Slice of life cartoon general. Because the last thread went well and we miss these shows

Slice of life cartoon general. Because the last thread went well and we miss these shows.

>The Weekenders
>Pepper Ann
>Hey Arnold
>As Told By Ginger

Other urls found in this thread:

>Tfw buying your first bra even though youre flat as a board just cause the other girls in class are doing it

could never really decide if recess counted as SOL or not. The plots were more along the line of prison camp/ heist movie storylines

look at those ladies with huge tits, just looking mockingly at her

>Slice of life cartoon
Seems like a lot of your CAL arts cartoons have been touching on this these days, atleast until they start having a revolving plot or shipping bullshit.

I don't remember shit about Weekenders, but I loved it. It came out when I was a bit older, so I acted like I was too cool for it. It felt so bizarre. The show didn't even have a gimmick, right? Just stuff happened and there were a half dozen running gags, but that's it.

>half dozen running gags
Pizza place, Anthropology museum

I'm probably forgetting a few

No gimmicks here brah. Just straight up best friends shooting the shit and dealing with life. Weekenders was badass.


It was a good show. But then again, I watched a lot of TV back then. Hell, I have fond memories of Lloyd in Space around the same time. Why did they all have weird names?

I looked it up, yeah, there were a lot. Mostly dialogue ones, so it is harder to remember them as clearly as the obvious visual gags.

Carvers a pretty normal name

why are all the slice of life cartoons meant for older people canceled so early ?

MTV is full of idiots

MTV had the real opportunity to usher in an era of non-sitcom adult animation. It had some amazing shows going, Downtown, Aeon Flux, Clone High, Daria....It could have been adult swim like a decade early. But no, it decided that reality tv was more interesting.

And so we end up in these dark days, where tv animation can only be 'kid safe family shows' or 'raunchy sitcoms'

this scene confused me
if a good looking chick mooned me I'd be turned on, not angered

Lets not forget about Mission Hill, another fantastic show that was murdered after one season

Can we join in the thread?

demanding a revenging large pepper ann buyng new bras for her massive post-puberty bazoongas

I miss when mtv diddled with animation

I think this was the last thing they worked on

only if skullboy waits outside

DESU, all the guy characters in the show were all obnoxious. The girls were the ones that made the show great.

Nikki and Pepper Ann clipping through that post is really bothering me.

reminder that Tino/Tish/Lor is the OT3 of champions

really wish there was some art for it though, and more than just one story for it(and it only becomes that during the last chapter)

>Why did they all have weird names?
Tino's mom is a hippy(and I think Tino is supposed to be shorthand for another name anyways), and both Tish and Lor are from Ethnic families

for whatever reason Adult Animation that isn't at least partially either Random or a Sitcom just doesn't last long here in the US, I think The Simpsons(and later Family Guy) just set expectations too rigidly for American Audiences until very recently

man that show should have lasted longer

Damn, good eye.

What is it about the Disney One Saturday Morning block having goat theme songs?

I wish that Canadian cartoons were better known on Sup Forums, they made some good stuff

I want an HQ version of the PA theme. Its an ode to tomboys and the world needs more tomboys

>One in a mill-YUUUNNNNN

I liked
Moville Mysteries
Growing Up Creepie
The Buzz on Maggie
Oggy and the Cockroaches
My Gym Partner is a Monkey

Well those are some pretty decent shows you-

>My Gym Partner is a Monkey


It is among the best slice of life cartoons
Here's the highest quality online it seems. I can tell your someone in it for the zen of the crunch.

big field trip was pretty comfy but the rest of the show was kinda infuriating

holy shit disney acknowledges that PA existed? pretty incredible considering that most of this show is lost media right now.


Peppy's silhouette is on the walls of the television studio. One of the larger, more noticeable ones if I'm remembering correctly.

"And where is the little lady who needs support?"

and then the episode never aired again after PA flashed the female phys ed. teacher the sportsbra she was wearing while on a trampoline

And this is what all the fuzz is about.

I always thought Lor was just short for Lorraine or maybe a weird storytelling of Laura. Petratishkovna is definitely very foreign though.

Jewish SoL

>Aeon Flux

Hey I remember that. Barely.

Tino is various white with Italian first and surname, and a neo-pagan mother. Lor's family are all from Scottish backgrounds. Tish is Jewish with parents from an unnamed country in eastern Europe. Carver's family is black and do Kwanzaa.

Arthur, King of the Hill, The Nutshack, and Ed, Edd n Eddy are the best slice of life cartoons

>I wish that Canadian cartoons were better


Clarence and Life with Louie are the best ones.

Isn't that Ed, Edd and Eddy?

>I always thought Lor was just short for Lorraine

it is

Was it ever confirmed in the show though?

Italians and Jews are one in the same

There were a ton of tit jokes leading into that though.

It did reair though just on Toon Disney rather than ABC.

I'm getting more of a nostalgia boner from this thread. I think I'll just go.

it's absolutely criminal how underrated and forgotten Pepper Ann is

you're lying, that was just a dream I had, that's why it only shows up once a year

oh seriously? that means I caught one a one-time-only airing
now I feel special

I fucking hate puritans who have to censor everything slightly related to sex.

Most of the stuff from that era is since it never got a physical media release and hasn't aired since Toon Disney rebranded to XD almost a decade ago.

Bob and Margaret

>I would not keep the fucking can opener


I think her grandmother called her that once

>just looking mockingly at her
Every breath. Every heave. A titty slap to Pepper Ann's face,

i had a crush on lor when i was a kid, also misty from pokemon, I think I just had a weakness for redheads, still do.

They didn't take the episode off the air it was still kept in syndication

I binged the whole series last week and there are only like 2 episodes with the grand mother and the only thing I remember her calling Lor besides that is Spitfire. But never Lorraine.

>Voiced by Grey Griffin

Uh you guys might not want to be editing from your phones

>personality: Tough, bratty, insensitive, fun-loving, bossy, stupid, vain, inconsiderate, spoiled, playful, tomboyish, short-tempered

Wtf man

Only three of those apply to Lor.

What a fucking retard.

Why does she look like Will Vandom in that pic?

"May be short for Lorraine" so still no proof.

>I would not keep the fucking can opener
that was so great

I must have replayed it a dozen times

Some of them make me wonder if this person has even watched the show. I mean, vain? Really? Lor is probably the one person least concerned with her appearance in the whole world. Her entire wardrobe consists of hand me downs of boys clothes from her brothers


We need more Lor

>The Nutshack

user why are you trying to make me cry

Aldens a bitch, Sharon oughta be hooking up with Maria

Because networks wanted The Simpsons-level of success and canceled the shows when they didn't get it.

I want to visit the alternate timeline when Pepper Ann's voice actress had an entire album singing punk rock.

She has an awesome voice, but sadly our culture doesn't celebrate women with boyish voices

Wait PA is lost media? (To some degree)?

it's not puritans doing it anymore. These days it's shaming, problematic, and assholish to ever portray a woman as having breasts.

It really seems like 2000-2003 era Disney is where almost all the slice of life series came from

MTV had incredibly shitty scheduling problems way before it was cool to do that.

Thwey would show 2 episodes, then nothing for 2-3 months, then show 3-4 more then nothing for a few weeks, then show the rest without ever advertising it is on at all. And they were doing this shit in the late 90's.

Nickelodeon and Disney XD did not catch on for another 13 years.

This show was the product of late era UPN trying desperately to have an animated series to rival Simpsons. But each time something did not become an amazing award winning masterpiece within the first 5 episodes they cancelled it.

They were responsible for Baby Blues, Home Movies, Dilbert, Gary & Mike,

What's the source for this? Google literally returns 0 results.

The only archives that exist are tv recordings that are missing about 2/3 of the episodes

wish i knew, theres a few in this set

Too bad, maybe you should post them all then...

It's funny cuz when I took this screen cap I was trying to capture Janna's indifference to Jackie. I was trying to find ammo to support my argument that Jackie and Janna don't like each other. Turns out all I really did was capture Jackie in the middle of her A-cup admiration. Life comes at us fast, huh guys?

I've had some really weird SoL experiences lately. My cousin who's kind of a nerd has recently started bugging me about cartoons she was too young to remember (She's 15). I guess because we both liked Harvey Beaks and I told her it reminded me of a bunch of older shows.

So I've been going over to her place like every other weekend to marathon 90s/00s cartoons with her. Sometimes she'll have a few of her dork friends over, sometimes it'll just be us. It's weirdly comfy seeing someone be enamored by shows from my youth.

She loved As Told By Ginger (we ended up watching the whole series), Hey Arnold, Pepper Ann, and weirdly enough Kablam. She was totally infatuated with all the shorts like Life With Loopy and The Off-Beats and she was visibly upset when she found out the only made one episode of Anemia and Iodine. Last time I checked she changed her facebook avatar to June.

I dunno why I'm sharing this, I guess this thread just had the same comfy sort of vibe. Reminded me that Weekenders exists too. I'm gonna show her that next time.

This feels like some weeb cousin ero, but whatever your intentions, tell us more user. It is a slice of life thread after all. Slice me off a piece.

didn't realize she sung the theme

seems so obvious now

And some of the best deadpan humor I've ever heard;

Security: "You need a reservation to get in"

MC (I don't remember who): "What would you say to my friend Mr. Washington"

Security: "Are you trying to bribe me with a dollar"

MC: "No. . . a quarter"

But it's still got his picture on it!

That's the closest I've come to smiling in 15 years

Yeah I was afraid someone would say that, but alright.

I don't know exactly why she loves it. She's kind of a sperg, even if that's an awful thing to say. She's really awkward and likes cartoons, so I just indulge her. I usually torrent a bunch of cartoons onto my laptop and bring em over to her, sometimes she has a random idea of something she wants to watch so I gotta pull up kisscartoon or something to show her. One time she surprised me by asking to watch sailor moon. And another time I decided to show her some old Homestar Runner cartoons (and she fell in love with teen girl squad).

I think it's a case of kids getting nostalgia for things they see other people romanticize. I'll admit I feel the same way sometimes. 80s shit gives me weird nostalgia vibes. Either way I'm happy to do it, because it's just as comfy for me as it is for her.

If anyone's got suggestions for old SoL cartoons that a teen girl would enjoy hit me up.

The sales lady probably doesn’t actually have great tits but just a really good bra. Good quality bras can be deceptively like that in the hands and on the chests of those who know how to use them.

>Life With Loopy
Not SoL but does anyone else remember Phantom Investigators?

The Facebook avatar thing is part of the bait right? With creepy relative stories, the creep always gives just enough rope to hang himself with, and then the anons tell the victim of the creeping all about the creepy relative. But the real troll is the Facebook account with the specified profile pic is actually just a plant and the creepy relative is seeing all the white knights spergin out.
> inb4 bust size description
> inb4 she pulls up a lewd website
> inb4 she asks you to show you something lewd
> inb4 late night invitation to watch cartoons with her parents out of town

on the flip side, if your intentions are true, show her some clarence. I'll get you the mega

Stories like this give me hope that these retro 90s and early 2000s cartoons can still live on and have a following today, despite being forgotten by so many of the people who grew up with them. Shes gonna love the weekenders for sure

hit her with some Braceface, What About Mimi, and Sabrina the Animated Series. Braceface is less comedy focused, but genuinely well written. It also has the girliest intro thats ever been recorded for any show ever. I think it scares off a lot of male SoL fans, which is a shame cause its a great show. What About Mimi is chill as fuck and pretty funny. Its basically Canadian Pepper Ann (spunky impulsive redhead, nerdy grilfriend, soft spoken guyfriend). Sabrina TAS adds magic into it and is a lot of fun. Salem is still the best character, an amoral talking cat.

Also, theyre mostly on youtube, though a few of the episodes have glitchy audio.

Braceface S1E1

What About Mimi S1E1

Sabrina the Animated Series S1E1

Also dont watch Sabrinas Secret Life, it sucks.

Theyre not even being subtle about it. Just rub it in her face. And I mean literally.

What the fuck dude, I'm just sharing a neat story about SoL cartoons. I guess getting this in depth about something like this is weird in and of itself but I'm not fucking my cousin if that's what you're getting at. Christ almighty.

Uh thanks.

I'm seeing a surprising lack of love for Doug in this thread.