What’s their endgame here?

What’s their endgame here?

Throw a bunch of crap at the wall and see if anything sticks.

Secret Crisis
Civil Crisis
Planet Damage
The Terrific Foundation
I-xecutioner's song

Why does all the crap have to be Marvel avored though?

They aren't creative

because right now, the comicworld zeitgeist is that
>marvel is throwing old time fans under the bus, while dc sticks to their core base
, so, I think the idea is to drag marvel fans who are disappointed with how their faves are handled, by handling their clones properly.

Not going to lie I thought this was going to be another shitpost about that Marvel promo image but this is DC lmao

Why is Mister Terrific and Plastic Man there? They aren't even in the same level of irrelevance as the others.

>They updated the image with the new character designs


...money. The endgame is money.

Do you honestly need someone to tell you this?

I would totally read Civil Crisis, no lie

Are they going to do a X-Men rip-off too?

>he doesn’t know

all DC needs to do now is bring back their Punisher expy

He had a recent mini after appearing in CW's Arrow

Doom Patrol is over at Young Animal

See if shit sticks, and if it doesn't they can always use these characters in suicide squad and kill them off.

yeah, but in that case x-men is the rip off

I'm getting Bloodlines vibes from these guys. None of them look all that iconic, original, or interesting.

>Damage's hands are still fucked up.

They're not fingerless glove growths anymore!!!

That's what Immortal Men is apparently. That or Inhumans

>Plastic Man
>Tom Strong
I’m hyped

Shame the previews of the first issue look like most of it will be pure set up instead of hitting the ground with adventure.

Eh that’s fine

To introduce new chars, reintroduce minor chars to the main dc universe while not shitting on the well established characters

They finally gave up the Spot series Marvel would never give us.

I only see two Marvel spoofs.
Being the Hulk guy and Fantastic Four team.
Who else is?

Sideways is a hybrid of these two.

sideways is apparently spider-man
the immortal men are the x-men?
silencer (the chick with the 2 guns) is black widow?

The Unexpected are The Defendera (Strange, Hulk, Namor and Surfer)
Brimstone is Ghost Rider
The Challengers are just the Challengers but Marvel based the F4 on them
The Terrific are the F4
Sideways is Spidey
Silencer is Punisher/Black Widow
Immortal men are X-Men
Damage is also a Hulk

It was supposed to be an artist driven line as in the marvel method. But then all the artists fucked off immediately.

Yet he's not the original!

A widely rumored excuse is muh deadlines and royalties, but one of the artists might possibly stay after fill-in artists.

Marvel has copied DC plenty of times, they'll be fine if DC borrows a few ideas from them.

Shaner isn't even on the first 3 issues of Terrific and he designed the characters

He's set to draw the next 2-3 issues though, and surely subsequent issues will be drawn by other artists.

>black widow
>not a femme fatale that could have sprung from an old bond movie

because their big idea was asking artists to create the heroes instead of writers, and we all know most artists don't know shit about writing