JSA Storytime: Question

Good evening owls,

election finale

Other urls found in this thread:


good timing

In election news from Canada: The Ontario Conservatives lost their leader to a #metoo-ing, and the current front runner for next party leader (because he's the only one running so far) is Rob Ford's brother, Doug Ford. Doug Ford is less of a mess though, so expect fewer exported lulz.

Hello, Storyteller.

It's gonna be weird to have Ghost of all characters as Sup Forums's new waifu..

this is a really good issue dat ending

I had one brutal hangover this week I can't afford another

WHEN will EVS get exposed, I remember back when he told that depressed guy to kill himself and a bunch of comic creators basically said EVS has been like this for forever


fukken metal

The Ontario Cons manage to shoot themselves in their feet yet again.

In unrelated news, the Toronto Serial Killer (who was not connected to Manapul's sister-in-law) now has a higher confirmed kill count, and now police are searching lots of properties because he worked as a landscaper and they found some bodies hidden in planters.

D: D: D:


>In unrelated news, the Toronto Serial Killer (who was not connected to Manapul's sister-in-law) now has a higher confirmed kill count, and now police are searching lots of properties because he worked as a landscaper and they found some bodies hidden in planters.

Yeah, it's fucked to hear "Kills up to five, public now feeding leads for further additional victims"

>implying she'll be anyone's waifu


This page is a perfect example of how different O'Neil's Question is from Ditko's. Because Ditko's would have just let that guy die. And probably for less than trying to burn hm alive, frankly.

guns and alcohol are a shitty mix

yeah I thought he suicide'd last issue or so...

>In unrelated news, the Toronto Serial Killer (who was not connected to Manapul's sister-in-law) now has a higher confirmed kill count, and now police are searching lots of properties because he worked as a landscaper and they found some bodies hidden in planters.
well that's horrifying

Why wouldn't she be?


Bruce McArthur is going to be Toronto's most famous serial killer since Paul Bernardo, and probably Canada's most famous since Robert Pickton.

you might have heard this as a story about a snake, too

god this book is never fucking not relevant

I've usually heard scorpion and frog

I was reading Sandman again, and had completely forgotten that Clifford Olson was mentioned in the second arc (serial killer convention), and that they were praising him for the fucked up "deal" that he made with the RCMP

Richard told him the Canadian version. It's like the American version, but with more apologizing.


The actress is bad. There's no biggest turnoff than bad acting.

so what's out tomorrow

Deathstroke annual, Flash annual, Metal

not as boring as 5th weeks usually are


You're mums sex tape lmaoo

Deathstroke Annual
Milk Wars
Mystik U

Deathstroke Annual. Someone in the preview thread was complaining about the "new artist" being terrible (Cowan and Sienkiewicz)

Flash and Metal got me HYPE

and Milk Wars

and see if anyone comes back with Jean in Phoenix Resurrection

I haven't read the Deathstroke preview yet, but Cowan was legit awful in that Star Wars mini he drew.

hi sugartits

oh my god what

This one stuck with me, because it seemed like in his earlier appearances, he wasn't taking the Tornado too seriously, then he gets more and more afraid and more determined to warn people about it. And then this fucking shit.




I hadn't thought about it until last storytime, but I feel Weather Man's final fate is a perfect parallel of what Vic could end up becoming if he lets his "job" consume him. He's so desperate to warn people of this unstoppable destructive force that he goes out in an ultimately futile gesture, and chokes to death tangled in wires. And it's all for nothing anyway because the hurricane is already here and nobody can hear him over its destruction. Not that they'd care if they could anyway.


This page feels straight out of an early Vertigo book.


Priest updated his blog again, and here are a few thoughts:
On the Black Panther movie:
>Despite toiling under the now very tired superhero movie formula (Act Three: The Hero Faces Off Against His Doppelganger! director Ryan Coogler manages to pull off a few surprises– something I honestly did not think possible. This is not my Black Panther– it is a young king who is still learning and thus still growing and thus capable of being surprised in ways my T’Challa never could.
>While taking absolutely nothing away from Stan Lee, who was one of the people who taught me this biz, or Jack “King” Kirby, I was disappointed and a little disturbed by one thing. I would guess at least 80% of the characters up on that screen were created by Don McGregor, who was in attendance at last night’s premiere. Forget me or Reginald Hudlin or even Ta-Nehisi Coates (who sat with us), the vast and rich infrastructure of this film was a product of years of hard investment by Don, who was paid some paltry page rate. Don built the world of Wakanda, literally, maps of the place and extensive biographies and character sketches. He deserved much more than to be buried in a “Special Thanks” paragraph in the closing credits. Stan wrote, to my knowledge, only one Black Panther story, and Jack jettisoned virtually everything Don did when he did his own run on the book. Black Panther the movie is Don McGregor’s world brought to glorious life. I’d have liked him to have a larger credit for it (and better seats than waaaaay in the back with the rest of us peons).
There's way more to it on the actual blog post, but it also contains spoilers.


Cowan's art in the early 90s shifted and got way more impressionist.

Ah that sucks.

Deathstroke vs. Batman
>This miniseries has been in the works for nearly two years, having gone through several conceptual and format changes and originally presumed to coincide with the announced Batfleck film (now “The Batman” and directed by Matt Reeves). I doubt the DCEU film will echo much of our Deathstroke vs. Batman (though that would be fun!) but we’re spinning out of the momentum created by our Defiance arc into this, the ultimate custody battle between these mirror-image characters. As I see them: Batman is someone Deathstroke almost admires, if only Deathstroke weren’t so screwed up, Batman is someone he himself might have become. Deathstroke, meanwhile, is someone Batman is still capable of becoming if he compromises his self-discipline. >This character study is an interesting challenge for me as a writer, and I am delighted to be reunited with artist Carlo Pagulayan– one of the most underrated and brilliant draftsmen working today–who launched the Rebirth Deathstroke two years ago.
Justice Lost
>I am hearing very kind (maybe too-kind) things about “The People vs. Justice League” (which is actually the first half of a 10-issue run titled “Justice Lost”), which kind of surprises me a little in that I just assumed most fans would either not notice I was over there on JL or would hang me in effigy (as some are doing for my upcoming Deathstroke vs. Batman, a book that’s not even out yet and I am apparently being blamed for ruining Damian Wayne and Talia al Ghul).
He also thinks that Pete Woods is a "relatively new guy" in the industry haha


classic movies

There's impressionist and then there's flat out bad.

this is a level of sketchy background the early run did not engage, I think

love the creative team shoutouts

That's because the DC "Suggested for Mature Readers" books were Early Vertigo, the brand just hadn't been branded as such yet.

Win's a win, I guess.


>"Sternglow act"
That. Fucking. CALLBACK.

Man, that's exactly why I keep thinking of Vertigo as a late 80s thing and totally forget it came out in '93...

this is, like, hard boiled

Vic with a mullet and leather jacket >>> Vic with a decent haircut, trilby and trenchcoat
That is all.


hey Judge these scans don't have the letters


ha ha WHOOPS!

thanks for reading, either back Thursday or Friday, depending

OP going to the opera tomorrow night

That's not me, you faggot.

>or would hang me in effigy (as some are doing for my upcoming Deathstroke vs. Batman, a book that’s not even out yet and I am apparently being blamed for ruining Damian Wayne and Talia al Ghul).
based Priest

Thanks for posting as always, Storyteller.

Poor Myra. Life just keeps shitting on her.

MotherFUCKER! God that still pisses me the fuck off, holy shit.

Anywho... letters. As you can see, the Fables Annual has already been published by now. So feel free to fit that whenever.

So yeah, mild spoilers for that Annual's story in dis here letter column.

Also, not comics, but enjoy this 1989 ad for a collection of 1965 songs... ON CEE-DEE!

Needs more Four Tops

Also, Storyteller if you're still here, would you consider running Infinity Inc. at some point?

Saddle up kids, this is going to get worse before it gets worse.

it'd be a re-run, buuut

I remember yelling "NO FUCKING WAY" when I read this page for the first time

Fucking Hub City elections can't end without a murder, can they?

How do you ruin Damian? That's like spoiling the contents of a septic tank.

There's going to be so much shitposting from damifag in the next few weeks

Bump because I just found out today is Denys Cowan's birthday.

Thanks OP

Man I saw it coming but still, fucking hell.