Consider Bojack Horseman a new show

>consider Bojack Horseman a new show
>season 5 is coming out in a few months

where did the time go

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you will only get older

Like sands through an hourglass...

Don't worry, you won't have to think about getting old for long. You'll be dead soon enough.

Time's arrow marches on

wait i didn't know this came out
i saw the music video years ago, did was the movie actually good after the fucking four year wait?


Haven't watched yet, but seems it's has more of a family movie tone.

I have a great need for a whole lot less Diane.

so guys any bets on what horrible tragedy will befall our hooved alcoholic friend?

why not both?

it would be interesting to see him be a better person but be devastated from helping others too much all at once

Something stupid and predictable and sad so this show can keep going because if the characters are happy then they can't make a show.

Honestly? I predict that Mr. Peanutbutter is going to become more like BoJack and BoJack is going to become more like PB

Is this going to be the last season? If so, then he will fake his death, and will live the rest of his life incognito in Maine, in a little house by a lake.

I feel like he comes back to the "house by the lake" concept too often for it to be poignant in the near future, there'd need to be at least five more seasons without mentioning it at all, if they plan on having that as an effective ending.

With all of these sexual scandals in Hollywood I have a feeling that BoJack will have to confront sexual harrassment allegations from shit he did in the 90s

Either him or Mr. Peanutbutter

why do people like this show? it's just a bunch of rich people whining about being sad

They already said S5 will focus on Trump. I'm as disappointed as you are.

God damn it.

>it's that one really butthurt poor guy who's convinced only poor people can be depressed
Man, I haven't seen you around since S2 discussion.

Where did they say that? It makes no sense when S4 was about a political campaign.

>In an interview with Indiewire, Bob-Waksberg said that he didn’t think he could continue making the same BoJack Horseman in light of recent events. Instead of harping on the “small hypocrisies of rich liberals,” he wanted to shed a serious light on how the country was coping with the election of Donald Trump. Although Bob-Waksberg said there wouldn’t be as much of this in season four, due to the show already being written, if they were granted a fifth season, he wouldn’t let that opportunity pass him by.

>“I think BoJack is definitely very much about kind of the burdens of being comfortable,” Bob-Waksberg told Indiewire. “I don’t know if those are the kinds of stories we’re going to be as interested in moving forward. I know I’m certainly less interested in exploring the small hypocrisies of rich liberals.

>“I’m not in the mood to poke fun at those kinds of people when there are real, real problems that we need to talk about.”

It would honestly be really ballsy if Penny and Charlotte are pressured by someone into launching allegations against Bojack. Even though nothing actually happened, the fact that it got as far as it did is something that Bojack has to learn to take responsibility for.

Considering the climate of Hollywood irl I expect this

>small hypocrisies of liberals

holy shit @podestaemails @dnccheating @sanderswouldhavewon

>the fact that it got as far as it did

yeah that's a stretch. pedophilia is not hebephilia is not ephebophilia.

You realise that in the context of English grammar, "small" hypocrisies can coexist with extreme ones?

With PB it would be false accusations, since the guy was always literally as loyal as a dog.
With Bojack however i can't say. We know he fucked bitches all the time in the 90's, paying for abortions and such, so one drunken night where he slapped someone's ass is pretty feasible.

In any case, the show was amusingly way ahead of RL events and the Hollywoo sexual scandal plot was already done with Hippopopalous, so they are not going to rehash it.

The reason why I called it "ballsy" is because there's a surprising amount of moral greyness in how it could be treated, which would fly in the face of everyone who thinks that the whole Hollywood abuse scandal is either just a straight witch hunt or a flawless crusade. The fact that Bojack started stalking her during one of his drug binges doesn't reflect well on him either, which could in turn transition into people questioning why he was with Sara Lynn a few days before she died.

The earlier seasons are about him wanting to maintain some sense of relevance in the public eye. Having that be turned against him in the form of a massive scandal and hate campaign would be a great twist.


Well she's a gold digger, a subverted one.

When is the new season supposed to come out?

I should probably just start assuming every show will be about FUCK DRUMP from here on out and get the disappointment out of the way


>almost 60 years old
I don't think that's the way it works.

Love her voice though

>big pink cat with great work ethic
>not cute

get off my board

>good voice
>self supportive
>not the way it works
Get out of my face user.

I really hope it doesn't. After how season 3 destroyed all the good things at the end of season 2 I feel like Bojack making any more stupid mistakes would just be unnesecary at this point. Dude is beginning to actually make real amends with people from his past. Everything that happened with his mother was fucking beautiful.

See, Sarah Lynn? We're not doomed. In the grand scheme of things, we're just tiny specs that will one day be forgotten. It doesn't matter what we did in the past or how we will be remembered. The only thing that matters is right now, this moment; this one spectacular moment we are sharing together. Right, Sarah Lynn? Sarah Lynn? ...Sarah Lynn?

>our hooved alcoholic friend
bojack doesn't have hooves

Will they finally write out Todd?

I wish they'd just have him act and behave like a normal person like the rest of the cast. He occasionally says some good shit but it all falls flat because it's him that says it.

I hope not. He might not rekindle his friendship with Bojack, but he's still buddies with a bunch other characters so there'll be stuff for him to do.

If there was a moment to write him out, that would've been after his own episode, where he realizes he doesn't have to live and die trying to please everyone else

The zombie dentists were really "out of character" for the series, I kept expecting them to pull a twist somewhere but nope, just played straight to the end.

Dunno, no one seems to have uploaded a copy that doesn't require a registered account or to complete an offer to get a simple passcode.

The creators know that the show would get old if it was just "Bojack is sad, does thing, thing fails, bojack stays sad".
He will likely grow more into a side character, and the season will focus much more on the rest of the cast (Like last season, but more).
I think the jokes in his story arcs will center more around him being a sour, bitter dick about everything, and constantly bitching, but still work towards improving his life and fixing the remains of his relationships with his friends, coworkers, and family.

Princess Carolyn will likely have some kind of major shift soon. She discarded her entire personal and professional life. I think it'll likely be a serious career change, possibly averted by the end of the season. Probably will start working a job centered around children, then get way too efficient and professional about it, and accidentally start up some huge successful corporation because of it.

Peanutbutter will start being less likable, as we get to see how egocentric he really is, how is demons are catching up with him, and how his facade and attitude is intolerable by anyone for a prolonged amount of times (The non-insane people from his past dislike him, its a consistent pattern in his ex'es and people who used to work with him).

Diane will likely end up banging bojack and tear her entire life apart, but then blame it on Mr. PB, likely catalyzing PB's decent.

Todd will probably start to take a distance from PB, as his role is necessary for comic relief. Likely he will just keep having wacky B-plots in the episodes with heavier themes.

How would you end the show?

I'd personally just keep churning out regular seasons of the highest quality I can until Netflix cancelled it, I know there's no making a satisfactory ending for this story.

Isn't it kinda sad how Bojack understands Diane more than PB ever will despite Diane sharing everything with PB?

Bojack learning to accept he will never be happy all the time but understand that being a mopey jackass isn't any better.

I'd like to see some sort of long distance sibling relationship with Hollyhock. Maybe something that causes Bojack to lose all his other friends over something he/they did, but he still has phone calls with Holly and they stay pretty close with non-advice.

Diane will get into a relationship with Bojack and destroy his Happiness

One character will kill themselves.
It'll have some kind of endings to one of each characters arc, but not fully complete their character and make them 'happy'.

would you a holly?

I honestly thought that this should have been used as a series ending, as it really fits the tone of the series in general: not everything is perfect, shit is going to happen, but you can accept that and work on doing the best out of it.

Someone who's a little weird and awkward but with a strong sense of basic right and wrong appeals to me, yeah. As I've gotten older, that latter part has become way more important than career or appearance.


I really don't want that to happen, as getting those two together is like an endless abyss of self-loathing and alcoholism that is bad for both of them.

Does she yell “fish” when she cums?

It sounds like something that would happen in the second-to-last season as the climax. Personally, I hope it doesn't happen since I'd be expecting it way too much, but it's an easy way to bring at least three major characters to the lowest point they'll ever be in the series.

desu I like that it keeps going, bojack doesnt get to just say "well I'll keep trying" and we take it at face value. You get to see him actually struggle with applying self improvement to his life. Theres limitations to what you can change about yourself and how fast you can do it.

Wait the new seasons is coming out in a few months? But season 4 air only a few months ago.

Only Bojack and PB are rich main characters, and they're not human.

To be fair on PB, his exes do seem to be genuinely terrible people, with or without him.

Heck, I wonder how they ended up together on both occasions.

If they want to play it safe, they could always bring back the Hank issue and resolve it with him facing consequences. There's at least a less cynical precedent for it now.
They could hang the matter of Penny over Bojack's head in the background, and build up to some resolution to that.

Bojack and drowning seems to be a reoccurring motif in the series that feels like it's building up to something.

Can't imagine the show will end with him being randomly killed off however.
Even if it'd be reflective of how Horsing Around ended.

he will die trying to kill drumpf
fuck white people

Should have ended with S3
Now its too late it will not have a satisfying ending

1. i'm not that guy
2. rich people have easier access to therapy and medication and they never have to worry about living paycheck to paycheck therefore they have no reason to be sad

Guess we are going to run in circles?

but she's 43

>No reason to be sad

Because people with money are always happy. They might have less worries with money, but they are still people which are subject to the same things other people get sad about. This your problems are smaller than mine shit is just another reason we have a stigma about the mentally ill vs. the medically and physical ill. No one wins anything from turning their issues into a contest.

Literally this. Bojack's optimistic new outlook pushes him into a whole new direction. But it would eventually backfire if he decided to pour too much time trying to help out those close to him. Considering Bojack's damaged relationships enough in the past as it is, with only getting Todd to welcome him back rather than accept him as a friend again (and be more than not-friends) he'd probably project their problems unto himself.

Season 5's finale I am going to take an educated guess and say that Todd pushes for Bojack to focus on his own happiness while keeping the door open to help anyone in need instead of barging in to help when it is not time to get it. I don't know if I worded that right.

Todd can honestly fuck off after being mad at a guy he didn't consider a friend anymore for being gone for a year.

Will we ever see her smile again?

I had no hopes for season 4 and it turned out pretty good. There are a couple episodes I would just excise like a tumour and they would leave the rest of the season ok, so I imagine season 5 will be similar.

I can only hope that they reel Todd in and make his character less obnoxious, and maybe have the show call out Diane for being such a bitch to Mr Peanutbutter but I doubt any of those will happen.

Where da Wanda at?

Season 4 was good because it broke the status quo. That is one of the reasons why season 3 was disliked by so many because it was having this formulic theme that made season 2's ending go nowhere.

if you are a rich mentally ill person you have money for treatment therefore who the fuck cares about your problems

Honestly that's one of the reasons I ship BojackXDiane. It'd be a mess and tragedy, but it feels so right.

Mr. Peanutbutter has almost no empathy. Not to say he's cruel or mean, but he's literally unable to imagine how other's might feel, especially when he gets excited about something.

On the other hand, we've seen Bojack start to deliver better and better advice as the seasons have gone on. I genuinely think Diane would be happier with someone she didn't feel the need to impress or live up to.

But the way things are going, Bojack would finally make the right decision and turn her down.

I think they'll extend a plot from the simpsons where Bojack has to pretend to be PCs husband so she can adopt.

Sarah Lynn's death was pretty much the only really good event that happened in that season. Everything else was needless filler.

I think you might be right. I enjoyed season 3, but I didn't really find any of it exceptional the way I did for the other seasons, I also think the emotional payoff of Sarah Lynn dying was pretty weak since I never really cared that much for her character.

Actually looking back on it, I think I only really liked the scene where Bojack and Diane meet Cuddlywhiskers, the 2007 episode and the underwater one. The rest just seems to be a sea of "Oh yeah, that happened".

It is one of the many many problems modern (and past day) cartoons suffer from. Which is why Season 4 was such a breath of fresh air. In fact, it was the only season I ever watched more than three times.

Spoken like a true normie.

>Depression is normal
Are you okay, user?

meant for

I meant have actual problems or character flaws.

Break out the Guinness.

he will finally become happy only to get murdered by someone.

He provided her alcohol, and had been staying with the family long enough that he was in a position of authority over her akin to a babysitter or teacher. It is, at bare minimum, super creepy and sleazy.

His flaw is that he's retarded.
His character is that he perceives the same things differently than other people. Instead of going "Oh woah is me, I'm poor." He thinks "Well the important thing is that we have each other."

Treatmeant does not always solve your problems, there are no guarantees. The rich have money, but so does a lot of the people living in well developed countries. We are mostly better off than the Africa, Middle East, and South East Asia sites, but even the average American can find shit to feel sad and awful about. Money gives you status, but you are all subject to a shitty brain chemistry and disorders.

>The non-insane people from his past dislike him, its a consistent pattern in his ex'es and people who used to work with him
That's because PB is a chronic people pleaser, and those types of people attract emotional abusers like Katrina and Diane

I like Todd.
His crazy antics can be refreshing.

Diane divorces Mr. PB.

She begins getting in a relationship with Bojack.

Then, with very little buildup or indication that it's coming, to make it more shocking, Mr. PB will commit suicide. Bojack will feel responsible.

It will be interesting if Trump drives everyone batshit insane but Bojack and Holly remain perfectly sane and rational as everyone else goes on an accelerated downward spiral from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Which would make Bojack's redemption all the sweeter in that he gets better when everyone else is at their worst

PB being blamed for sexual harassment makes for a better storyline, given how one of his biggest things about PB is how he constantly coasts through life without any hardships or complications.

Him dealing with a vengeful ex falsely accusing him of sexual assault/harassment would fit in with Bojack's redemption arc as Bojack knows PB is innocent and sticks by him

Let's be real here, this show is more likely to do a "Actually, Mr. Peanut Butter totally IS a harasser, he just didn't know it" storyline than they are to do a false accusation storyline

#timesup lol

Calling it, Mr.PB will stop with the fake happiness Bs and end it all.