Say something nice about Hank Pym

say something nice about Hank Pym
like how hes smarter than both Stark and Richards

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For a dangerous nutjob he has good personal hygiene.

He's better as Pymtron.

His wife had so little respect for him that she banged all his friends.

He's smarter than stark, but not Richards.
Lunnella has him beat too, he's a solid #3

Why do the most intelligent people in the marvel universe have to be superheroes?
Why can't some Wakandan engineer be in the top ten, or some other prodigy that was scoped out by Empire State University around the same time they found Doom?

Pym might be smarter and be able to enlarge his dick, but he's nowhere close to Tony's level of coolness, efficiency and badassery. Stay mad, Pymfags.

He's a real cutie sometimes.

Lunella isn't smarter, but she has the potential to be.

Sauce? Looks like Waid's Daredevil.

Yeah, V4 #10 I think. Samnee draws a damn good Hank.

For a civilian who was a PoW he's remarkably well adjusted.
Hell, with all the bullshit he went through it's amazing that he can function at all

Cho is in the top 10 and he's been steadily side kick status until very recently.

Marvel editorial says otherwise.

Strongest pimp-hand in all of Marvel, possibly comics all together


check and mate

Pym isn't smarter than Reed but he's still more creative.

Shoo, shoo Pymfag!

isn't that a skrull?

He has an excellent backhand.

Very doctor who.

He is played by Michael Douglas

He has the best wasp costume.

If they're so smart how come they haven't invented a toilet that gives you a blowjob so you can get all of your bodily functions done?

why would you need that if you have ANTS?

We ignore the progressive ubersmart toddlers, like val and moon girl.
Reed is at the top.
Then, it's Doom, Pym, Panther, Bruce/Tony. And what of my buddy Nemesis?

Tony's smarter than T'Challa & Banner.

How can you subjectively rank their intelligence among one another when they all have different specialties?

I like Hank. He acts like if a supervillain was obsessed with trying to be a hero/good guy.


This machine has 3 zeros too much.

Right on old boy! Show that stretchy bastard and his stretchy dick that he ain't shit!

Heh, I'm going to steal his stuff.


Is it really a surprise that Pym might overestimate himself on the need for that many zeros?

Your stuff I already have stolen. Enjoy having a Armor War 3.0. And Friday, I will meet FRIDAY. Heehhn...

>And Friday, I will meet FRIDAY. Heehhn...
HAND OFF MY FU Well, to be fair, I did keep her locked up for a decade and some change, so... Eh, I don't really give a fuck. Keep her, you sad, lonely autist.

I know it's fanfiction-tier but we need the next Avengers book to be about how everyone is broken and old but they pick each other up and save the day. Think about it
>Iron man came back to life only to be poor and out dated
>Everyone has lost faith in captain America and don't trust him despite everything
>Hank Pym is just a corrupt AI wearing a skin suit
>Thor is still unworthy
>and hulk is hulk

>the power of friendship saves the day
I'd read it desu. Marvel Chars have a hard life.

Ya, but Hank had sex with it too.

how did he become pymtron?

Doom is better.

Pym is a fucking joke

>smarter than Reed

But that's not Hank, that Criti Noll.

After everything Janet would still want his dick she probably still does so there's that.

doom's top marvel character though, it's not a fair contest

There's not enough friendship between Marvel characters anymore, only edgy infighting.

Doom's robots do not successfully go rogue. And Reed does a better job of making and keeping friends with cosmic horrors.

Hey Stark, how'd your one night stand with Gamora turn out?

So, Earth-X 2?

Namor/Aunt May

Typically the smart guys go evil.

Leader, Thinker, Wizard, Maximus, Otto, Sinestro, High Evolutionary, Zemo, Strucker, Zola, Mandarin, Diablo, All of AIM, Egghead, Grey Gargoyle, Living Laser, Tinkerer, Jackal, Spencer Smythe, Arcade, Fixer....

It's more rare when there is a mad scientist that actually Doesn't want revenge or to take over something just to show off their genius or get back at the world that failed to recognize their intelligence. This is sort of why turning Reed into yet another evil smart guy was really pointless, Marvel has a shitload of them already.

Marvel needs to find some way to separate the really smart from the superhumanly smart.

Reed, Doom, Hank, Tony etc should not have better smarts feats than Leader, MODOK, and Maximus. Or at least they should be portrayed differently. The superhumanly smart ones should not act exactly like all the normal guys who happen to be smart. There should be some kind of separation there in what theycan do, how quickly they can do it, and if they need to check notes, or write down the math.

Ended up sacrificing himself to fuse with Ultron.

wait when pym fucked tigra she was a skrull?

Hank is very good at the bantz.

No he was the skrull

is there anything better then tony getting blown out

He's got style

That's osborn

That's Norman Osborn...

That's Norman Osborn. Why do you think throwing women off bridges would be a burn at Tony Stark?

Pym is smarter than Doom, and Tony's smarter than Bruce.

Has Tony thrown women of bridges before

I mean, I'm fully expect him to have dumped a couple of od'd hookers/escorts/sorority sisters in his day, but we've never seen any of them, so...

Why hasn't. Marvels huge roster of mega smart people gotten together and cured disease and hunger improve education globally etc

Confirmed by Pichelli that Stark didn't even get to fuck her, he shot early.

Gotta love the 'ol "Reed Richards is useless" trope.

>Gettin bigger
>Gettin smaller
>Pull the trigger
>'cause I'm a baller
>I'm in my laboratory working harder
>Like I'm Hank Pym know I'm gettin smarter

whatever happened to him

In Marvel universe being super smart means you're automatically an expert at everything from subatomic biology to alien spaceship engineering.

Hank Pym is like a white Forge

you need to add T'Challa to that list

which one? Hank McCoy?

considering Hank McCoy's wide range of studies outside genetics/molecular biology and that his intelligence is a mutation, he should have better smarts feats

That chart should be updated.

nobody wanted to write him

Those are things that non-superhumanly smart people could conceivably figure out. Supersmarts should use their supersmartness on things non-supersmarts wouldn't be able to figure out on their own.

>yfw galactic bars talk about "the Stark Human's" incompetence

editorial says a lot of dumb shit

>ive ridden better dicks than you

love the wordplay

>Pym is smarter than Doom

what? doom and reed are interchangeable 1 and 2. pym is ranked with stark

Isn't that Norman?

I thought Valeria was supposed to be the smartest person im the universe?

Better have those zeroes and not need them than need them and don't have them.

Hitting his wife is honestly the least awful thing a superhero has probably done. He's no Hal Jordan.

Still better person than Stark.

>He's no Tony Stark
At least Jordan has the Prallax excuse. Stark literally created Mutant Concentration Camps, put his friendsin Space-Gulag, Cloned a God, and hired a bunch of Ted Bundy-s to hunt down super-heroes.

>tfw Stark is a better villain than Doom

>the Virgin Von Doom
>boasts about how awesome he is; fails, then has to endure the ridicule
>hides behind a mask 24/7 because he deliberately messed up his face
>can't grow a beard
>makes deals with Demons when he knows he's gonna be betrayed and end up in Hell
>is No2 by a fraction of a hair; is an autist about it
>his """fortune""" is tied with his country's
>has an above average dick; obsesses over it and refuses to use it because it's not Richards' Stretchy Dick
>has 0 charisma and grace; no gal wants him
>became God of Reality; remained a slave to his insecurities
>is a fokin Gypsy
>his best friends are a Transdymorphic PenOmnisexual Frost Manlet and an Autistic Fishman
>hates Democracy; is envious of glorious Ancient Greek and Roman History because Latveria is a shithole with no culture
>does everything in the open; everybody knows all about his malicious intentions
>wants a world with no borders, promotes globalization, preachers "we're all the same"
>cannot sing, plays the piano in the dark like a spazz; women think he's a creep

Posting the CHAD Stark next.

>the CHAD Stark
>is modest and sticks in his element; the world reveres him as the best engineer and he doesn't stray away from it
>shows his handsome face constantly; gets surgeries to fix his minor flaws and be beautiful forever
>has a glorious pencil-stache that shows class, while not hiding his strong jaw and manly chin
>stays away from Occult bullshit because he knows it's dangerous and a sin; he obeys the Word of the Lord and will go to Heaven
>is No5 at best; doesn't give a fuck and goes about his own life
>has accounts everywhere, owns a Corporate Empire and has hidden micro-corps all around the world
>has an average dick; doesn't give a fuck, works it like a madman and fucks women all the time
>has 100 charisma and presence, a true Alpha; every woman wants to fuck him because he treats them right and gives them the time of their life
>knew the world was going to end; committed Alien Genocide and went out on his own terms, ie being a drunk bastard fighting Captain America; a TRUE Chad's death
>is a glorious Med; the blood of Rome, Byzantium & Athens runs in his veins
>his best friends are a BASED Black Guy, Marvel's Rocky Balboa and a whole bunch of other people; pretty much everyone loves him
>loves Democracy, Freedom and Capitalism; he fights for the TRUE Free-Market because European Culture is ingrained in his brain
>does everything in the shadows; even when he's being a straight-up villain, his PR is so good, the people end up cheering FOR him
>wants a world with clear borders, is a race realist, wants to Nuke Latveria, is against Quotas
>probably has a voice like Dean Martin; can make any gal wet just by singing

How can people doubt that Stark is the Marvel Universe's Biggest CHAD, while Doom is an autistic Virgin?

he only throws them under the bed


And then the fuse was lit.

I'd really like Pymtron to be a regular hero, with his own comicbook.

I thought Hank wass essentially dead right now. I mean he's pymtron... but he's just eccentric Ultron.

>the Virgin Vic
>the Chad Stark
>it actually rhymes

If the slap hadn't become "Aquaman is useless and talks to fish"-tier defining in the collective concussion he would be prime tumblr/neuritic/mentallyill-fetishists material.
actually mentally ill
has breakdowns
Is handsome but nerdy
Normally upbeat, but prone to brooding about "muh mistakes/ultron is bad becuse muh darkness"
Tragic backstory
Shown to be susceptible to "i can fix him" relationships
Got Thoughter with a single mother with an interracial kid and helped raise it.


If not for the "misogyny" in his past marvel would have pushed him like crazy.
>we have always been diverse a founding avenger was mentally ill

it's unclear enough that a competent writer can take it wherever he wants without asspuls.


potentially. Like Peter had but he wasted it superheroing instead

Hehhn. Bad News ant king, you are homeless now.