Static's girls

Does anyone else thing Static's girls don't get enough love ? They barely don't have fan art. Permafrost and Madelyn have the most fan art, probably because there good characters. Frieda and Daisy especially don't get enough love from the fandom. Daisy I can understand she's bland and has a bad design but Frieda is a important character Static comics.

Go commission something, Sup Forums isn't your personal one stop art station

It doesn't help that Frieda slowly stopped appearing in episodes and when she would appear she would be with Daisy who isn't a good character so it brought her down .

This is the only fan art I've find of Frieda.

I love how no one ships Static with Daisy in the fandom . Even as a kid didn't like them being together and I'm someone who mainly ships canon ships or ships that are almost canon .


Who's the girl on the top right? I remember loving her as a kid. Also Puff was great too

That's She-bang.

This.It was really weird. Frieda was obviously the main love interest but got pushed aside for Daisy in later episode. Were people complaining about an interracial relationship or something because they has to be the only explanation for such an abupt change.

I always hated how she got written out. She was perfect for being in Static's crew.

Timezone was best girl.

Is she the show's version of Flashback?

Yep and Tech was their version of Tech 9.

I think they did it cause in the comics they did the same thing but had a reason why Static and Frieda didn't get together. Frieda was already dating someone and Daisy asked Virgil to date her after he found out Frieda was dating Larry.

Permafrost is best girl.

Why does Daisy look so different from her parents ? She looks Asian but her parents are clearly black.


Did the toyman wife count?

She's more of a Superman character since she first appeared in I think Superman the Animated series.

Maybe it's cause they have horrible designs in the first seasons. Good character designs really do help make people like a character.


I've seen people say they hate Daisy cause of her design and that they would like her if she was prettier .

Who's the one on the far left?


I like Madelyn's bad villain outfit.


There's not much fanart of most of them because most of them are boring and utterly normal. Not that they're ugly, just that there's absolutely nothing remarkable about them at all.

Permafrost is the only one that really stands out due to her great theme and design. Her appearance stands out- practically fucking jumps out at you when grouped with the others. But the rest are just "black girl." "Black girl with vapor tail." "Asian girl." "White girl." "Harpy that looks like a Goddamned background character." "Cheesy superhero outfit girl." "Fashion challenged patchwork girl."

Static Shock had some criminally boring character design. It's frankly a miracle Static himself had such a great design.

I wish Madelyn interacted with Hotstreak more. They could have a interest dynamic .

I never realized how bad Frieda's first design was unlit I recently rewatched the show. I wish they gave her this outfit sooner or had it be her design from the beginning .

Someone just said the same thing about this to the biggest Static blog on Tumblr . Y'all are the same person .