We set up this picnic jus fer you user

We set up this picnic jus fer you user.

Other urls found in this thread:


>the adventures of huckleberry ann by jay naylor

holy shit never thought i would see the shitty furry version of tom sawyer on Sup Forums
(saw this on dvd when i was eight)


The man who drew an anthropomorphic cat fuck his sister.

You got some niiiiiiiiiiiice sandwiches in there I bet.

Oh yeah better days that was hot

It was. I would have a bisexual incestuous 3 way with them while the jew mouse wife masturbates in the corner along with her kids.

what is this a movie? I need more info

Left - kill
Middle - fuck
Right - marry.

Tom Sawyer.
Directed by Paul Sabella.

what about the frog?

>you will never be as wrong as this person

>scratching his arm like a junkie in need of a fix

well, I am pretty hungry, but if some kid shows up claiming to be an angel, I'm outta here.

One in the middle is adorable.

especially the frog

Tom and Huck was one of my first and worst ships. I blame this for my furry tendencies.

What about Tom?

thanks user

MAN, where the FUCK is the porn?????????

we have the exclusive

>not marrying Amy

it's all feet shit

>jay naylor


holy FUCK. I saw this on VHS as a kid, haven't heard of it in probably 20 years. goddamn. pretty sure i had some of my earliest boners to the girl on the right

best internal anal cumshot I ever seen in a porn comic

damn man I read that in his voice

Hispachan, please.

That ones in overalls. Are they traps?


That's a cute catgirl

I'm considering watching the movie again to see if it is up to my standard of quality hopefully i don't wear rose tinted nostalgia shades while watching the film.

>the only lewd of this movie is feet shit and torture porn

/trash/ and caturdays exist for a reason


el ogro de las americas...

The aunt also has quite a bit of art


Do you pick the tomboy or the girly girl?

Girly girls are superior in every way to tomboys. Tomboys are just rambunctious attention whores with bad hygiene.

>tfw I've never seen the shitty furry version of David Copperfield on Sup Forums before

This will always be my little secret

Please pass the egg salad.


Here's that (you)

Fight me user. Tomboys are shitty. Prim and proper women who act like women are the best.

Cheese factory, purple slime monster, I hate boys.

Why would I fight you? That means more tomboys for me and more girly girls for you. Everybody wins

That's a good way of looking at it.

Of course you do know this means my waifu is superior to your waifu.

Not for a very long time. I'm honestly surprised this thread is still up


>Girly girls

>Scared of their own femininity.

>one forward-slash
>not two

Now THAT'S a stylistic choice worthy of /trash/.

Why don't you guys have a waifu swap like that old ABC show?

A bitter pill for this site to swallow.

Which'n is that?

if you must convince yourself

Its not that cut and dry though, both are good as long as the charecter is well written, only autists who waifu based off a still make such generalizations

Wew, when those twin fag foxes think Ann's a cute boy and DP rape her only to find out she's a girl. You can't write that shit every day guys. That's porn kino.

Now that looks like a Family Guy cutaway sketch.

All tomboys turn into dykes and trannies. Prove me wrong.

looking at your mom it seems to be the case. I admit defeat.




¿Por qué no las dos?

Girly girls become lipstick lesbians user.

Also, my tomboy waifu would kick your girly girl waifu's ass in a fight and make her tap out in front of you.

>not being a lesbian
Does not compute.

This sounds like the making of a lesbian porno.

>not wanting a waifu with the same interests and brain damage as yourself
>not restoring a comfy two seater biplane together
>not flying around together to go on little adventures
Your opinion is wrong

French cartoon called Mini-Wolf. This webm is less relevant to the thread. I just posted the other one because it was also a picnic. Technically.

It's a cute show, though.

>his girlfriend is his actual friend
You're seeking a friend not a wife.

Why not both?


It's possible user. Rare and precious, but possible.

Fuck that sounds comfy.

Who are you people?
How did you know I would be here?

I've always wanted to see a tomboy fight a girly girl just to get beaten and humiliated. The tomboy tries her hardest but just gets crushed, she gets outfought and outwrestled and she has to cry uncle and beg for the girly girl to stop.

The tomboy has to deal with the humiliation of her rival not only being a better girl but also a better "boy" by being the better fighter.

It is my fetish. It is a good fetish, but as far as I know I'm the only person who has it.

I can't even think of any good tomboy vs girly girl fights let alone ones where the girly girl wins.

But why not?

Yeah imagine that shit.

No it's not. You desire a women who has unsexed herself and made herself unsuitable wife material. You're free to have your "waifu" but don't pretend it's actually relatable to having an actual wife.

That's like your opinion

You have a remarkable taste in fetishes.
Because what you desire is innately not female companionship. You desire a "bro".
I'm objectively correct.

Shit-tier fetish, Satan.

>a bro with a vagina
Yes, and?

Uno de nosotros...

You like trannies in denial.

So what species are the blacks?

Sure thing user.

Just don't project it like it is in sequence with reality to feed your self delusion.


Not at all. The ideal tomboy is a woman who replaces negative feminine traits with positive masculine traits while still being a woman.

She's feisty rather than submissive. She's calm and rational rather than emotional. She's interested in things rather than people. She's adventurous rather than cautious. She's creative rather than reflective.

She's a tomboy and she is awesome.

I don't think I'm the one projecting here user.

whoah, those are some big words

so are we getting any art out of this thread or what?

>negative feminine traits
You know I was holding back as to not presume too much. But you've confirmed my suspicion of what you really have is an aversion to wholesale femininity, no doubt due to how it showcases your lack of masculinity. You want to have your cake and eat it too. It's no wonder why that message resonates so well here.
Are you hiding?
For you.


Just imagine it. An overall wearing short-haired farmgirl wrestles with her long-haired skirt wearing rival. She's shocked. She's wrestled with the boys all her life as she grew up and usually won, but the long-haired girl isn't just keeping up with her, she's beating her.

The tomboy's always had a slight contempt in the back of her mind for girls like her rival, girls that are into what she thinks are frivolous and silly things like makeup and dresses and hair ribbons. She's always thought they were soft.

But she's on her back, and her rival is wrapping her lilly white legs around her tanned neck. She's slapping her face. She's ordering her to say uncle.

The tomboy tries desperately to push the leg away but her rival grabs her own dainty ankle and pulls the lock in tighter. The tomboy's denim covered legs and bare tanned feet kick at the ground. She pushes with both hands at the leg but its not enough.

The tomboy, deep down, has always been intimidated by girly girls. She'd never admit it, but their prettiness made her self conscious. She would tell others that she dressed like a boy because it was more comfortable or practical or because she didn't need makeup and dresses to look pretty. But really it was because she was afraid that in a dress she would look...stupid. Wrong.

But the tomboy told herself that it was okay. She had qualities that made her better than the barbie dolls and girly girls. She was strong. She was tough.

She licked the boys, and it wasn't because they let her...right?

But now here she was, losing a fight to a girl that looked like a doll.

She didn't want to cry. Crying was what girly girls did.

But the tears flowed through her tightly shut eyelids.

>You know I was holding back as to not presume too much.
were you really


>Aversion to wholesale femininity.

Not at all. You have to understand that I'm speaking of the ideal tomboy and her appeal.

You have to understand that the ideal tomboy is + positive masculine traits -negative feminine traits. A bad tomboy would be the reverse, negative masculine traits at the cost of positive feminine traits. She's unhygenic instead of clean and organized. She's neurotically obsessed with hobbies instead of social obligation. She's obnoxious in her individuality instead of being socially sensitive.

>Not for a very long time
