Voltron: Legendary Defender

>reveal airdate in a shitty instagram poll
Sasuga, Dreamworks.

Other urls found in this thread:


Also that staff member drawing Sheith fanart.

>upload the one that says "new episodes streaming now" on Twitter
>upload the one with the date for season five on Instagram

Dreamworks marketing has been tiptop lately.

People still care about this after the two terrible half-seasons?

it'll be back in march, yay

Season 3 has been the best one so far, and 4 was still miles above the snail-paced shitshow of S2.

As long as there is alien fap-fodder, I will care. At least marginally.

Post it

So, that little ambiguosuly androgynous person is a girl or what?


Keith fucked out of the story and Lance kept his damn mouth shut. It couldn't have been that bad.

This person is playing with fire

We're in the final countdown to get in those theories and predictions. I think Kolivan bites it this season, and we get more hints of the clone plot with real Shiro being discovered as a cliffhanger.

Season 4 was the only awful one.
I hope they give me that Keith vs Lotor everyone is hoping for.

If I don't get my fucking sword fight...

They did it on accident. Whoever runs the twitter uploaded the wrong image, and also told us that any poll that they have will be RIGGED.

>any poll that they have will be RIGGED.

Just like WOTC and Mirrodin Pure.

girl, she cut her hair to look like her brother to infiltrate his school

Kek, they don't trust nor care about this fandoms opinions. I love it

>Just like WOTC and Mirrodin Pure.

He drew sheith before and posted it on his facebook.

Why does no one in this fandom make any straight pairings?

season 5 will be 4 episodes instead of 6.

>ryu posting his PG-est sheith fanart on insta
>explicitly gave keith a blush just to make it clear
Absolute madman

>WOTC holds vote to see who wins the war in the next Mirrodin Set of MTG, The Mirrodin natives or Phyrexia
>Phyrexia wins the vote
>Years later Wizards says that regardless of how the vote actually happened Phyrexia was always going to win.

you know why


Where's Keith's other hand.

March 2nd is pretty soon. Like 31 days away

Because there are only like 2 women in the show's entire universe.

Keith probably lewd touches Shiro all the time but passes it off as meaty guy bonding

Chief animator drew kallura. Ryu called Keih beautiful so he probably wants to fuck Keith.

Lotor had an entire harem of women in season 3

He killed the blind lizard girl but the other 3 are still around.

Just bros being bros.

>shipping Zethrid instead of wanting her for yourself

He'd best back off Ahn's waifu.

>studio mir artist stream

By then it was too late. The gay had already taken hold. Small pockets of sexy alien bitches couldn't change things, no matter how hard they tried.

The staff member who drew the sheith fanart has also self inserted with her.

Wait, I take it back. Ryu draws a lot of Shiro so maybe he wants to fuck Shiro.

It wasn't even a Fujo, Ryu is a lead animator/storyboarder/director/producer. It's more like when Palmer drew this bit of fanart.

remember user, 6 episodes. we had 6 episodes last season but many of it was pure filler with the exception of the first and last episode.

lets hope the next batch of episodes will be like s3 where its plot, after plot, after plot. it should be though, s4 was still the last batch of s3 so it was the cool down period.

Entire staff wants to fuck him, the man's depicted obscenely when it comes to his booty, thighs and tit meat, additionally they put him in as many panting and disheveled situations as possible. But really all you needed to really confirm the staff wants to fuck Shiro was the goddamn tentacle rape scene.

>and also told us that any poll that they have will be RIGGED

Source? That’s fucking hilarious if true.

Shiro is canonically the fetish character of this show.

He's like Steve where he wants to fuck Shiro, steve wanted to fuck Keith

Truly exquissite taste by the team and that collage is top tier. Though something that gets often overlooked is in the scene where he wakes up and escapes from being recaptured, he can barely see his feet when he looks down because those titties so big.

I actually took that into consideration, I could easily see Shiro Classic popping up as a mid-season surprise and then the back-half dealing with the fallout as the original plan. I don't think it's something they would have intentionally written as a cliffhanger, but it will probably end up as one now because of the splits.

Because this show was clearly designed to be fujobaut and gay bait, first and foremost.

That collage is missing the scene where they drew his balls during the Sendak fight.


oh lel

What a huge fuckup.

Good taste.

I fucking hate Sheith but I guess.

I seriously hope no one is surprised when Prince Keikaku fucks over or tries to ruse Team Voltron.

I like it in the show and how its presented, but the tumblr fan content, wew lad.

Coming from someone who abhors that pairing, they're doing it all wrong. Keith shouldn't even bottom at all. Shiro's ass needs to be filled with dick because that is his natural state.

I want to fuck Prince Keikaku over a table desu

>I seriously hope no one is surprised when Prince Keikaku fucks over or tries to ruse Team Voltron.
Majority of anons here see it coming. Some are more annoyed by how blatant Lotor's keikaku plan is because the crew keep hyping it up.

Well, that's a relief.

the only thing that will genuinely surprise me is if they are playing the temporary alliance straight, with both sides warming to each other but eventually coming into conflict over something like Lotor's future keikaku.
Lotor rusing them from the start seems so predictable, is it even possible for them to pull it off in a satisfying way?

>Everyone on other media "Wow I never saw that coming!"
>Everyone on /vld/ is pic related

>when all your friends who like it have their third eyes open and correctly perceive shiro as the bottom he is and keith as a brutal alpha top

I'm already imaging it and getting irritated.

This season should be the proof of whether he has any real depth as a character since he'll be interacting with the main cast. I'd love to be BTFO in that regard but I doubt they are going to deliver.

So Lotor is coming out of this series alive right? He's just going to go full anti-hero isn't he?

39 more episodes until the show ends

i have a question for you guys. earlier in january bex posted pic related and said the day was a special voltron's day. what do you think it was? what did they celebrate?
andrea showed up to it, and all of the va's except AJ and neil were there. Lauren and dos santos were also there and there were camera's recording in the background

No idea. How did Lotor's story ended in Voltron 84?

Maybe they're finished.

I like this cartoon because I feel no carnal urges towards its characters and that clearly confirms my heterosexuality.

Most obvious assumption would be that they wrapped up major voice work for the show. They will probably still be doing background character work as well as voicing the motion comics and any other supplementary content DW decides to put out, but I won't be shocked if their work for the 78 episodes is mainly done.

>YFW this fucker gets cucked by both Keith and Lotor.

I'm so curious on how they'll make Lotor towards Allura. Our lotullra resident oldfag posted a lot in the s4 threads about lotullra being the winar in this voltron kek.


I think Bret is gonna drive the van into the pool and Coran will tell him to fuck off

>a thread before feb 14

Anniversary of the first episode being recorded?

Nah he's going to get a Zuko redemption arc, but unlike Zuko he isn't going to make it out alive and will sacrifice himself for the sake of the Voltron team instead.

That's a cute duck.

i could see him sacrificing himself for honerva. he spoke highly of her and clearly misses honerva. zarkon is a lost cause, they hate each other but i think lotor loves honerva

the situation might be a parallel to how keith will handle his business with his mother in an upcoming season

Allurance, Pance and Kallura have all been drawn by the VLD artists.

he hates Haggar though, but doesn't know they are one in the same. so I'm not sure those fond feelings would last after he learns the truth.

I’d like to be proven wrong too. However they do, especially his interactions with Keith.

She'll fall for him in some way or another, only for said romance to end as Lotor just uses her for personal gain. But mark my words we'll get some angsty as shit Lance when he sees them kissing or something.

Lotor is and always will be a momma’s boy

I would rather see Keith fall for Lotor. Now that would be interesting.

Shippy stuff that has been draw by the VLD staff: Klance, Sheith, Pance, Kallura, Allurance, Pallura.

I hope someone does Keitor

does anyone still have that leak of matt and shiro that enzor's VA posted?

user that’s incest.

This ship is so underrated

No Hance?

I'm confused by that. People force Allura to be a lesbian so she won't get in the way of Klance but they won't ship her with Pidge. They always chose randos like Shay or Nyma.

The staff have done nothing but shit all over Lotor's infatuation from the old show every time it's brought up, anyone who thinks they will have any romantic/shippy interaction whatsoever is delusional.

You talking about this bit?

>But mark my words we'll get some angsty as shit Lance when he sees them kissing or something.

I doubt there will be any kissing, so far the romance in the show has been nearly non-existent, and they said they don't want to turn it into a romantic melodrama with all the dumb love triangles like Korra. If there's any kissing at all, it'll probably only happen with endgame couples. But Jeremy Shada said Lance will be distrusting of Lotor, so I wouldn't be surprised if Lotor having an interest in Allura will be one of the reasons why Lance won't like him.

Those are the same people who believe making Lotor Lord of the Keikakus a good idea.

Because they think Pidge is too young to be shipped with anyone.

I'm kind of the opposite. I can't get into it for real because while I love vulnerable Shiro and Keith being all protective of him, Keith's MUH SHIROing on the actual show gets really annoying. Some of the fanart is really nice though and the porn of it where Shiro bottoms is fucking top tier.

Lotor's infatuation was just annoying, they've said nothing about him using his charms on her to use her.

>Jeremy Shada said Lance will be distrusting of Lotor, so I wouldn't be surprised if Lotor having an interest in Allura will be one of the reasons why Lance won't like him.
That's so petty and Lance.