Zoom should have been Eddie Thawne...

Zoom should have been Eddie Thawne, derailed from the timestream by being pulled into the wormhole and wanting revenge against Barry for destroying his life.

I agree.

I'd have Eddie tell Barry about the crisis that he'll face in 2024 and how the only one who could stop it was the more experienced Barry from before Eobard altered timeline. Flashpoint would be the result of Barry trying to reset the timeline to its original state, without success.

I dislike how selfish the "Flashpoint" storyline tends to paint Barry.

Also they should've let John Wesley Shipp be Earth-2's Jay Garrick from the get-go.

Let Teddy Sears play a comic-accurate Savitar instead of making it Barry's evil time twin.

No Eddie should have been Savitar from the broken timeline.

How about none of the above? We shouldn't have given half of Zoom's character to fucking Thawne. Fuck your CW shit

It's an adaptation. Things change.

Changes in adaptations are to be expected, but keeping the spirit of the comics, and the character motivations basically the same are important. Take the CW dick out of your mouth, and stop enabling shit tv because they throw a reference at you

Eddie becoming Zoom would be keeping with the spirit of the comics and the character's basic motivations, though.

Why so hostile, my man. We're all kindred spirits here.

They shouldn't have let him take Barry's speedforce and cure himself and they definitely should've milked the speedforce cancer more.
It was a pretty compelling motivation and ever since he lost that he became a boring cartoon villain.

Zoom shouldn't of existed as Season 1 was the only good thing of CW Flash and everything beyond that's been shit.

Season 1 shouldn't have existed either since it was shit too.

I like The Flash it's fun

The Flash, like Arrow, was never good. You just hoped it would get better later on and gave it a pass

They couldn't push the envelope with Zoom on the CW. He was a speedster serial killer literally voiced by Tony Todd the horror god.

Zoom was good until the mask came off.

No, Eddie is pure, PURE!

>Caring about the felicityverse

Nah, Elongated Man made it good again.

A poor man's Plastic Man

Just like the comics then.

So I never really got into Legends, but apparently Not Wellsobard Zoom was their season 2 villain, What's was his Schick?

No because I like the actor and he managed to escape this hell show once.

I completely agree. Would have been a much better way to go.

No it wouldn't. It would render Thawne alive again by default, instead of a time remnant. If he was Savitar it would have been a better twist because it would be Eddie from the Flashpoint timeline using revenge against Flash for destroying it. One of the reasons S3 was shit was because Barry's remnant turned into Savitar because everyone in the alternate timeline rejected him.

Legion of Doom with Meryln and Dhark. He killed Hour Man and kidnapped Rip.