Youtube clips recorded with a camera off a tv

>youtube clips recorded with a camera off a tv
Why is this a thing?

Because everybody in the universe now has a camera on their phone even if they don't want it but capture cards aren't standard issue.

Tech illiterates

It's like vinyl - some people prefer it that way.

Yeah because I just love hearing the guy with his shitty chinkdroid laughing, making comments during the recording, and other stupid shit happening in the background

Avoids copyright takedown

nobody makes you watch them


Great excuse

>locating a rip/ripping
>using a video editor
>filming it of the screen with your internet-connected toaster's camera

Doing the same alone but without aural or outside interference is more autistic.

not everyone has the good fortune to live in a first world country
>inb4 how is that relevant

I miss old school YouTube where you could find anything you want.

Nowadays I use it for college work, streams of the news, and TFS.

Content ID
Retards and kids
Not knowing capture cards.

there, it was a cancerous fad that caught on, worst of all its when unique rare content was shared this way, and when asked and confront about it the uploaders never respond or go indignant about it.

That explains why there's so many Family Guy clips in this shitty quality.

It's done to cheat copyright bots. A recording of a show running on a TV isn't considered to fall under copyright infringement or whatever bullshit.

>can't be assed to use a tripod or even a stand to keep the camera from shaking all over the place

Back when I recorded myself playing a game for my own rewatching pleasure, I put it on a stool and held it up

>A recording of a show running on a TV isn't considered to fall under copyright infringement or whatever bullshit.
I got it once, luckily I was just uploading to YT to transfer to my phone and not actually make it public, but it still said it was blocked if I were to attempt to show it to others.


still, could always just download the episode and make a clip.

So how easy are capture cards to use? I've wanted to record stuff on TV