These comics look like ass, thought we were past all this 90s shit when rebirth hit and it was a spectacular success...

These comics look like ass, thought we were past all this 90s shit when rebirth hit and it was a spectacular success. Why would they dial back the clock to all of this nonsense

DC giving this many new characters books is something we haven't seen in decades, fuck off.

They’re literally trying to beat out marvel by doing a fantastic 4, a hulk, a grounded punisher and a spider man before marvel gets around to rebooting their books again. Most of these books other than the terrific and immortal men will be cancelled in a year. The first issue of damage felt like a holdover from early image.


Yeah but they look like shit.

Sideways looks fun to me

His costume and backstory looked cool but that preview was rough man.

Terrifics is the only one with old characters, and Challengers only uses an old name.

Sideways, Challengers, and Terrifics have my interest.

To be fair where the actual people behind the challengers ever relevant?

>using 90s as if it's a bad thing.

The issue with this whole thing, from MEtal to new age of heroes is its an artists thing. The only content you're gonna get with any of these books is, popular artist plots books for hire writer scripts it so they can draw cool stuff. But its all still boring house style shit so its not like its gonna be anything actually impressive. DC is clutching defeat from the jaws of victory

When I say 90's, what I mean are bad 90's image books. Garbage like youngbloods and wildcats. The 90s were actually pretty good for DC barring a few stragglers.

How long until Squadron Supreme become heroes and get heavily pushed as a "fuck you too"?

I think the problem, like most new characters, is if anyone is willing to stick it out for 6-10 issues to see if they're worth keeping around. Damage felt like a preview

It is.

Then don't read them? As long as they don't have any effect on the regular titles I don't care.

This whole Metal event has been going back to the cheesy over-the-top 90's stuff.

Damage felt like a bad hulk knockoff at best and a preview for a suicide squad arc at worst

They had a book in one of the Marvel Now waves.

The Nighthawk book was pretty good

The Thirty Year Cycle

Enough time has passed that the 90s kids who were around when these kinds of comics first came out are now adults with enough disposable income to burn on nostalgia

The interesting part is that DC is essential ripping from Marvel's potential nostalgia well to do it

If they're lucky one or two will hit, that's all you can ask for these days.


>The book with Alan Moore and Joe Casey runs
Fuck off parrot

Enjoy your mediocre garbage.

>popular artist plots books for hire writer scripts it so they can draw cool stuff
The popular artists are only on for the first 3 issues.

>2 good runs on a book that immediately goes back to being shit when they leave makes it not 90s garbage

yeah okay, you got me

There's nothing 90s about ANY of that shit. The fuck are you even talking about?

Are you blind?

''90s'' has been a buzzword in comics for a long tie now. Just read it as 'thing I dont like/thing other people like which i'm shitting on to bait them'.

no, it means this. Things that look like this. I understand Sup Forums goes through cycles of choosing who its okay to like or hate, and which creator is at the exact level of popularity that its okay to enjoy their work without being like everyone else, but this shit is silly. You know what 90s means. I know what 90's means.