Cute thread

ITT anything cute





She's cute okay, but most importantly... she's pure!




posting best boy



I want to bully it. Every beta has to know its place.




Wonder what happened to the New 52 Carrie that showed up in Tomansi and Gleason's run then vanished as quickly as he appeared. Probably due to an embargo on use for her since Master Race was coming up.









kill yourself, you waste of oxygen

He's so cute I don't even care



I'm surprised how well this thread has gone



>Probably due to an embargo on use for her since Master Race was coming up.
Pretty much. Miller didn’t like her being the new 52 and said he’d make another TDK book if they stopped.

eh, it's not that great.
I'm OP and most of these posts are mine. If no one's interested, I'm gonna let it die soon.


The Bug is the cutest vehicle I've ever seen


I just recently rewatched that.
Still makes me smile.