form groups because they can’t stand those with dissenting opinions but I’m not completely sure.

Lesbians know a lot of other lesbians so that's fair, at least

I mean mostly. I get along fine with my associates but most of my close friends are gay/bi/trans. It’s jusy easier to talk to others about those sort of things. I wish it wasnt totally the case for me though since I’d rather not be given any special treatment for who I am.

You're all my best friends and you're all a bunch of faggots.

I guess yeah most of my friends are also queer but we kind of came together in a time and in a city that wasn't so accepting of who we were. I think the same is probably true for a lot of gays our age. Not to say I don't have straight friends, but I think of a certain age group, lgbt people tended to gravitate together.

She has friends?

so you're in the closet ?

Remember that America prior to her latest book was written by people that are far less horrible, so it's entirely plausible that she made friends back when her personality was of a woman who would never, ever greet them with "Holy Menstruation!"

Glad you havent seen the L E N G U A J E I N C L U S I V EEEEEEE
That's 76 genders level of retard

>upper class white brooklyn hipsters write a cliched take on subcultures they are not a part of

well color me surprised

My friend group is about half bi guys, with one gay and another half straightos.

To which writers are you referring? That doesn't describe the writers of Young Avengers or America...

Probably talking both about ole' Gabby specifically, and said white hipsters in general, in an overall sense.

>. I'm curious about the LGBT crowd's take on America's representation of them
Are you though?
Or are you some autist looking for validation against a shit comic that literally no one but fags that don't read comics and people obsessed with SJWs care exists?

A lot of like-minded people tend to cluster around each other. Combined with the fact that they go to a pretty liberal school that probably attracts a certain crowd, it makes sense for her to attract certain people. Plus she worked with Prodigy beforehand, so of course they'd get to know each other.

As a gay man, I've seen a lot of people like America. What makes it hard for me to get into the dating game is that there are tons of guys who just make their sexuality/race/politics so much of their identity, and hate everyone who doesn't agree with them 100%. Shit, I dated my own America Chavez for a while: hot and built, but super political, judgmental and abusive. But at least America doesn't go around calling heterosexuals "the Straights" as an insult.

I thought America was comedic gold, it was Iceman I had more of an issue with as gay person. As for if I hang around other gays, not really. The only other gay person I hang around with is my cousin who is bi and into the same nerdy shit I am.

pinches Chicanos y sus pinches mamadas

>tumblr teenie-bopper detected

5 years from now you'll be a dyed in the wool cishet.

The L and G tribes don't talk to each other much, so toss out the G's. The B's don't exist, and the T's are off crying in the corner with empty packets of snickers and spiro.

Second. I know Sup Forums shat on her because she diched her girlfriend to hook up with some other girlfriend using distance as an excuse, but actual lesbian relationships actually are pretty fucked up like that. There ARE america chavezes out there.

Does the difference matter, hon?

>So we've seen latino Sup Forums (or latinx if they're awful) comment on America presenting a pretty bastardized view of Latin-American culture.

Late to the party but yeah, this entire shit feels like it was written by some upper middle class person that hangs with chicanos (which is already bad enough) and has never ever actually been to a latin american country.

I've got a lesbian friend who's into comics, and she felt insulted by America.Both as a woman and as a gay. Sort of in a "Is THIS what they think I want?" kind of way.

Yes faggot, people with shit in common hang out together often in normieland. Nice Sup Forums b8 thread by the way.

You sound fucking obnoxious. I guess you're the only worthy special snowflake faggot in the whole world.

This shit gets more threads now that it's cancelled than it did when it was still a thing.

>Sup Forums b8
Eh... seriously? I mean most of them are too blantant about what they are aiming to do, this look like a legit question unless you are an assblasted Chicano because of what the OP said

It was too difficult to comment on when it wad being released. Too painful and raw.

Gabby isn't white or from Brooklyn, and I doubt she's upper middle class either.

Fuck off Gabby.

You don't get to defend your "Latinx street-cred" here.

You know white hispanic is a thing? Gabby is as wero as it gets.

What the fuck are you talking about
She looks visibly Hispanic to me

>She looks visibly Hispanic to me
Well, you're a moron who doesn't know what the word hispanic means, and possibly the word white. Of course white hispanics look like hispanics, because they are hispanics, you yeek.

If she ticks "Hispanic" on her government forms, has dark skin, and Hispanic features, I feel like you're just sort of arguing semantics.

Hispanic is not a defined race just like "white", that would be stuff like caucasian and shit, Countries like Mexico and other South American countries had alot of foreigners crashing in for a long time in there aside from Europeans (aside from Spaniards, like British/French/Italian and such) and Asians like Chinese and Japanese

Lesbian here. Can confirm that my gf and I think this shit's insulting and hilarious. My Latino friend and I laugh at the cringy Spanglish, too, so I guess you could say it's pretty cringy to anyone who isn't an SJW.
The LGBT groups I've seen praise this shit online tended to be sheltered white teens, so the SJW crowd certainly loves it.

But she doesn't have dark skin, she's white as fuck.

I see the problem. Not only are you a moron, but you need your monitor calibrated. For the neets out there, that's Julia roberts by comparison.

As for the second question, gay people CAN cluster together a lot, sometimes without being aware of it (for example, one of my closest friends in hs came out after graduation), but most of my friends are straight dudes. Just like everyone else, people group together based on common interests, and some gay people group together on the basis of being gay and liking gay shit.

The only thing America Chavez represents is the degradation of entertainment and the degeneracy of modern culture.

Wow I have just lost all respect for Julia Roberts.

She looks mocha to me, man, Julia Roberts looks fucking weird in that image, though. Why did they even meet each other?

I love you too user

>When you're so ugly you claim to be queer to make it seem intentional

>and I doubt she's upper middle class either
Bitch can afford to sit around on her ass writing mediocre YA books. Guarantee she's from an upper middle class or above family

>how gaybois handle relationship troubles
>start fucking other dudes

>how lesbos handle relationship troubles
>emotional and physical abuse


>how gaybois handle relationship troubles
>start fucking other dudes

That's right faggot!
Spread that KILLER STRAIN!

>Spread that KILLER STRAIN!


>*via spreading an incurable disease through unprotected gay sex.

I’m queer and the whole “holy vaginal secretions!”-type dialogue is migraine-inducing. Nobody fucking talks like that.

>Second. I know Sup Forums shat on her because she diched her girlfriend to hook up with some other girlfriend using distance as an excuse, but actual lesbian relationships actually are pretty fucked up like that. There ARE america chavezes out there.
Yeah, I mean the writer was probably just looking to shake America's white girlfriend and didn't mean it as an elbow nudge towards the lesbians but this is true. Lesbians are notoriously hard to wrangle.

My friend had a girlfriend who would use fake chat logs so that any guy friend can be perceived as an asshole while the ex-girlfriend is shown as the victim.

She tried to even do that to me until no one actually took screenshots and showed it to my friend. I thought this was one of those crazy psycho lesbians that christans make up as Camp Fire ghost stories but the fact that there are more lesbians who are assholes actually interest me entirely.

Daily reminder that Gabby Rivera does not, in fact, speak Spanish and most of the Spanish in America was translated by Google.

Does she not have any Spanish-speaking friends she could've asked?

So basically your average Chicano then

No way, spanish speaking latinos don't live in gated communities

Not in my case, I'm the only gay dude in my whole group of friends (though one of them is secretly bicurious), and I only have two regular gay friends, a man and a woman.
Depends of the enviroment mostly, I think the sooner you get out of the closet, or the less accepted you are by your enviroment, the more you tend to gravitate to other gay people as friends.

Now posting gay Sup Forums because why the heck not.

>having a horrible child instead of 100 guinea pigs


I thought she was an alien from an all-lesbian dimension.


They like Love & Rockets.

Because Love & Rockets is a good comic.

She's trans-racial.

Your average chicano knows at least ONE cholo, or cousin chuey, or even a fucking gardener or dude at the taco stand that they could run this by. She's low power even by that standard.

this is straight up like one of those horror tropes where everyone in a picture gets killed one by one

I'm gonna regret thinking about this, but America dumped her previous ex because she couldn't do a long-distance thing but her power is making portals.

Also I thought her parents were from a magic superdimension made by future Wiccan, now she's just inexplicably superpowered and from [vague place in Central America]?

Why though? If America purpose was to make a Latin queer character so other queer latins felt identified and represented, imo she falls flat on her face.

Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't remember everything clearly, but she's not actually latin, but a literal alien that assimilated latin culture because she was in right place with the right color skin. The reason she became latin feels more for convenience than respect or admiration.

And about the lgbt stuff, at least I don't feel represented, can't speak for others. Imo gay and queer people usually feel a sense of otherness because of the fact they're a minority. No matter how accepting your surroundings are, usually there's not many lgbt people around you, and sometimes you don't even know anyone like you. Hell, I've never experienced homophobia, my friends and family have always been there for me, and sometimes, this otherness still lingers.
But she's not like that. She comes from an all lesbian planet, where they are only women, so lesbianism is the only possible sexual orientation She's literally the majority. She's not alone at all or displaced. Almost everyone she knows is queer. How can she be a queer role model if she don't feel the big and little struggles of other queer people?

>She looks mocha to me, man.
She's one step below conan obrien levels of pale.

Didn't Slott make her just to be a personal cock sleeve for Peter? Why would people like her?

She had a series where she's a turbonerd with hugely arrested development. I can't imagine why people that read comics would relate to that.

It was pretty fun

aren't half this bitches cancelled?

She's an an alien from the all-lesbian dimension that culturally appropriated Puerto Rican and other latin cultures.

>where everyone in a picture gets killed one by one

Well, Ms. Marvel is as good as dead.

She appeared in public without a male family escort or wearing a hijab.

After the series of corrective rapes administered by her uncles, she will be dragged out into the town square, burried up to her neck, and stoned to death.

You've just put more thought into this character than Gabby Rivera ever did.

>live in a [shithole] country
>some arab chick manages to escape the religion of peace and her flight to some first world sanctuary had to connect through our airport
>family finds out
>gets airport authorities to detain her while they come to pick her up for proper "punishment"
>is now dead
>[shithole] authorities cant do shit, and even helped what happened transpire

truly the most feminist religion

I remember that actually happened last year I think, dont remember the name of the girl that suffered that, the only name I remember was Ayaz Nizami senteced to death for apostasy



Saying Latina/Latino is bigotted toward non-binary members of society user get with the times it's 2018 after all.

You mean like in Young Avengers where she was an asshole to everyone?

And coincidentally half the cast was made gay with her.

Or her first appearance where she's a salty asshole only with less gay and feminism.

I've read all the stuff she's been in and she's never been likable. Ultimates gave her some weaknesses and a girlfriend but she was never focused on enough to feel anything for the relationship.

The LGBT crowd will praise and side with anything that throws a bone at them. They always do. Companies wish their buyers were all like them.

To be fair the character decisions made for the character America Chavez were never meant to appeal but simply to pay lip and suggest inclusiveness.

>she's white as fuck
you need to check your eyes user

I'm bisexual.
I hate her. She is pretty much the caricature of the LGBT community that conservatards tried to paint twenty years ago, but unironic and being sold as "serious."
Before Gaby Rivera's garbage run, she was kinda funny, tho.

Gillen is fucking hipster as shit though.

Out of our group of 8, only two of my friends turned out straight and cis.

Same in Uni.

So yeah, guess we do have some sort of 6th sense.

So just like regular men and women.

Maybe by American standards but he's British as all Hell and they have different insulting stereotypes there.

She could've used the same translators Duggan and Posehn used for Deadpool #3.1 which was an all Spanish issue for Masacre.

The Spanish was pretty spot on.

you're all mentally ill. bet the normal guys suffer from depression or some shit.

You kid but pozzing is still a thing and it's making a resurgence in NW/NE America. Predominately in Seattle, Los Angeles, and New York. Being one of the poor saps who live in this increasingly AIDS spreading shitholes, I'm starting to hope for nuclear war just to disinfect the whole area. Well that or just Exterminatus the whole planet because Slaanesh has already won it.

Is anyone on this board not?

I liked the idea of America as a straight person in a world where she’s queer, and who doesn’t even have an idea what queer is. Did they ever do something interesting with that?

>angry terf lesbian spotted
Mad you got called a boy a lot and didn't get to rage about being misgendered or abused into terror of dick and homosexuality?

By which you mean tumblr tier garbage.

>the Straights
Well, it is true that we've gotta move these refrigerators. Gotta move these color TVs.

I see what you did there.

America (vol.1, 2017-2018) is a brave, political comic, tackling complex social issues.

Ah, I remember when my American buddy came out to our PnP group and was completely on edge because his family was always very conservative.
The group was pretty much all
>no shit, Sherlock
>that's cool and all but what about my sword of superior edge?

Okay, now it's gone back to being funny.

Most people don't make their sexual identity their whole personality. But, then there's the few who think they're extra-special and need everyone to know that their only defining trait is being LGBT.

It really makes me sick that there are people who actually think this.

Also, deliberately spreading HIV is now a misdemeanor is California. Shameful.

Always good to see that you're on stand by.