Jack kirby died alone in a comic dungeon

>jack kirby died alone in a comic dungeon

just as planned



Please. We all know he created dungeons decades before the Medieval French did in Challengers of the Unknown, right after he finished creating Superman.

How he actually died. Read this if you want to cry.


He did it to himself, he gave away thousands of dollars worth of original artists for nothing, he signed those contracts he later was mad about. He was a fool.


Jack Kriby: The Jew Who Everyone Jewed

>Old man dies in an old man fashion
I'm not trying to be an edgy cunt, I'm a big fan of the King's work, but this really isn't a sad death. It sucks that it had to be so sudden for his wife and it probably was a shitty last few minutes for Jack but it's not like he was murdered, had a horrible random accident that was the fault of someone else or died in his prime.

Jack Kirby: He Never Scored
Thanks, Stan

All so that you could have something to be an edgy cunt about

that chair looks comfy

The guy who invented Kirby from Smash Bros.

Roz finding him and her whole world breaking apart in that moment breaks my heart. Mainly cause the same thing happened when my Grandpa died in the same way.


He tried to Jew Ditko out of creating Spider-Man and Dr. Strange, he tried to Jew Herb Trimpe and John Romita out of Wolverine, tied to Jew C.C Beck and Bill Parker out of Captain Marvel, he tried to Jew Joe Simon out of everything they worked on, and even tried to Jew Siegel & Shuster out of Superman in an interview with the Comics Journal. A lot of this was done in the 70's too.

He did his fair share of Jewing. If he'd lived to make cameos in a bunch of movies, he'd be just as mocked as Stan.

Look up wally wood’s apartment.


Didn't Lee sleep with Kirby's wife?

No. That was a fucking skit on G4's X-Play back in the day.

Jack honestly comes off as senile to me in that interview

The night before he had just finished re-drawing the cover of F4 #1 at poster scale for some sort of exhibition or project. That was the last piece of art he drew.

this, and honestly dropping like a stone is the BEST possible natural death imaginable, vs slow organ failure and a $250k medical bill against your estate