Is Bruce Banner the JUSTiest character in comics? I mean, look at this shit

Is Bruce Banner the JUSTiest character in comics? I mean, look at this shit.

We had this thread yesterday. It's neck and neck between Stark, Banner and Pym.

What about Parker?

Swear to fuck, if my disgusted sighs could power engines fusion technology would look like a joke.

Was this during Alonso era or Quesada era? Disgusting, regardless.

Take a look here:

It's from 2011, when Pak's Hulk was coming to an end.

She came back to him eventually.

He was murdered by Hawkeye not long afterwards, though.

>After spending a long time banging a particularly nasty enemy of Banner, she came back to him
Fuck her.

Well, you are reading Marvel. There is no good people in that universe, none whatsoever. So it's your fault to begin with. Just stop reading them, the "heroes" are just a bunch of cunts, pricks and assholes.

D.C. is what we would want people with power to do.
Marvel is what people with power would want to do.
that being said you have oddballs like Spider-Man & Lobo who run counter to this

In Lobo's "defense" as I understand it, it was supposed to be satire of violent antisocial rebel elements presented at their most grotesque, but the group being ridiculed for being fans of that sort of thing took it as a genuine performance and became the audience instead.

>Marvel is what people with power would want to do.

Be huge cunts that don't really care about anything other than themselves?

There has to be at least one Superman out there. I refuse to believe everyone is a disgusting Marvel citizen.

You'd be wrong. Pic unrelated

Spider-man made a deal with the devil.

No MJ made deal with the devil. many people misread that finall page. More people don't read it at all

The smartest cuck around

The satire is still there, no one takes Lobo seriously but we enjoy the ultra violence and the weird little details like space dolphins because it's fun.

It's important to note that literally 2 issues later that Hulk is fucking Umar in her hell dimension. We even have a scene where she red hulk is honest to god seething as she sits around a fire hearing demons saying how good Hulk is fucking Umar.

Pics or it didn't happen fag

Fair enough, implying the audience doesn't get it just because they're entertained was sort of baseless on my part.


DC is sane and well-adjusted people with power. And Batman.

Marvel is soap opera cartoon characters with power. And Thor.

Statements like this are just complete bullshit that only highlights ignorance of Sup Forums.

I'm this user Statements like this are hyperbole based on how if you take continuity into consideration the Marvel set have enough to be frog marched to the hague. They make Hillary Clinton look moral between all the Civil Wars and Illuminati shenanigans. They make the Wildstorm set look tame.

DC on the other hand...the worst they've done would probably be something like Identity Crisis where they mindwiped Dr. Rape the super-rapist. And they felt incredible guilt over doing so.

But that's absolutely nothing compared to the stuff Marvel heroes FORGET that they've done.

Tell me that I'm wrong.

Why doesn't Sup Forums make their own company? Make their own super heroes, comics, etc. Could be 100% digital, don't need an office. Everyone can work from their own home.

Some people are doing superhero stuff. You got webcomics like Capeworld and Laserwing in the /hyw/ threads.

No, bullshit statements like that are based on limited experience with comics. I've read a lot of DC comics and I cam factually say that you do not know what you're talking about.

Argue with me then.

What's there to argue about? Your bullshit statements isn't based on facts, it's based on a seriously disingenuous representation of DC and Marvel.

>Isn't based on facts

Show me how when taking continuity into consideration how the League is just as bad as the Avengers.


>infinite crisis
But beyond that, there is a Darkness within the DC universe. It exists on a spiritual, especially among the people on Earth.

>American Gothic arc
>Anti-life equation exist in the collective unconscious of humanity.
>The great heroes of ancient Greece raped the Amazons.
>half of the amazons went full queen Boudicca on ancient greece in revenge
>hub city
>you either die a hero or live enough to become the villain
>Black Orchid had Batman admit that evil is drowining us all
>a lot of human trafficking.

>Infinite Crisis
>Even comparable to Civil War 1+2, World War Hulk, Illuminati.
>Even comparable to the private sins of various Avengers like Iron Man and Spider-Man.

You are losing this fight. Do you want to surrender?

We're talking about the heroes.

Also, Hub City has nothing on Genosha.

>comparing civil war to civil war 2
You may have opinions about civil war but it was built on a solid premise.

No? Hub city was left to burn because it was that shit. Hub city is as if Human Apathy was a place and it showed.

Heroes who let young teenagers die by the dozens.

Now I'm not saying they should be held responsible for the many deaths of not only teen titans but also the defenseless teenagers who are victimes to monsters all of every possible sorts from the mundane Cult or child sex trafficking rings to the harvesting of organs for satanic rituals and underground metahuman fight club but also the young heroes who obviously need legal guardians. Ironically this is where I think Bruce Wayne excels at, he doesn't leave kids out on the cold like Superman and Wonder woman.

>DC cosmos is a self-creating living entity with homeostatic defense systems you can't possibly imagine which has allowed it to not only survive but grow to the size of several multiverses in the face of the threats like the Anti-Monitor and Darkseid. They're protected by Justice Incarnate and Grant Morriron's Black fiction suit.
>Marvel cosmos has JUST tier defenders like the Captain Britain Corps and Exiles who couldn't save the multiverse from Beyonders with bombs.

>The future of Prime Earth is a Star Trek utopia in the Legion era followed by a posthuman utopia in DC 1 Million. And its all thanks to the heroes especially god-king Superman Prime
>The future of 616 is shitty cyberpunk. The heroes failed to save a damn thing.

>Humanity in DC is the young form of the 5th World.
>Humanity in Marvel is an experiment by asshole space gods.

>Magic in DC is tightly controlled and regulated with several hierarchies and checks and balances
>Magic in Marvel is one asshole surgeon keeping chaos monsters from swallowing Earth

Marvel world are you even trying at this point?

>Protects young heroes and gives them a sense of community, history, and purpose

>DC is so good at protecting and guiding young superhumans it's doing the same thing way into the future

>"But muh Titans"
>Okay, we'll throw Marvel a bone and admit the Titans suck as an organization.

>Avengers Academy
>Makes Tigra and Pym, posters for failure superheros, teachers
>They teach their kids so bad they get BTFO and murdered by Arcade

>Routinely kills and traumatizes whoever the youngest mutants are
>Xaviers has killed more kids than Columbine and Virginia Tech combined.
>Teaches superhuman kids to isolate themselves from humanity rather than integrate

Marvel go and stay go.

>DC cosmos is a self-creating living entity with homeostatic defense systems you can't possibly imagine which has allowed it to not only survive but grow to the size of several multiverses in the face of the threats like the Anti-Monitor and Darkseid. They're protected by Justice Incarnate and Grant Morriron's Black fiction suit.
I don't jive with that shit, the universe promise use Madness and Sadness with a bit of vanity in between.
>The future of Prime Earth is a Star Trek utopia in the Legion era followed by a posthuman utopia in DC 1 Million. And its all thanks to the heroes especially god-king Superman Prime
The future of humanity beyond that is a slow descent to the grave where one branch rotting to nothing but cockroaches that raid past glories.
>Humanity in DC is the young form of the 5th World.
We're malformed test rabbits, stunted and denied our full potential.
>Magic in DC is tightly controlled and regulated with several hierarchies and checks and balances
It governed not but peace but constant warring by beings with bizarre laws and magic is a dangerous thing to begin with with a price to pay for using it and it will all be for nothing in the end.

Marvel is a world where if you're a superhuman you either register with the government who likes to create giant robot armies that conquered the world in an alternate timeline and let them do whatever the fuck they want with you OR ELSE.

If you actually look at the lore Marvel is a dystopia compared to DC.

>Protects young heroes and gives them a sense of community, history, and purpose
Certain young heroes maybe, the ones they know.

Haha, is Ted beating the shit out of T'Challa?

>The universe promise use Madness and Sadness with a bit of vanity in between.

I'm sorry I think you're getting your lore confused with Marvel.

>The future of humanity beyond that is a slow descent to the grave where one branch rotting to nothing but cockroaches that raid past glories

Sheeda were from a bad timeline and got BTFO by the universe's Seven Soldiers defense system. They get conquered by a child with a mother box.

Given that Marvel couldn't even stop the Beyonders who were bound to a single timeline they would have gotten their shit pushed in by the Sheeda.

>Malformed test rabbits

No that's Marvel. DC humans become galactic superhero larpers who use stars as computers.

>Governed not but peace but constantly warring by beings with bizarre laws and magic

Hmmm....Don't think your grammar doesn't give you away Intellectron! I'm wise to your game!

They made up at the end of the arc after Hulk had revenge sex with Umar.

Once again, Sup Forums confirmed for not reading comics before resorting to outrage

>you're a superhuman you either register with the government who likes to create giant robot armies that conquered the world in an alternate timeline and let them do whatever the fuck they want with you OR ELSE.
And you don't think DC is the same deal?
DC government is governed by shadow cabals that go beyond your understanding. Many high level politicians, Celebrities, and military leaders are part of evil Worshipping cults who will obey their master willingly amd destroy us all. There is nothing but superhumans fighting secret wars all the place, gods still come down to rape your family and unholy artifacts promise power to anyone who wields them. The streets are filled with high tech guns and superhuman drugs.

Yes he is.

Nooo! My vibranium super-suit! I thought I was in charge!

Shuri! Shuri help me!

How DC heroes handle facing down a hopeless Apocalypse.

>I'm sorry I think you're getting your lore confused with Marvel.
Nope, I'm thinking of the endless with Delirium, Despair, Dream, Desire, Destiny, Destruction, and of course our lovely lady Death.
>Sheeda were from a bad timeline and got BTFO by the universe's Seven Soldiers defense system.
The grave is still inescapable , and besides let's not forget all the present pervision going all in the seven soldiers too, the whip basically confirms there is an intense psychosexuality in being a super cowboy and Poor Sally Sonic, delibrately addicted to evil serum and eternally preyed upon by paedophiles
>DC humans become galactic superhero larpers who use stars as computers
Sad children living broken tunes? Humanity was still experimented on till we broke and it will be a long wait and a lot of modification to get to our birthright.
> I'm wise to your game!
But u r still playing it

How Marvel heroes handle facing down a hopeless Apocalypse.

Can we put this meme that "DC is just as bad as Marvel" to rest already?

Apples to oranges where we could even say it was almost a response to it. One example does not make this the standard.

>the universe was literally out of wacky and had to reestablish the balance between good and evil
>anti-life equation exists period because all things have a balance
>Greeks were always about rape; Herc is canonically a kiddie diddler in real life mythology
>Can't blame the Amazons for wanting the Justice thier gods denied them
>Gotham's evil literally comes from a demigod sleeping under Gotham
>Hub City is basically Detroit and Chicago rolled into one city
>which hero is overly vain?
>of course batman thinks that; he spent the 80s to modern day absolutely crazy
>which heroes bust if they find

>The endless are by-products of the existence of life, not the other way around
>thank goodness thr rest of thr universe exists and humanity would have spread out and outgrown earth
>white Martians and dominators fucking with human genes is actually WHY humans become super gods

>the universe was literally out of wacky and had to reestablish the balance between good and evil
But Evil exist period, it's something that we cannot escape from
>anti-life equation exists period because all things have a balance
That literally does not make sense.
>Greeks were always about rape;
The greeks were human, their folly is ours.
>Can't blame the Amazons for wanting the Justice thier gods denied them
But it shows the corruptible nature of humanity, where even the amazons are at risk.
>Gotham's evil literally comes from a demigod sleeping under Gotham
Gotham is a slaughterhouse because of it, Evil feeds Evil.
>Hub City is basically Detroit and Chicago rolled into one city
Abject Human misery left to burn.
>Which hero looks over Vanity
Aztek but not the one you're thinking of
>of course batman thinks that; he spent the 80s to modern day absolutely crazy
Not just Batman but all heroes know they're fighting a losing fight.
>which heroes bust if they find
They're merely cutting the heads of a hydra.

>The endless are by-products of the existence of life, not the other way around
Wrong. They define life as life is define by them. They are not Gods, they exist because we know them to.
>thank goodness thr rest of thr universe exists and humanity would have spread out and outgrown earth
And they will find just more of the same.
>white Martians and dominators fucking with human genes is actually WHY humans become super gods

marvels so called heroes blew up entire planets to save their own skin,

One example does not make the standard. You have a problem with this one story but a lot marvels fans did, Hickman railroaded this.

Seven different flavours of hulks was a mistake.

Marvel's afraid to go back to the 80s/90s when Hulk was a super strong smart guy with an interesting supporting cast, so they just make new hulks to do that shit.

ok then lets see,
>the fired the hulk into space
>tony stark sent actually killers after spiderman when he didn't agree with his ideals
>some how Norman Osborn, the green goblin was the head of shield and leader of the avengers
>jailed heroes in a collapsed universe
and dont get me started on what reed unleashed on earth on a weekly bases in the early years of the FF

ow and there was no punishment for scarlet witch after she killed and destroyed the avengers

So why was Betty with Tyrannus? Didn't he kidnap and try to kill her before?

hers isn't the best memory around

PS: dating a uy called TYRANNUS doesn't seem smart at all

>the fired the hulk into space
Hulk had destroyed Las Vegas and was a loose cannon. What alternative there was?
Their mistake was to put a bomb in his ship

DESU, outrage is a lot easier to communicate than general dissatisfaction. Which is what I feel looking at that page.

It's more that Red She-Hulk, who's basically Betty except angrier and with no impulse control, does it. Even then she's immediately back to pining for The Hulk when Umar cucks her, and Betty gets over her emotional issues and gets back together with Bruce at the end of the arc.

i want bruce take the red pill and become MGTOW.

That comic was DC-wankery at it's finest

Superman's gonna stick his finger in the dyke?