Flash and Black Lightning: Live Thread -"Honey, I Shrunk Team Flash"

>A meta who can shrink anything he touches battles Team Flash. Cisco and Ralph get caught in his crossfire and are shrunk to miniature versions of themselves. Cecile realizes her pregnancy has caused her to have temporary powers and discovers she can hear other people's thoughts, which unnerves Joe. Meanwhile, Barry meets someone with a mysterious connection to Henry Allen.

>As Jefferson Pierce tries to determine if the community can survive without the help of Black Lightning, Anissa starts to come into her own. Meanwhile, Jefferson and Lynn try and figure out their new dynamic. Finally, Jennifer reveals to her parents that she has been grappling with something big

>Stream 1


>Stream 2


>Steam 3


>Stream 4


Show's start in 40, come in and relax, and enjoy only night worth watching on the CW.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Tonight's episode is brough to you by ANT-MAN & THE WASP.


>only night worth watching on the CW.
Can't we all just get along?



Is Black Lightning on tonight or are they switching to SOTU

Black lightning is on after the flash.

Meatball sub & homemade chips

Black Lightning is on at the same time as SOTU. Don't reply to me with more stupid shit

Ralph is bringing all the fun..that and incest mommy.

Some Chai tea and pistachio's
Shit's good yo

I thought it was ironic.

>Only a half hour to play Subnautica.


>a shrinking episode on the Flash

>Flash does a shrinking episode before Legends

Wait a sec, if Ralph is small, can't he just stretch himself back to regular size?

I don't want shrinking episodes!

cw isnt a big enough channel to show trump in all his glory

It shrunk the matter he is made out of user..he is still limited by capacity of matter he is made out of.

>shrinking episode

jane the virgin did it already

>local CW airing MOM before le flesh
Think I might just switch over the Smackdown

Alright, well I'm ducking out at 9 then to watch Trump live. Here for Flash


Couldn't shrinked down Ralph just Elongate himself back to normal size?

Not DCCW related but might as well post it before the show starts:

>tfw finding out that Legion won't be back until April

>9 then to watch Trump live
why? he is constantly in the news and saying stupid lies? what makes this one any different?

Chocolate sandwich cookies and a sleeve of Ritz crackers


Just be glad its coming back at all my guy, it really shouldn't exist in the first place but it does.

my new favorite webm

That was a fun trailer. So, Cassie would be old enough to be Stinger/Stature by a third movie right?

>thinking we're ever getting giant girls

gail pls



You are going to eat your Irwin Allen shenanigans and like it, mister!

Is Flash good this season? I haven't caught up from past shitty season

just ordered a delivery sushi plate.

is black lightning worth watching or is it just more liberal sjw bullshit


He's not going to accidentally declare war on Latvia, user. What Black Lightning instead. He's back, you know.

But I don't like ghetto black people

I voted for Bush twice and I like it.

but ghetto blacks are the enemy. jefferson is a good black, well educated, respected member of his community

What order is the crossover please? I need to catch up.

Supergirl, Arrow, Flash, Legends.

There is too many ghetto blacks on the show and the music is ghetto black. It's just not my thing. I liked Luke Cage more

how big do you think Ralph makes his dick when hes fucking hookers and strippers?

It's... middling. Ralph is great, but the Thinker is not super great, Starbuck is awful, and they railroaded Barry into prison for reasons. Iris is back to being bad. Felicity wedding jacked Barry and Iris.


Its was never SJW bullshit. Stop acting scared whenever you see the word black.

at least you dont get "The Goldbergs"

Tobias Whale shoots them with a fucking harpoon gun, so your in your element.

I've got Family Guy. I'd kill for some inoffensive sitcom background noise. At least I wouldn't have to mute that.

at least wally can go to a better show

I was only able to see the opening scene from the premier before I went out. It was a black guy getting harassed by white cops strictly for lulz. I saved the episodes on my dvr and figured I'd give them a fair shot sometime soon

>Not like The Goldbergs

Fuck you!

It's honestly really good. It has the edgy vibe of early Arrow, the family dynamics aren't super cringey, and the action is pretty damn good. The main villain is a cool piece of shit, which is good as well.

If you can get past the surface level stuff (case in point: the first 5 or so minutes of the show), I can't imagine anyone would hate it.

Yea I watched the first two episodes. I'll watch tonight's when it's available to stream tomorrow

Mayan chocolate tea.

Modern Family for me. Thank Rao it's the early seasons, from when it was watchable.

>I can't imagine anyone would hate it.
its got blacks complaining how hard they have it, when they get everything handed to them on a silver platter for no reason


The Thinker better do something tonight.

Its like I said in I only caught the first 5 minutes on my way out the door and got a bad taste

WillTV needs to start streaming Flash again, none have ever been as good as his.

Joe pls

He's thinking about it.

Meta powers must mean that joe's spunk is metaloaded.

>A black man who works as a principal is too ghetto for me. I liked Luke "Jobless" Cage more.
Maybe you're the problem.

Husband's worst nightmare, AMIRITE FELLAS!?


>this baby is still a plot point


Yeah slavery was 200 years ago m i rite? Racism is over.

>why would I be thinking of Pokemon at a time like this?

top KEK

Why would I think about pokemon at a time like this...

Bullshit Cisco, Gengar is way cuter.

Cisco confirmed for having best taste.

I ask myself this everyday.

Psychic diabetes confirmed

It's gonna be one of those episodes

Based Crisco

Meowth is best.

Define "everything".

>mind-reading gf
That ain't good for Joe.

Oddish is way cuter

/vp/ reporting in!

this but unironically. the only racism is from blacks to whites

Leftover Taco Bell

>Based Harry not giving a fuck about this half assed sideplot

Of course barry is fucking hustling in prison

Holy kek

Big Baller Barry

>Barry already fit in

I will call you when I get shit on a silver platter you asshat moron.

how you guys holding up waiting for the switch games?


Get them cigs boy

>cheating at cards

barry, what the FUCK


>playing for pudding cups
>flashing to cheat
Fycking Barry

You have horrible taste.
Crystal is letting everyone hold out.

You mean bipolar bullshit? Yaaaay.

Quick Ass Barry speedforce though that poker game.

>Barry's just straight up cheating